Biden Admin Plans to Give 5.7 Million Migrants Free Medical & Housing


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Taxpayers will not be happy to pay for illegals. This means they get welfare foodstampsw and medicaid? Instead of treaqting them like citizens which they are not deport them

The Biden government’s plans provide these 5.7 million migrants in the United States with free medical services, food, and housing.The record number of non-detained migrants being mintied by ICE, 2.4 million more than before Biden entered the White House, was buried in paperwork detailing its “Release and Reporting Management” (RRM) program.

The plan would be for private vendors to join ICE’s monitoring of migrants through ankle monitors, phone apps, and in-person check-ins.

The initiative also aims to provide other perks at the expense of the taxpayer.

The program, which would cost “billions,” would effectively be a “welfare” program for non-detained migrants awaiting court dates, former ICE director Tom Homan.

“The RRM is just a push by the open border advocates to provide welfare benefits to 6 million people,” the former ICE director continued.

As The New York Post reported:

RRM is anticipated to “replace all of ICE’s non-detained programs” and would “apply to the entire non-detained docket,” a question-and-answer form ICE published in September reads, clarifying: “The current non-detained docket is 5.7M.”Those held in ICE detention for processing at the border or in facilities awaiting deportation are not included in the 5.7 million figure.

The services for “all RRM participants” would include:

Legal assistance

Psychosocial services

Therapeutic services

Medical services

Food and clothing banksHousing

Public transportation information

Parental information

Education information, and repatriation and reintegration services

“These services are designed to increase participant compliance with immigration obligations through information, stabilization, and support,” the RFI form reads.

“Services will be individualized to each participant’s needs and may range from basic referrals to intensive direct assistance,” it adds.
non-detained migrants being mintied by ICEhen

what is "mintied"?......

The current non-detained docket is 5.7M.

that's going to take the wind out of the sails of the lib'ruls who continue to deny that Biden let illegals into the country....."the border is not open" but the Biden administration admits they let 5.7M people cross it........that's approximately the population of Dallas, TX.....or Atlanta, GA......or Philedelphia, big deal, right?......
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what is "mintied"?......

that's going to take the wind out of the sails of the lib'ruls who continue to deny that Biden let illegals into the country....."the border is not open" but the Biden administration admits they let 5.7M people cross it........that's approximately the population of Dallas, TX.....or Atlanta, GA......or Philedelphia, big deal, right?......

It is far more then that.That is just the ones they know about