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First off, McCain has voted with Bush 90% of the time this year, NOT throughout the past 8 years.

Secondly, admitting a lack of complete understanding of economics isn't a confession of ignorance. I believe McCain understands EXACTLY what we need to get the economy moving again: tax breaks across the board, and slash Federal spending.

How exactly is 1 trillion dollars in new spending going to help the economy? That is precisely what Obama is proposing, along with tax hikes which will hurt the economy.
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First off, McCain has voted with Bush 90% of the time this year, NOT throughout the past 8 years.

Secondly, admitting a lack of total understanding of economics isn't a confession of ignorance. I believe McCain understands EXACTLY what we need to get the economy moving again: tax breaks across the board, and slash Federal spending.

How exactly is 1 trillion dollars in new spending going to help the economy? That is precisely what Obama is proposing, along with tax hikes which will hurt the economy.

you are LYING.... 95% of Americans are going to get a tax cut under the Obama plan, unfortunately for rich people this is going to the middle class. He wants to roll back the tax cuts for the richest of the rich who don't need a tax cut.

why don't you read up on Obama's tax plan and since you don't like doing your own research i've done it for you.

[ame=""]YouTube - The Numbers: Obama vs McCain on Taxes - Watch This![/ame]
you are LYING.... 95% of Americans are going to get a tax cut under the Obama plan,

Hey asswipe, guess what? I never commented on WHO will/won't be getting a tax hike. That said, Obama has stated that he will be raising taxes on the "wealthy," whatever the hell that means. But I will say this: in the U.S. Senate, Obama voted to increase taxes on people making over 42,000 a year. Do you think 42k is rich, Robdawg?

unfortunately for rich people this is going to the middle class. He wants to roll back the tax cuts for the richest of the rich who don't need a tax cut.

Who are you to say who needs or doesn't need a tax cut?

Are you really that stupid? Rich people provide jobs, Robdawg. By increasing taxes on the wealthy and business, productivity will drop and jobs will be lost. This is a fact.

why don't you read up on Obama's tax plan and since you don't like doing your own research i've done it for you.

Why don't you tell me how Obama is going to close a 1.5 trillion dollar spending deficit.
Economics lesson #1 thor.

Entreprenuers provide jobs as well. You don't have to be rich to start your own business not to mention that Mccain wants to give big oil subsidies as they are making record profits. its simply amazing, thats not change, thats more of the same!!!

We are already in a recession, so productivity is dropping, the jobless rate just went up its highest level in 5 years. yep those tax cuts for the richest 5% by bush sure are working!!!

Also McCains bullshit assertion that outsourcing is good for America b/c it helps with world trade is absolute BS. Tell that to the steel workers and manufacturing workers in Ohio and Michigan.

First off, McCain has voted with Bush 90% of the time this year, NOT throughout the past 8 years.

Secondly, admitting a lack of complete understanding of economics isn't a confession of ignorance. I believe McCain understands EXACTLY what we need to get the economy moving again: tax breaks across the board, and slash Federal spending.

How exactly is 1 trillion dollars in new spending going to help the economy? That is precisely what Obama is proposing, along with tax hikes which will hurt the economy.

Hey dumbass, 1 trillion dollars in spending would help an economy tremendously.
Economics lesson #1 thor.

Coming from the village idiot?

Entreprenuers [sic] provide jobs as well. You don't have to be rich to start your own business

Hey, guess what asswipe? Obama will be raising taxes on ALL businesses, including small businesses. Even then, it is a fact that most Americans work for or in some way rely on corporations which will be hit HARD by the Obama administration, causing further harm to the economy. Who makes virtually all of our products, Robdawg? Corporations. By increasing taxes on corporations, the cost of EVERYTHING we buy will skyrocket. That is merely ONE of many ways the Obama tax plan will deepen our recession.

not to mention that Mccain wants to give big oil subsidies


In 2005, Obama voted FOR the Bush energy bill, including 2.8 billion dollars in subsidies for oil companies, and 14.6 billion in tax breaks. McCain voted AGAINST it, as he has ALWAYS done, because he is a man FOR the American people.

as they are making record profits. its simply amazing, thats not change, thats more of the same!!!

Wrong, asshole.

We are already in a recession, so productivity is dropping, the jobless rate just went up its highest level in 5 years. yep those tax cuts for the richest 5% by bush sure are working!!!

The problem isn't with the tax cuts, dummy. The problem is out-of-control spending. McCain will tighten spending and work toward closing the budget deficit. Obama has proven that he will increase the deficit. Which sounds better to you?
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The rebates are pretty much all that has kept the us economy going this summer. That and the devalued dollar helping with AG exports.
The problem isn't with the tax cuts, dummy. The problem is out-of-control spending. McCain will tighten spending and work toward closing the budget deficit. Obama has proven that he will increase the deficit. Which sounds better to you?

Umm tightening spending will hurt the economy since about 30% of america works for the govt in one fashion or another.

I am not saying it should not be done, but it will hurt the economy. the question is where to cut spending.
The problem isn't with the tax cuts, dummy. The problem is out-of-control spending. McCain will tighten spending and work toward closing the budget deficit. Obama has proven that he will increase the deficit. Which sounds better to you?

mccain will by an independent tax council finds mccain will balloon the deficit by 5 trillion over 10 years. 1.6 billion more than Barack's plan


do some homework my friend, read something watch youtube. i shouldn't have to explain everything to you.

[ame=""]YouTube - McCain, Obama National Debt as reported in Washington Post[/ame]
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the deficit by 5 trillion over 10 years.

That's the DEBT, moron, NOT the deficit. You do know the difference, don't you?

1.6 billion more than Barack's plan

What "independent tax council" is that, douche bag?

Their conclusion is probably based on a scenario in which spending continues to rise in a McCain administration, which would be a false assumption. Since Clinton left office, spending has increased by approximately 60%. If Obama is elected, spending will skyrocket at an unprecedented rate. Some of the new spending will be funded by increases in taxes. Most, however, will not.

I guarantee their finding does NOT take into account reduced spending as proposed by John McCain.

That is, assuming the study is real to begin with.


Wrong, douche bag. You've had your ass handed to you on a silver platter. Clearly that is the case, since you completely ignore the fact that Obama voted for oil subsidies and tax breaks, while McCain voted against it. And not only do you ignore the facts - you lie about them.

Get lost.

do some homework my friend, read something watch youtube. i shouldn't have to explain everything to you.

So if it's on YouTube, it must be right?

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One thing funny about you brent is that you're voting on a ticket that has a knocked up baby momma, and mccain who is divorced and has committed adultry. I guess family values don't apply to republicans.

oh and its on youtube but its from the washington post, and the study was done by an independant tax council.
One thing funny about you brent is that you're voting on a ticket that has a knocked up baby momma, and mccain who is divorced and has committed adultry. I guess family values don't apply to republicans.

Palin's daughter knows she committed a sin. However, she has made the morally correct choice to keep her baby. To make matters even better, it is clear that her fiance loves her and plans to marry her. That's called taking responsibility for your actions, a concept which escapes you.

As for John McCain, he has been clear that the ending of his first marriage is the greatest moral failure of his life, and his worst regret.

The point? Nobody is perfect, but neither is anyone beyond redemption and forgiveness. The key is to admit our mistake and take responsibility for it. In case of Palin's daughter, she is choosing to keep the baby and marry her boyfriend. As for McCain, he continues to support his ex-wife.

Personal responsibility is the core belief of conservatism.

In the end, attacking people's character is all you liberals have. Kind of ironic, if you ask me...

oh and its on youtube but its from the washington post, and the study was done by an independant tax council.

Care to provide a link?

Oh, and do you have any comment on Obama's vote for oil subsidies and tax breaks? I remind you that John McCain voted against it.
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