Bernie Sanders on Denmark

I'm Watermark

In the U.S. Senate today, my right-wing colleagues talk a lot about “freedom” and limiting the size of government. Here’s what they really mean.

They want ordinary Americans to have the freedom NOT to have health care in a country where 45,000 of our people die each year because they don’t get to a doctor when they should. They want young people in our country to have the freedom NOT to go to college, and join the 400,000 young Americans unable to afford a higher education and the millions struggling with huge college debts. They want children and seniors in our country to have the freedom NOT to have enough food to eat, and join the many millions who are already hungry. And on and on it goes!

In Denmark, there is a very different understanding of what “freedom” means. In that country, they have gone a long way to ending the enormous anxieties that comes with economic insecurity. Instead of promoting a system which allows a few to have enormous wealth, they have developed a system which guarantees a strong minimal standard of living to all – including the children, the elderly and the disabled.

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Oh boy! Unicorns! Rainbows! Lollipops and free healthcare! And the guy on the fry machine at burger king makes the same money my doctor does!
In the U.S. Senate today, my right-wing colleagues talk a lot about “freedom” and limiting the size of government. Here’s what they really mean.

They want ordinary Americans to have the freedom NOT to have health care in a country where 45,000 of our people die each year because they don’t get to a doctor when they should.

Well Bernie, you communist bastard when the fuck are you going to provide the constitutional article or amendment that authorizes the other communist bastard Obama to establish a federal healthcare program? According to my copy of the Constitution that stupid communist shit is the authority of the States should they be that fucking communist and stupid.

They want young people in our country to have the freedom NOT to go to college, and join the 400,000 young Americans unable to afford a higher education and the millions struggling with huge college debts.

Well Bernie, you communist bastard, when the fuck are you going to present the article or amendment in our Constitution that authorizes the fucking federal government to provide student loans or education for anybody? “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are RESERVED to the States respectively or to the people.” (amendment 10, United States Constitution) You know Bernie, you communist bastard, The Constitution that document you swore to preserve, protect and defend!!!!!!! You’re a fucking communist lying bastard Bernie!!!!

They want children and seniors in our country to have the freedom NOT to have enough food to eat, and join the many millions who are already hungry. And on and on it goes!

Yeah right Bernie you lying communist bastard. The fucking poor starving children and seniors are laying all over our streets begging for food and dying like fucking flies every day, you lying communist bastard!!!
Danish Army will be capable of deploying 1,500 troops permanently on three different continents continuously, or 5,000 troops for a shorter period of time, in international operations without any need for extraordinary measures such as parliamentary approval of a war funding bill.

Denmark has NO nuclear powered aircraft carriers, doesn’t have armed forces in over 120 other countries or support a massive Military Industrial Complex.

But Denmark is one hell of a lot more ”capitalist” than it is ”socialist.” Its an ity-bity country with little to no perceived global responsibilities. If Denmark were a true socialist country as Bernie Sanders would like to insinuate, Denmark would be bankrupt and its citizens in total poverty. Capitalism is Denmark’s fundamental economic system, to pretend otherwise is a fucking lie.
Danish Army will be capable of deploying 1,500 troops permanently on three different continents continuously, or 5,000 troops for a shorter period of time, in international operations without any need for extraordinary measures such as parliamentary approval of a war funding bill.

Denmark has NO nuclear powered aircraft carriers, doesn’t have armed forces in over 120 other countries or support a massive Military Industrial Complex.

But Denmark is one hell of a lot more ”capitalist” than it is ”socialist.” Its an ity-bity country with little to no perceived global responsibilities. If Denmark were a true socialist country as Bernie Sanders would like to insinuate, Denmark would be bankrupt and its citizens in total poverty. Capitalism is Denmark’s fundamental economic system, to pretend otherwise is a fucking lie.
Thanks for that, it saved me a lot of typing.
Danish Army will be capable of deploying 1,500 troops permanently on three different continents continuously, or 5,000 troops for a shorter period of time, in international operations without any need for extraordinary measures such as parliamentary approval of a war funding bill.

Denmark has NO nuclear powered aircraft carriers, doesn’t have armed forces in over 120 other countries or support a massive Military Industrial Complex.

But Denmark is one hell of a lot more ”capitalist” than it is ”socialist.” Its an ity-bity country with little to no perceived global responsibilities. If Denmark were a true socialist country as Bernie Sanders would like to insinuate, Denmark would be bankrupt and its citizens in total poverty. Capitalism is Denmark’s fundamental economic system, to pretend otherwise is a fucking lie.

A couple of other things. Denmark is the size of Maine and they strictly control immigration. Bernie forgot that. They are pretty important points don't you think?

Cognitive dissonance on display by the lefties and apparently they are all wannabe socialists now.
Oh boy! Unicorns! Rainbows! Lollipops and free healthcare! And the guy on the fry machine at burger king makes the same money my doctor does!

do you not realize there is many many countrys with universal healthcare?

why do you pretend the entire body of facts don't exist so you can cling to a fucking silly talking point like you just made here?

do facts hurt your widdle headbone?
Thanks for that, it saved me a lot of typing.

I read CL's post, and would like to steer you away from such a view.

Nobody's saying that Denmark is a communist country, or a socialist country, or anything like that. It's a social democracy - something which is based on the idea that capitalism should be maintained, but basic things must be provided to the people... like education, housing, and medicine.

Socialism, communism, they're much different. They're based on the utterly classical struggle - workers versus capitalists -, with no third option. Socialism could mean any number of things, but its always centered on the idea that workers must own production. But, to communists, it's the stage directly before the state is removed and communism is realized - communism, of course, being a system of organization where all institutions are democratized and largely evacuated of authority. So CL is right. Denmark is not a socialism.

But if Demark were, things would probably work out alright. It would take awhile to get to a stage where Danish socialism would be a wholly safe bet, but tbey're in a better position to facilitate it than Russia, China, or Latin America was.
do you not realize there is many many countrys with universal healthcare?

why do you pretend the entire body of facts don't exist so you can cling to a fucking silly talking point like you just made here?

do facts hurt your widdle headbone?

WOW, another fine example of Desh being nice. Can't wait for Tekkychick to weigh in on some slight that must have been sent Desh's way to warrant such nastiness.
A couple of other things. Denmark is the size of Maine and they strictly control immigration. Bernie forgot that. They are pretty important points don't you think?

Cognitive dissonance on display by the lefties and apparently they are all wannabe socialists now.

Bernie also left out the fact that Denmark has a consistent unemployment rate over 7 %. Evidently Obama and Bernie want America to look more like Denmark, huh?