BatGrindMan Ban Hammer Alert!

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In accordance with the rules of the Klub, the following is being transmitted to Grind:

Thought I'd remind you of this, BatGrindMan:

We have a rule against using personal information with the intent to harass. It's what got ID banned. And if you keep it up I will happily ban you again as well.

As we have said many times, you are on thin ice. You really don't get how little good will you have left. If you continue to post here and harass members and try to use personal information against them, you will be banned, permanently.

Roll the dice usfreedom. See what happens.


JB is the guy with the doo-rag and sunglasses on, standing "stage left" and slightly behind the other guy wearing the dark sunglasses.

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Is that Grind saying that? Where is that post? Wow. I want to read that post. That's almost like, a hot post. And I don't think of grind that way. Link me up Howey.
Is that Grind saying that? Where is that post? Wow. I want to read that post. That's almost like, a hot post. And I don't think of grind that way. Link me up Howey.

It was a locked thread so I couldn't direct quote him.

He's as bad as Poet.
Poet posted a great deal of information and when DY referred to it, Poet went postal and demanded that DY be banned.
I was able to show that what Poet was crying about, was information that he had posted himself and the ban was listed.

Now Howard comes on and in previous posts, he made sure I understood that he wasn't the one in the doo-rag and shades; but instead was JB. He also mentioned that he was a "ginger".

He tried this before, when he first posted that picture and a second one, and when you look at the pictures; you can see which site they came from and that James was the one who's name is on them.
When I brought up James, he tried to have me banned; when he was the one who revealed who is who.
He's as bad as Poet.
Poet posted a great deal of information and when DY referred to it, Poet went postal and demanded that DY be banned.
I was able to show that what Poet was crying about, was information that he had posted himself and the ban was listed.

Now Howard comes on and in previous posts, he made sure I understood that he wasn't the one in the doo-rag and shades; but instead was JB. He also mentioned that he was a "ginger".

He tried this before, when he first posted that picture and a second one, and when you look at the pictures; you can see which site they came from and that James was the one who's name is on them.
When I brought up James, he tried to have me banned; when he was the one who revealed who is who.

It is pretty obvious that he is baiting a trap for you, I am now fully convinced that Howey is only here to spread mayhem and discord.
Bumped forward, with the links.

He's as bad as Poet.
Poet posted a great deal of information and when DY referred to it, Poet went postal and demanded that DY be banned.
I was able to show that what Poet was crying about, was information that he had posted himself and the ban was listed.

Now Howard comes on and in previous posts, he made sure I understood that he wasn't the one in the doo-rag and shades; but instead was JB. He also mentioned that he was a "ginger".

He tried this before, when he first posted that picture and a second one, and when you look at the pictures; you can see which site they came from and that James was the one who's name is on them.
Post 38

When I brought up James, he tried to have me banned; when he was the one who revealed who is who.

There was even a thread, where this was discussed.
It is pretty obvious that he is baiting a trap for you, I am now fully convinced that Howey is only here to spread mayhem and discord.

I'm beginning to believe that he just wants to recruit posters, for his own forum and is recruiting them from here.
He's as bad as Poet.
Poet posted a great deal of information and when DY referred to it, Poet went postal and demanded that DY be banned.
I was able to show that what Poet was crying about, was information that he had posted himself and the ban was listed.

Now Howard comes on and in previous posts, he made sure I understood that he wasn't the one in the doo-rag and shades; but instead was JB. He also mentioned that he was a "ginger".

He tried this before, when he first posted that picture and a second one, and when you look at the pictures; you can see which site they came from and that James was the one who's name is on them.
When I brought up James, he tried to have me banned; when he was the one who revealed who is who.

It is pretty obvious that he is baiting a trap for you, I am now fully convinced that Howey is only here to spread mayhem and discord.

Why? USF was warned about it, repeatedly. Why would he post it again, along with personal information?

It's like last week when he kept reposting the same thread over and over.

He's lucky he's not banned, but his idiocy amuses the mods which is keeping him around. That plus everyone's got him on ignore.
It is pretty obvious that he is baiting a trap for you, I am now fully convinced that Howey is only here to spread mayhem and discord.

Never were truer words spoken. His feigned indignation might be more plausible if he weren't running around claiming to have others IPs. I have it in good authority that the mods think Howey is a joke and a royal pain in the ass
Dood, in the rule when I tell you to be careful what you post because it gives others permission to use it, it includes images.
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