Best Book of All-time

I read it and one other book by Hubbard. I was not particularly impressed.

I think there are some much better books out there. Pretty much anything by Azimov or Arthur C. Clarke are far better.
Yeah I read Battlefield earth. Battlefield earth was fair. It brought capitalism to a galactic level where the earth was just property to be bought and sold by others. That was a bit interesting.
I tried 2 more of his scifi books and they sucked big time. gave up on L Ronnie.
I've read BE twice. It is definitely not the best book ever though. It wouldn't even make my top 100.
Cormack McCarthy's The Road or All the Pretty Horses Harper Lee's To Kill a MockingbirdJoyce's Ulysses, Richard Wright's Native Son Just to name a few that come to mind WAY WAY WAY before anything EVER written by L Ron Hubbard.
Cormack McCarthy's The Road or All the Pretty Horses Harper Lee's To Kill a MockingbirdJoyce's Ulysses, Richard Wright's Native Son Just to name a few that come to mind WAY WAY WAY before anything EVER written by L Ron Hubbard.

I think the instructions on the back of a case of toilet paper come before L Ron Hubbard in the pantheon of literature.
I read it and one other book by Hubbard. I was not particularly impressed.

I think there are some much better books out there. Pretty much anything by Azimov or Arthur C. Clarke are far better.

I agree. Not only the two you mention but Heinlein, Dick and Herbert were better sci-fi writers.

I particularly like Philip Dick's book "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?". Now that was made into a great Movie. I think it was probably Harrison Fords best performance.