Benghazi Revisited


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Will The American people ever know the whole Benghazi story? Will Obama and Hillary Clinton ever be held accountible?

More than seven months after the attack Sept. 11, 2012, on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, the Obama administration continues to defend itself against allegations from House Republicans that the administration has not fully cooperated with Congress on the investigation into the attack. More than seven months after the attack Sept. 11, 2012, on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, the Obama administration continues to defend itself against allegations from House Republicans that the administration has not fully cooperated with Congress on the investigation into the attack.
Where’s the leftwing absurd babbling defense of Her Majesty Hillary’s State Department and the Savior Obama’s ”most transparent administration ever” horseshit? Seems the left is lost for any comment. GEEEEE, I wonder why???? The cover up should be some fun to watch, huh?
Where’s the leftwing absurd babbling defense of Her Majesty Hillary’s State Department and the Savior Obama’s ”most transparent administration ever” horseshit? Seems the left is lost for any comment. GEEEEE, I wonder why???? The cover up should be some fun to watch, huh?

They play the , ignore it and it will go away game. Mainstream media gives them cover and liberal asswipes and other assorted dumbasses do not care as long as they can still feed at the pig trough.
Message from I Love America:

Only an AIDS infested douche with no remaining cognitive abilities due to the ravages of STDs would think BenghaziGate is a conspiracy
Where’s the leftwing absurd babbling defense of Her Majesty Hillary’s State Department and the Savior Obama’s ”most transparent administration ever” horseshit? Seems the left is lost for any comment. GEEEEE, I wonder why???? The cover up should be some fun to watch, huh?

If you still haven't figured out that Benghazi was a gun running station for America to overthrow Syria then you are learning. If you still don't realize it was the CIA gun running station to overthrow Libya then I'm embarrassed for you.

Right or wrong America is attacking any oil rich Country that decides to make "oil for gold" more important than "oil for paper", American money. If America has to say, "they have wmds" they will and have done it.

Or maybe you haven't seen all the documentaries of American guns in the hands of "rebels" in Libya and Syria. And maybe you didn't notice Iraq was based on a lie. jAnd maybe you never saw this video..

Next you might learn that Corporate America was behind this. Then you might (I doubt you will learn beyond this, I'll drop it)
If you still haven't figured out that Benghazi was a gun running station for America to overthrow Syria then you are learning. If you still don't realize it was the CIA gun running station to overthrow Libya then I'm embarrassed for you.

Right or wrong America is attacking any oil rich Country that decides to make "oil for gold" more important than "oil for paper", American money. If America has to say, "they have wmds" they will and have done it.

Or maybe you haven't seen all the documentaries of American guns in the hands of "rebels" in Libya and Syria. And maybe you didn't notice Iraq was based on a lie. jAnd maybe you never saw this video..

Next you might learn that Corporate America was behind this. Then you might (I doubt you will learn beyond this, I'll drop it)

And it was all planned and carried out by the Free Masons, in conjuction with the Skull and Crossbones.
If you still haven't figured out that Benghazi was a gun running station for America to overthrow Syria then you are learning. If you still don't realize it was the CIA gun running station to overthrow Libya then I'm embarrassed for you.

Right or wrong America is attacking any oil rich Country that decides to make "oil for gold" more important than "oil for paper", American money. If America has to say, "they have wmds" they will and have done it.

Oh! So that’s why the American ambassador and the Navy Seals were left hung out to get murdered right? Hillary and Obama didn’t want anybody to know they were just a gun running operation for the CIA, huh? Geeeee! Why didn’t they supply extra security for them instead of having them killed? wasn't losing a CIA gun running operation counter-productive to the American cause?

Or maybe you haven't seen all the documentaries of American guns in the hands of "rebels" in Libya and Syria. And maybe you didn't notice Iraq was based on a lie. jAnd maybe you never saw this video..

Actually, the weapons supplied to Libya by the US was national news in America while it was happening. You should be “embarrassed” for yourself if you didn’t know that.

Regardless of what the American Ambassador’s agenda was in Libya, you fail to explain why Her Majesty Hillary and your Sainted Hero Obama didn’t supply sufficient security for him, or why forces weren’t sent to protect him when the Benghazi incident went down, or why they are working so hard to cover up what is so perfectly evident as being an Obama/Clinton dropping of the ball and how the cover-up, (preventing Congress from interviewing the survivors of Benghazi from testifying before Congress), relates to the Obama promise to have the “most transparent administration ever.”

Next you might learn that Corporate America was behind this. Then you might (I doubt you will learn beyond this, I'll drop it)

Oh! So it was all a “corporate America/CIA” operation and the Ambassador was about to drop a dime on the Clinton/Obama/corporate America/CIA conspiracy, so Clinton/Obama “purposely” put the Ambassador in harm’s way with little security hoping he would be taken out so the Clinton/Obama connection with the corporate America/CIA operation would be covered up, right? Geeee! Those Republicans in Congress must be out to get corporate America, huh? Isn’t that a little unusual????