By 3 votes....

Begich ahead by 3 votes in Alaska
Nick Cargo and David Edwards
Published: Wednesday November 12, 2008

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Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK) and Democratic opponent Mark Begich are neck-and-neck for Stevens' seat as Alaska continues counting absentee and early ballots not counted on Election Day.

On November 4, Stevens led by about 3,000 votes against Begich, the current mayor of Anchorage. The state's Division of Elections, reports the Anchorage Daily News, has counted about 43,000 absentee ballots on Wednesday, with 35,000 more expected in the next week. As of Wednesday evening, Begich was in the lead by three votes, with 125,019 against Stevens' 125,016.

Whether 84-year-old Stevens keeps his seat for long if he prevails is unclear. On October 27, he was convicted of seven federal felony counts for false statements made on financial disclosure forms between 1999 and 2006 to conceal over $250,000 worth of gifts and services from Alaska oil services contractor VECO, including a remodel of one of his houses. Regardless of the appeals process, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said on November 1, Stevens will face an ethics investigation followed by his ejection from the Senate, where he has served since 1968.

"I'd be interested to know who the Republican Party leadership is rooting for," the Washington Post's Chris Cillizza told MSNBC's Keith Olbermann on Wednesday night, citing a "taint of corruption."

"I don't think they want Ted Stevens to come back," he said. "I think they want a clean break with the last eight years...and they would almost rather--I don't say they would rather--but I think it is a debate whether they want Senator Stevens back or not."
Water, I am telling you, I will laugh like crazy if he goes down. I am sure you have seen Sarah! all over the tv shows pushing people out of the way. It was reported tonight that the republican governors don't even want to tak about 2012 because that is code for Sarah! so they only want to talk about 2010. they don't want her there. But Sarah! is determined to plow through that crack and God help you if you are in her way.

But Stevens going down, gives the seat to a Dem and sticks Sarah! back in Alaska, the last place on earth she wants to be, until at least 2010. She has already tasted this senate seat. She's drooling.

This would be hysterical.
Water, I am telling you, I will laugh like crazy if he goes down. I am sure you have seen Sarah! all over the tv shows pushing people out of the way. It was reported tonight that the republican governors don't even want to tak about 2012 because that is code for Sarah! so they only want to talk about 2010. they don't want her there. But Sarah! is determined to plow through that crack and God help you if you are in her way.

But Stevens going down, gives the seat to a Dem and sticks Sarah! back in Alaska, the last place on earth she wants to be, until at least 2010. She has already tasted this senate seat. She's drooling.

This would be hysterical.

I assume that the absentee ballots they are going to count next week are from the same basic pool of votes. So they are going to trend Democratic just like these. I think we should start calling him senator-elect Begich right now.

Guhbye Stevens! Have fun in prison! :)

And sorry Sarah! Looks like you're already a has-been! :)
This is the best news I've heard all day.

They have officially declared him the winner! It has not been addressed in the paper as to whether the Steven's camp was going to ask for a recount.

Congrats! Begich! I got an invitation to his party Thursday, don't know yet, if I will attend.
Water, I am telling you, I will laugh like crazy if he goes down. I am sure you have seen Sarah! all over the tv shows pushing people out of the way. It was reported tonight that the republican governors don't even want to tak about 2012 because that is code for Sarah! so they only want to talk about 2010. they don't want her there. But Sarah! is determined to plow through that crack and God help you if you are in her way.

But Stevens going down, gives the seat to a Dem and sticks Sarah! back in Alaska, the last place on earth she wants to be, until at least 2010. She has already tasted this senate seat. She's drooling.

This would be hysterical.

It seems like you frame her ambition negatively, because she's a woman. Is she supposed to "know her place"?
They have officially declared him the winner! It has not been addressed in the paper as to whether the Steven's camp was going to ask for a recount.

Congrats! Begich! I got an invitation to his party Thursday, don't know yet, if I will attend.

nope... Stevens already conceded.
They have officially declared him the winner! It has not been addressed in the paper as to whether the Steven's camp was going to ask for a recount.

Congrats! Begich! I got an invitation to his party Thursday, don't know yet, if I will attend.
He conceded.
I did the happy dance at the stop light when I heard the good news. I was coming from my oncologist who had also given me good news! So, I was one happy frog! Jumping all around like a crazy person. It felt so good!