Being libertarian


Freedom Freaks by Michael Idov

Scenes from the tragicomic demise of the Libertarian Party.

"As Brian Doherty writes in his definitive 741-page tome, Radicals for Capitalism, being a libertarian means "sailing on seas of opposition and indifference with an often bizarre and difficult bunch of shipmates." The movement's embrace of personal freedom is wide enough to welcome a Wall Street wing concerned mostly with deregulation; a sci-fi contingent dreaming of space colonies and immortality; a sizable anarchist (or "minarchist") faction preaching dissolution of almost all federal agencies; and, in the last few years, a steady, surly influx of 9/11 "truthers.""
There are different types of Libertarians ... there are the Registered Libertarians...those of the party who pretty much preach the Party Platform. There are the winger Libertarians...those of the Democratic and Republican Party... The Libertarian Wing. Disenfranchised Libertarians .... think of themselves of the true Party of Jefferson but are often told by registered Libertarians that they are not at all Libertarian ... only a True Libertarian can be a Libertarian. Unless you walk the Party Line ... you are pretty much a Statist and not at all Libertarian.

This is why the Party will never grow.... there is no room for Independent Dialog.
There are different types of Libertarians ... there are the Registered Libertarians...those of the party who pretty much preach the Party Platform. There are the winger Libertarians...those of the Democratic and Republican Party... The Libertarian Wing. Disenfranchised Libertarians .... think of themselves of the true Party of Jefferson but are often told by registered Libertarians that they are not at all Libertarian ... only a True Libertarian can be a Libertarian. Unless you walk the Party Line ... you are pretty much a Statist and not at all Libertarian.

This is why the Party will never grow.... there is no room for Independent Dialog.

And that is pretty humorous when you think about it.
Freedom Freaks by Michael Idov

Scenes from the tragicomic demise of the Libertarian Party.

"As Brian Doherty writes in his definitive 741-page tome, Radicals for Capitalism, being a libertarian means "sailing on seas of opposition and indifference with an often bizarre and difficult bunch of shipmates." The movement's embrace of personal freedom is wide enough to welcome a Wall Street wing concerned mostly with deregulation; a sci-fi contingent dreaming of space colonies and immortality; a sizable anarchist (or "minarchist") faction preaching dissolution of almost all federal agencies; and, in the last few years, a steady, surly influx of 9/11 "truthers.""

Don't be so verbose, and strive for economy in words. The term your looking for is Ronbots
Lots of libertarians on JPP have they all changed religions? Or has the truth, that freedom is sort of an empty concept without structure finally woken them up.
Lots of libertarians on JPP have they all changed religions? Or has the truth, that freedom is sort of an empty concept without structure finally woken them up.

Or how about... we are bored with politics, and would much rather talk about being LadyT's man-meat.
Or has the truth, that freedom is sort of an empty concept without structure finally woken them up.

Libertarians believe the role of Government is to protect freedoms. That Government should be structured to protect it. Not that no government means freedom you stupid cow.
no obama supporter has the right to use the term "ronbot"

Yeah you have a point. Hero worship or something. I just don't get it.
I voted for the guy in the primary and will in the fall. But calling me a supporter is streching it a bit.
I expect no miracles from the guy, just figure him to be the lesser of the evils and offer a bit of hope that things will change for the better. VS having McCain or hillary in there.
I like how RStringfield/Ironhead/Dave/IHG used to beat the shit out of Middie so many times at FP, and yet he keeps coming back for more. Well, I suppose he feels safe because I haven't seen most of them around here lately...

Here are some great threads of Middie's:

Libertarianism in a Nutshell

Libertarianism in a Nutshell II

Libertarianism in a Nutshell III

Libertarianism in a NutshellIV

Freedom in a Nutshell I
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They have jobs. I'm not libertarian, so I don't count as a ronbot, and I am a grad student, so I don't really have a job other than my part-time Guard duty...
I like how RStringfield/Ironhead/Dave/IHG used to beat the shit out of Middie so many times at FP, and yet he keeps coming back for more. Well, I suppose he feels safe because I haven't seen most of them around here lately...

Here are some great threads of Middie's:

Libertarianism in a Nutshell

Libertarianism in a Nutshell II

Libertarianism in a Nutshell III

Libertarianism in a NutshellIV

Freedom in a Nutshell I

Thanks for reminding me how annoying he was. ib1 and cypress were quite annoying as well but at least they had the comon sense to not jump in every argument and look retarded 100% of the time.