Biden ATF Strips Licenses From Hundreds of Gun Dealers


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Biden is showing he will do anything to take away your guns and to end the 2nd amendment

Oops, he did it again — on purpose, of course. "It," being our gun-grabbing president has again gone full-metal extra-constitutional with yet another executive overreach attempt; this time stripping the licenses from 122 more gun dealers in a move one critic called a 'backdoor violation of the Second Amendment."

The Biden administration continues to escalate its revocation of gun dealer licenses at an unprecedented rate, which of course has angered not only many in the firearms industry but also untold numbers of law-abiding gun owners, including law-enforcement veterans.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) has revoked the licenses of 122 gun dealers in the current fiscal year. In the previous fiscal year, the figure was 90, and in 2021 it was only 27.

Moreover, since records of revocations began in 2013, the ATF never revoked more than 81 dealers' licenses, the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday. Prior to Gun-Grabbin' Joe riding into town, the ATF mainly issued warnings to firearms dealers for legal violations, in part because "they are a valuable source of tips on suspicious gun buyers."

Coincidence? Please.

While Democrats and their parroting allies in the lapdog media claim the administration's moves constitute an effort to curtail pretend "gun violence" — as far as I can tell, no gun has ever committed violence — while Second Amendment advocates rightly argue that further restricting gun ownership of law-abiding gun owners doesn't solve or curtail the crisis of bad or mentally disturbed people committing violent crimes.I've written it multiple times, and I'll undoubtedly write it multiple times in the future: The Democrat Party, which now does the bidding of the radical left, is hellbent on destroying the America in which most of us proudly grew up.

Some of our fathers or grandfathers fought in WWII to protect this awesome country and the freedoms it has provided since the Founding. Those freedoms are now at risk, and they grow ever more fragile as the left continues its insidious efforts to destroy them — to destroy the very freedoms we once took for granted.

We must never take our freedoms for granted, again.
Remember when Obama used those same dealers to get weapons into the hands of the Cartel, then "lost track" of them (read: didn't even try to track them at all) and then tried to blame it on Bush while Secretary HillBillary tried to use it to say we needed to clamp down on them? Yeah, good times!
Such a shock that the Red State hit piece left out that the dealers were in violation of federal law, sometimes selling guns to criminals.

I thought the wacky right was into "law and order"? I guess when it comes to guns, the more the merrier, even if you sell them to drug dealers or illegal aliens. Not very patriotic.

"What is Biden's agenda on gun control?
The ‘zero tolerance’ policy was announced by Attorney General Merrick Garland in June as part of Biden’s push to crack down on gun trafficking. Biden signed an executive order this month mandating more public naming of gun dealers that break federal rules and called for the ATF to post inspection results."

"'Rogue' gun dealers revealed: What to know as ATF names gun shops that flout federal laws

In all, 93 gun stores were identified by the ATF.
What is Biden's agenda on gun control?
The ‘zero tolerance’ policy was announced by Attorney General Merrick Garland in June as part of Biden’s push to crack down on gun trafficking. Biden signed an executive order this month mandating more public naming of gun dealers that break federal rules and called for the ATF to post inspection results.

ATF revoked 92 licenses in 2022, the most since 2008.
Last year, ATF revoked licenses at a higher rate than in any year since 2006. ATF’s “Enhanced Regulatory Enforcement” policy focused on specific violations that pose public safety risks including:

Refusing to allow ATF to conduct a lawful inspection.
Transferring a firearm to a prohibited person.
Failing to conduct a required background check.
Falsifying records.
Failing to respond to a firearm trace request."

So tell the gun dealers to obey the law.
Remember when Obama used those same dealers to get weapons into the hands of the Cartel, then "lost track" of them (read: didn't even try to track them at all) and then tried to blame it on Bush while Secretary HillBillary tried to use it to say we needed to clamp down on them? Yeah, good times!

So two wrongs make a right? All the ATF under Biden is doing is enforcing federal law that the ATF has whimped on in the past.
Such a shock that the Red State hit piece left out that the dealers were in violation of federal law, sometimes selling guns to criminals.

I thought the wacky right was into "law and order"? I guess when it comes to guns, the more the merrier, even if you sell them to drug dealers or illegal aliens. Not very patriotic.

"What is Biden's agenda on gun control?
The ‘zero tolerance’ policy was announced by Attorney General Merrick Garland in June as part of Biden’s push to crack down on gun trafficking. Biden signed an executive order this month mandating more public naming of gun dealers that break federal rules and called for the ATF to post inspection results."

"'Rogue' gun dealers revealed: What to know as ATF names gun shops that flout federal laws

In all, 93 gun stores were identified by the ATF.
What is Biden's agenda on gun control?
The ‘zero tolerance’ policy was announced by Attorney General Merrick Garland in June as part of Biden’s push to crack down on gun trafficking. Biden signed an executive order this month mandating more public naming of gun dealers that break federal rules and called for the ATF to post inspection results.

ATF revoked 92 licenses in 2022, the most since 2008.
Last year, ATF revoked licenses at a higher rate than in any year since 2006. ATF’s “Enhanced Regulatory Enforcement” policy focused on specific violations that pose public safety risks including:

Refusing to allow ATF to conduct a lawful inspection.
Transferring a firearm to a prohibited person.
Failing to conduct a required background check.
Falsifying records.
Failing to respond to a firearm trace request."

So tell the gun dealers to obey the law.

Yes and in the past they were given warnings and fines. Biden wants to take away our guns
Yes and in the past they were given warnings and fines. Biden wants to take away our guns

If that were true, Biden would close down all dealerships - not just the ones in violation of the law. Do you want guns in the hands of criminals and drug dealers? If not, let the ATF do their job - if the dealerships are in compliance with the law they're fine.

Again, these were the violations:

"Refusing to allow ATF to conduct a lawful inspection.
Transferring a firearm to a prohibited person.
Failing to conduct a required background check.
Falsifying records.
Failing to respond to a firearm trace request."
Yes and in the past they were given warnings and fines. Biden wants to take away our guns

It is estimated that there are 265,000,000 privately owned firearms in the United States.
Nine of them are mine, as a matter of fact.

Since I can't picture somebody Biden's age walking away with 265,000,000 guns,
I think that I'll take a chance and vote for him again.:)
If that were true, Biden would close down all dealerships - not just the ones in violation of the law. Do you want guns in the hands of criminals and drug dealers? If not, let the ATF do their job - if the dealerships are in compliance with the law they're fine.

Again, these were the violations:

"Refusing to allow ATF to conduct a lawful inspection.
Transferring a firearm to a prohibited person.
Failing to conduct a required background check.
Falsifying records.
Failing to respond to a firearm trace request."

Read the OP
It is estimated that there are 265,000,000 privately owned firearms in the United States.
Nine of them are mine, as a matter of fact.

Since I can't picture somebody Biden's age walking away with 265,000,000 guns,
I think that I'll take a chance and vote for him again.:)

He has created a police state so he can do it
Read the OP

I did. The OP is an opinion piece that ignores why the dealerships were shuttered. Read the article I posted in response. It does what the OP article doesn't - provide the background for why some dealerships were shut down.

Again, if the dealerships were in compliance with federal law, they'd all remain open.
The ATF, under the Biden administration, is closing down gun dealers for 'violation's of federal law'..........most of those violations being not filling out the 4473 form exactly the way its supposed to. Read that as mistypes or abbreviations where there shouldn't be. Now, many anti gun cowards on the left will wholeheartedly support this approach and deem it 'law and order'..........but tell me why they aren't screaming to have the ATF shut down for losing weapons, ammunition, maintaining a sloppy NFA database, etc.

why are mistakes by government allowed to occur and it be called 'just normal business' while civilians lose their livelihood, and sometimes their lives, due to mistakes and leftists call it the government just doing their job????
I did. The OP is an opinion piece that ignores why the dealerships were shuttered. Read the article I posted in response. It does what the OP article doesn't - provide the background for why some dealerships were shut down.

Again, if the dealerships were in compliance with federal law, they'd all remain open.

The OP tells much more than your leftwing hit piece does. Biden has been trying to take our guns for over 25 years
The people can not be allowed to have guns to use against the government that is abusing them...

Come On Man.....