Best political TV show/host


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Larry Kudlow hands down for me.

Economics, politics and stocks with Conservatives, Liberals, Keynsians, Supply siders, Monetarist et all.

What are your favs?
Larry Kudlow hands down for me.

Economics, politics and stocks with Conservatives, Liberals, Keynsians, Supply siders, Monetarist et all.

What are your favs?

I've haven't watched hiim much but I like Kudlow as well. My favorite is Britt Hume. He is the newscaster I trust the most.

On the humorous front I like Michael Savage and Keith Olbermann the best. They both seem like they may have a heart attck at any time on the air.
Olberman, He has reported on the things others would not report. They proved to be true.

He cant even be compared to the nut bag Savage. You can watch the viens bulge on that guy and Kieth just laughs at the stupidity. His special comments will go down in history as becons of their time. I love watching Kieth comment next to Mathews on politics I love to watch and listen to him remark on what Chris says and does. Yes he has a great comic sense but no one should hold that against his news abilites.
I would go with Kudlow as well. Unlike most of the political talk show hacks (Savage, Olberman, Coulter, Rush, Hannity, Franken), Kudlow actually understands economics.

The others I mentioned are simply flamers (meaning they say stupid shit to inflame, not in any way meant as a sexual orientation comment)
I can't think of one mainstream political host I like. It's always about the horse race, the polls, whether Obama plagarized, whether John Edwards spent 500 dollars on a hair cut.

Amy Goodman and Thom Hartmann are the only political talk show hosts I can stomach for extended periods.
Honestly Liberals could learn alot about how to promote liberal economics by watching Kudlow.

I agree. I think both sides can learn from watching the show what the differences are in economic opinion as his guests typically are respectful as well and thus you tend to get good discussions.... rather than shouting matches.