because no one else has.......swing states......


fully immersed in faith..
when shall we start talking about swing states?......

Trump currently leads Biden in Michigan by 7 I recall Trump never led Biden in Michigan in 2020......18 electoral votes........
when shall we start talking about swing states?......
Liberals don't wish to talk about "the swing states". Liberals need election fraud in order to "win" any of them these days... especially since minorities and younger people are increasingly turning against the Demonkkkrat Party.
Trump currently leads Biden in Michigan by 7 I recall Trump never led Biden in Michigan in 2020......18 electoral votes........
Michigan is probably going to make Demonkkkrats cry. Trump's support there has only grown since 2020 (due to his recognition and support of the auto workers there who are getting sold out in favor of Chinese EV plants being built in Mexico). Trump will save their jobs; Biden will eliminate their jobs. It's an easy choice for those voters. Plus, the Muslim community there are not pleased with Biden, and without their support, Biden only has a bigger hill to climb (iow, much more election fraud than last time is going to be needed this time around... the organic win margin for Trump just might very well be "too big to rig"... we'll see though). Trump's organic lead in Michigan might very well be 7-ish points, but once you factor in election fraud, it'll could just as easily be a "squeeeeeaker" of a "win" for Biden.

Pennsylvania could very well do the same. Scott Presler moved there recently and is working overtime on registering voters (and recruiting people to register voters) as well as voter outreach efforts. He was even registering voters at Trump's recent Wildwood rally that drew 80,000+ people.

Wisconsin is always a "sleeper" state that polls more favorably towards Democrats than the final result when people actually vote during (s)election season. Conservatives here tend to be "Midwest nice", and they generally don't wish to "stir the pot", so there's plenty of "silent Trump supporters" that get overlooked. There's also plenty of low propensity "working class" voters for Trump's taking if there'd be any real effort to go out and get them.

Nevada is likely going to make Demonkkkrats cry. They have a sizeable Hispanic population, especially in Clark County, that has soured on Biden and has become increasingly favorable towards Trump.

Arizona is much of the same. Phoenix will go Trump's way this time around (their residents have learned re: the election day fraud ("voting machines down") that happened there in 2022).

Georgia isn't even a thought (it took a bunch of fraud in order to steal it in 2020).

North Carolina isn't even a thought (Trump will romp it there).

Florida is long gone... Trump by AT LEAST 10 points.

Texas isn't even close. Trump by probably 8-ish points (possibly more). Yes, Florida will probably vote to the right of Texas this time around.

Iowa and Ohio are long gone. They both are probably at least 10 point wins for Trump.

Minnesota could possibly go Trump's way this year. Maine could too. New Jersey, New Hampshire, and Virginia are all rather competitive, and even New Mexico and New York aren't completely out of the question. Yet, outside of Minnesota and Maine, these are all "long shots".

In any event, it will take even more election fraud than occurred in 2020 in order to stop the Trump Train in 2024.
when shall we start talking about swing states?......

Trump currently leads Biden in Michigan by 7 I recall Trump never led Biden in Michigan in 2020......18 electoral votes........
Who has the stronger election-stealing squads in Michigan, just going by the current standings? I heard the Biden team has drafted a few first-round trophy-winners out of New York and is getting some 12B-1 visas for some contract pros from the UN.

Trump's election theft efforts have been anemic to nonexistent and if his recruiters don't come up with something surprising, and fast, it looks like the theft is going to go to Biden this time as well.
I think that it's entirely possible for Trump to win,
in which case it will be entirely unnecessary for the human species to endure.
I think that it's entirely possible for Trump to win,
Trump would always dominate Biden in a free and fair election. Too bad this country doesn't do free and fair elections, so Biden very well could be installed once again. Can "the cheat" be overcome or not? That is the question...
Trump has ten point lead in GA where new laws prohibit a repeat of the fraudulent, unconstitutional election methods of 2020......16 electoral votes
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I'll just point out that there's no way in hell that Trump would win all of those other states without also winning Wisconsin. But that sort of a heavy DEM tilt is typical for how Wisconsin polls, so if Wisconsin is polling about "even", then Trump would actually win there by 5+ points.

This is all mistakenly assuming a free and fair election, of course.
I am starting to see a lot of people counting their CHICKEN before it hatches!

There are still 174 days before the election.

Swing states are something on the rise, and new ones will be revealed and considered Swing States in 2024 that were not even on the radar last election.

I honestly believe Texas will be one of the new SWING STATES after the 2024 election.

All I can honestly say now, is Texas is a competitive state, and has been for the last presidential and mid-term elections.

And there is a lot of disgust and dissatisfaction with educated voters and women in Donald Trump everywhere- including Texas!
I am starting to see a lot of people counting their CHICKEN before it hatches!
:blah: :blah: :blah:
There are still 174 days before the election.
Who says that an election is going to be held?
Swing states are something on the rise,
Translation: States that can be frauded away from MAGA candidates are something on the rise.
and new ones will be revealed and considered Swing States in 2024 that were not even on the radar last election.
Indeed. Demonkkkrats are working overtime to be capable of committing election fraud in "earning We The People's support in" as many states as possible.
I honestly believe Texas will be one of the new SWING STATES after the 2024 election.
I suppose there ARE a lot of illegals flooding into Texas......... ;)
All I can honestly say now, is Texas is a competitive state, and has been for the last presidential and mid-term elections.
Texas is not competitive (re: Trump, anyway). Trump will win it going away. Demonkkrats cannot commit enough fraud in Texas to overturn it... yet.
And there is a lot of disgust and dissatisfaction with educated voters and women in Donald Trump everywhere- including Texas!

And this is why Biden "agreed" to debates. If he had a lead he'd be hiding in the basement and sending out surrogates to point fingers at the mean orange man. Now that isn't working and he's behind, debates can help someone that is behind, change a trajectory of a campaign.