Biden and Obama gaffes or they let the cat out of the bag on tax increases?


New member
"It's interesting how their definition of 'rich' has a way of creeping down," McCain said.

"Senator Obama has made a lot of promises. First, he said people making less than $250,000 would benefit from his plan.

"Then, this weekend, he announced in an ad that if you're a family making less than $200,000 you'll benefit - but yesterday right here in Pennsylvania, Senator Biden said tax relief should only go to 'middle-class people' - people making under $150,000 a year.

"At this rate, it won't be long before Senator Obama is right back to his vote that Americans making just $42,000 a year should get a tax increase. "

From my calculations from the last election, their tax increase would yield about $40 billion in revenue (assuming that rich people stay around and take it, the Caribbean will beckon for some). Biden by his estimates (almost certainly skewed in his favor as any politician would) says it will yield $87 billion. So let's go with Biden's bloated figure, is $87 billion going to pay for:
- universal healthcare
- free collegecare
- 92000 more troops
- middle class "tax cuts" (ie: welfare handout that goes to anyone even if they don't pay taxes)
- increases in spending everywhere from environment to seniors to social programs
- reduce deficit of $400 - $800 billion (depending on if we use government only accounting tricks)

This is crazy, we all expect politicians to be a LITTLE untruthful with their numbers, but this tax increase will only pay for a fraction (less than 10%) of the cost of universal healthcare (going by what Medicare/Medicaid costs for 100 million).

We have a spending problem, we all know this, spending NEEDS to be cut, you cannot get this done with tax increases even with tax increases on the middle class which will certainly happen.

By the way, have you run your calculations on all of McCain's tax cuts (and increased less credit) and his spending plans? If you did, you would recognize that McCain's budget requires more deficit spending than Obama's.
What BS.

Please - try to misrepresent Obama's plans even more than you already are. It's the only way McCain wins.
Dano your first problem is taking political speeches seriously.
Biden did say 150,000, I usually trust when politicians say numbers that are not favorable to their own selves because in that case why would they lie?

Obama and Dems know they cannot get their spending promises done with their tax increase alone, they can get a little closer with extending the tax increase downwards on the income brackets.

Even if Obama had ZERO spending promises, his tax increase isn't enough to even reduce the deficit by a quarter and that's going by his own number of $87 billion.

I honestly think that if someone switched around the words billion and million and put out any numbers they want, the Liberals would not change their opinion even a bit. Emotional people incapable of understanding the scope of the math involved.

By the way, have you run your calculations on all of McCain's tax cuts (and increased less credit) and his spending plans? If you did, you would recognize that McCain's budget requires more deficit spending than Obama's.

I disagree, but let's throw in a practical wrench here. WHOSE spending plans are the very large Democrat majorities in the house and senate going to go along with?

I've seen both their plans and I've heard both their promises, I don't trust either of them, I trust their record in office. McCain has a record of supporting some spending (CFR, global warming, military), while fighting to cut other spending in government healthcare and pork and opposing tax increases. Obama has a record of supporting every spending and tax increase, the only thing you have to go on is his word that would he have been in office at the time he would not have voted for the Iraq war. By his actions he has nothing.
Unlike Palin biden is not running for president ;)

I've heard that a lot but consider it for a bit, we all saw that skinhead plot that got broken up. There are moronic skinheads out there that will try and assasinate him, do you disagree with that?
It's sad but it's a reasonable possibility that senile Biden will be prez.
His plan isn't universal and his college tax credit doesn't make it free. The plans together WILL cost about 80 billion in total.
Medicare and Medicaid combined are over $800 billion and have been rising fast for years. That covers 100 million Americans or a third of the population.
So for the other 2/3rds, you expect them to cost under $80 billion. Essentially double the people is going to be less than 10% of the cost.

And yes Obama is enacting universal healthcare, I don't give a fuck what his plan says, all Dems have been calling for it for years including Obama who said it was a personal goal in his first term. They have big majorities in the house and senate and the last time they were in power they also tried to sneak it through with Hillary and Bill in 1994.
CFR is like 0.00000001% of the budget, we spend nothing on fighting global warming, and yes, he is a huge supporter of the 700 billion dollar military budget and the Iraq and Afghan wars.
You are at least more accurate here. But remember that we are talking about future global warming spending (take a look at Britain) and that Obama wants to hire 92000 more soldiers.
Unlike Palin biden is not running for president ;)

Well to hear the Dems tell it, we're much more likely to end up with a Biden, than a Palin based on the chances of the Presidents. The racists will kill Obama quicker than cancer will get McCain.

Who said this was a great election? :rolleyes:
Well to hear the Dems tell it, we're much more likely to end up with a Biden, than a Palin based on the chances of the Presidents. The racists will kill Obama quicker than cancer will get McCain.

Who said this was a great election? :rolleyes:

Seems to be a common thought from the right. I wonder why ?