Bengazi report update

Big Money

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New information about the intelligence available in the immediate aftermath of the Benghazi attack raises questions about whether the former No. 2 at the CIA downplayed or dismissed reporting from his own people in Libya that it was a coordinated attack and not an out-of-control protest over an anti-Islam video.

Then-Deputy Director Mike Morell, whose own agency lost two employees at Benghazi, former Navy Seals Ty Woods and Glen Doherty, was heavily involved in editing the administration’s internal narrative on what happened – known as the “talking points” – which served as the basis for then-U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice’s controversial claims about a protest on the Sunday talk shows after the attack.

According to the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee report on Benghazi, on Sept. 15, four days after the attack and one day before Rice’s appearance, the CIA's most senior operative on the ground in Libya emailed Morell and others at the agency that the attack was "not/not an escalation of protests."

Yet on Sept. 14 -- when the bodies of Stevens, Foreign Service officer Sean Smith, as well as Woods and Doherty, were flown to Andrews Air Force base – then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton continued to talk about the video.

"We've seen the heavy assault on our post in Benghazi that took the lives of those brave men,"Clinton told the somber gathering."We've seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful internet video that we had nothing do to with."
"13 Benghazis Happened Under President Bush and Fox News Said Nothing"

Fox News has simply got smart enough to spend money to follow CIA undercover operations. They follow them and then sell them as "cover ups". Not sure when the idiots in America didn't learn the difference between a cover up and an undercover.

More facts come out in other countries media than America's bias media. PBS is America's only real foreign policy media.
"13 Benghazis Happened Under President Bush and Fox News Said Nothing"

Fox News has simply got smart enough to spend money to follow CIA undercover operations. They follow them and then sell them as "cover ups". Not sure when the idiots in America didn't learn the difference between a cover up and an undercover.

More facts come out in other countries media than America's bias media. PBS is America's only real foreign policy media.

How many of those attacks were portrayed as having motivations behind them other than ”terrorist attacks” during a Presidential election whereby the President was campaigning on a claim that Al-Qaeda had been rendered to a meaningless blip by his administration? And how many of those previous attacks were the result of too little security after the State Department had been warned that security was lacking and nothing was done about it?

You see Goober, particular circumstances make all the difference in the world between under-cover and a fucking COVER UP!

Benghazi was the result of incompetence by the State Department to provide security. THE BUCK stops at the desk of the Secretary. The cover up was a feeble and very apparent attempt to whitewash Obama’s absurd campaign lies. But “Lovin Eyes” never see and don’t want to see.