Biden and Harris will meet with the King family on the 60th anniversary

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Of the March on Washington

The Oval Office meeting will be held six decades after President John F. Kennedy and King met at the White House on the morning of the march on Aug. 28, 1963. All of King's children have been invited to meet with Biden, White House officials said.

Biden also will speak later Monday at a White House reception commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, a nonpartisan, nonprofit legal organization that was established at Kennedy's request to help advocate for racial justice.

Two White House officials provided details of the Democratic president and vice president's plans on the condition of anonymity because their schedules have not been officially announced.

The 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom is still considered one of the greatest and most consequential racial justice demonstrations in U.S. history.

I was at the 50th anniversary as was Kings children, John Lewis , Elijah Cummings and others in the front lines of the movement
MLK is revered in most quarters today but it’s interesting to think that during his time, to some, he was an Uncle Tom. Imagine someone like NN calling him a tap dancing watermelon eating Uncle Tom.
Of the March on Washington

I was at the 50th anniversary as was Kings children, John Lewis , Elijah Cummings and others in the front lines of the movement

Guano, thanks for the heads up, i cant wait to see Brandon march.
Will Joke recount how he marched in civil rights protests with MLK while he's there? Maybe Harris the Whore can do a Venn diagram or two for them...
MLK is revered in most quarters today but it’s interesting to think that during his time, to some, he was an Uncle Tom. Imagine someone like NN calling him a tap dancing watermelon eating Uncle Tom.

Martin Luther King Jr. was a civil rights leader and an American hero. Almost every American adult (95% in CBS News polling) believes he was an important figure in US history.

But it wasn’t always that way. The fact that King is now beloved and has a national holiday commemorating his birthday wasn’t something that obviously was going to happen during his lifetime.

This shows us that often the fight for civil rights is unpopular at the time, and it only becomes popular retrospectively.

During the 1960s, King was a very divisive figure. The last Gallup poll to ask about his popularity during his lifetime, taken in 1966, found his unfavorable rating was 63%. This included 39% of Americans who gave him a -5 rating, on a scale with -5 being least favorable and +5 being most favorable.

Hover hated MLK's guts

The white community feared Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael more than MLK
Martin Luther King Jr. was a civil rights leader and an American hero. Almost every American adult (95% in CBS News polling) believes he was an important figure in US history.

But it wasn’t always that way. The fact that King is now beloved and has a national holiday commemorating his birthday wasn’t something that obviously was going to happen during his lifetime.

This shows us that often the fight for civil rights is unpopular at the time, and it only becomes popular retrospectively.

During the 1960s, King was a very divisive figure. The last Gallup poll to ask about his popularity during his lifetime, taken in 1966, found his unfavorable rating was 63%. This included 39% of Americans who gave him a -5 rating, on a scale with -5 being least favorable and +5 being most favorable.

Hover hated MLK's guts

The white community feared Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael more than MLK

To a degree I can definitely see the appeal of the black power/ separatist movement but no real way that was sustainable as even Malcolm X saw in the last year of his life. MLKs model was the way to go.
I wonder if Joe will tell the Kings that if they don't vote for him they aren't really black......
I wonder if Joe will tell the Kings that if they don't vote for him they aren't really black......
I wonder if Joe will tell the Kings that if they don't vote for him they aren't really black...... maybe Monday at their lunch gathering...after they get back from the latest vacation...They couldn't be bothered to cut into the vacation again to be there on Saturday....
Sixty years after King's 'dream' speech, thousands gather in Washington

housands of Americans will converge on Washington on Saturday to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington, a pivotal event in the 1960s U.S. civil rights movement at which Martin Luther King Jr gave his galvanizing "I have a dream" speech.

The 1963 march brought more than 250,000 people to the nation's capital to push for an end to discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Many credit the show of strength with the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Organized by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and other civil rights groups, this year's march takes place at the Lincoln Memorial, the backdrop to King's impassioned call for equality.

Kimberle Crenshaw, executive director of the African American Policy Forum, said the anniversary takes place at a troubling moment for the country.

"The very history that the march is commemorating is being not only challenged but distorted," Crenshaw said, referring to bans in several states on books and classroom instruction based on so-called critical race theory, which views a legacy of racism as shaping American history.
Martin Luther King Jr. was a civil rights leader and an American hero. Almost every American adult (95% in CBS News polling) believes he was an important figure in US history.

But it wasn’t always that way. The fact that King is now beloved and has a national holiday commemorating his birthday wasn’t something that obviously was going to happen during his lifetime.

This shows us that often the fight for civil rights is unpopular at the time, and it only becomes popular retrospectively.

During the 1960s, King was a very divisive figure. The last Gallup poll to ask about his popularity during his lifetime, taken in 1966, found his unfavorable rating was 63%. This included 39% of Americans who gave him a -5 rating, on a scale with -5 being least favorable and +5 being most favorable.

Hover hated MLK's guts

The white community feared Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael more than MLK

As deserved he gets a lot of credit for being a civil rights leader, and the father of equality for the races. We should not forget that he also took up the war on poverty and launched it. Had He lived longer I suspect it would be a stronger movement today.
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Martin Luther King Jr. was a civil rights leader and an American hero. Almost every American adult (95% in CBS News polling) believes he was an important figure in US history.

But it wasn’t always that way. The fact that King is now beloved and has a national holiday commemorating his birthday wasn’t something that obviously was going to happen during his lifetime.

This shows us that often the fight for civil rights is unpopular at the time, and it only becomes popular retrospectively.

During the 1960s, King was a very divisive figure. The last Gallup poll to ask about his popularity during his lifetime, taken in 1966, found his unfavorable rating was 63%. This included 39% of Americans who gave him a -5 rating, on a scale with -5 being least favorable and +5 being most favorable.

Hover hated MLK's guts

The white community feared Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael more than MLK

What were you feelings towards Malcolm X at the time and his more differing vision than Dr. King’s?
Of the March on Washington

I was at the 50th anniversary as was Kings children, John Lewis , Elijah Cummings and others in the front lines of the movement

I predict the fucking idiot will either tell them how he was ALMOST discriminated against, fall asleep or tell them, "You aint black". Fucking moron.
As deserved he gets a lot of credit for being a civil rights leader, and the father of equality for the races. We should not forget that he also took up the war on poverty and launched it. Had He lived longer I suspect it would be a stronger movement today.

And had he lived longer maybe people would actually be judged by the content of their charter and not the color of their skin, their genitalia or which sex they "feel" like.
And had he lived longer maybe people would actually be judged by the content of their charter and not the color of their skin, their genitalia or which sex they "feel" like.

Yup… And we’d have more socialism
MLK is revered in most quarters today but it’s interesting to think that during his time, to some, he was an Uncle Tom. Imagine someone like NN calling him a tap dancing watermelon eating Uncle Tom.

Near the end, King realized that blacks have much in common with poor whites and should work together to make America a better more fair place.