Bernie Made-off Checked Out


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Bernie was not all bad. He ripped off charity hustlers who ripoff their suckers:

But his investment advisory business was exposed in 2008 as a Ponzi scheme that wiped out people’s fortunes and ruined charities.

Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff dies in prison at 82
Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Can anybody see any difference between Bernie Made-off and the parasite scum in the federal government who run tax-dollar Ponzi schemes. As near as I can tell federal scum pay off today’s suckers with the money future generations will be forced to ‘invest.’

At least Bernie ran the risk of going to jail, while the scum in government are immune from prosecution even though most Americans know they are criminals. Not only do Americans know the criminals by name, they know how they commit their crimes.

Finally, here are a few of the best-known crooks who openly live well on the tens of millions they stole —— the Clintons, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Filthy Joe Biden, Maxine Waters.

There are countless unelected parasites who know how to cash-in on the non-profit game. Da reverends Al Sharpton and Jess Jackson are well-known. Most are anonymous. This one was recently outed:


Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors has gone on a real-estate buying binge in recent years, snagging four high-end homes for $3.2 million in the US alone, according to property records. Willy Sanjuan/AP

And lets not forget to mention the thousands who do not become millionaires, while they do right-well living on tax dollars espousing political causes, moral horseshit and religions.

All things considered, Bernie Made-off was a breath of fresh air who ripped off greedy parasites in every field.