Beware The Ides Of October

With the bailout of the financial institutions we are seeing the CEO's recieve "golden parachute" packages. The post ceding is just a few of the CEO's who have benefitted directly despite their institutions collapse.

- Angelo Mozilo of Countrywide Financial Corp

- Stanley O’Neal of Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc

- Charles Prince of Citigroup Inc.

We as people, who work hard, who plan for the future in the hopes that the people who sit in positions of power do the right thing. Who carry hopes and dreams for our families to have better lives than they currently lead. What do we do when these same people in positions of power mislead and steal from us? When do we say "enough is enough"? When do we make these CEO's pay for their sins?

These same CEO's should take caution when leaving their homes to go to the store, or driving down the street, or on the golf course. They should look both ways when crossing the street, or eating at a restaurant. Their gated communities cannot offer enough protection from 50 people. In this sense they are weak and the taxpaying people of the United States are only as strong as their recognition of this fact.

So the CEO's should be wary of venturing into the public. Justice has a way of prevailing and it can be swift and brutal.

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Wow. Posting threats on the internet. Why not just leave a pack of magnums on your dash next date?