Biased poll at NYT



This is poll of economists on their climate expertise and opinions. LOL

Look at the responses to this question.

Estimated Harms of Climate Change
8. The global “social cost of carbon” per metric ton—i.e. the net present value of the
marginal impact over time caused by the emission today of one ton of carbon
dioxide‐equivalent greenhouse gasses—is most likely:
(enter any $ value positive or negative equal to the cost of one ton carbon dioxide
Full Data Set Trimmed Responses
Average $120,707 $107
StdDev 1,097,618 339
Min $0 $0
1st Quartile $20 $20
Median $50 $40
3rd Quartile $100 $100
Max $10,000,000 $3,000
Mode $50 $50
N 84 82

And look at these. LOL

10. How should the benefits to future generations be evaluated?
By discounting them at a constant rate 37.5% (54)
By using alternative discounting methodologies
(such as hyperbolic discounting) 36.8% (53)
By reference to moral inquiries
unrelated to discounting 16.7% (24)
No opinion 9% (13)

11. If benefits to future generations are to be discounted, the appropriate discount
rate used when calculating the social cost of carbon is: (please enter a percentage)
Average 2.86%
StdDev 2.37
Min 0%
1st Quartile 1%
Median 2.4%
3rd Quartile 3.9%
Max 12%
Mode 3%
N 102

Treaty Negotiations
12. The US government should commit to reducing greenhouse gas emissions:
Regardless of the actions other countries take 57% (81)
Only if it can enter a multilateral emissions
reductions treaty with some countries 15.5% (22)
Only if other major emitters commit to reducing
emissions through a global treaty 21.8% (31)
Only if every country commits to reducing
emissions through a global treaty .7% (1)
Under no circumstances 2.1% (3)
No Opinion 2.8% (4)

We all know that we should be listening to economists-- they have the expertise on climate .