Biden claims that US support for genocidal Israeli criminals is ' Iron clad '


Satire for Sanity
Biden claims that US support for Japan and the Phillipines is ' Iron clad '


Saigon 1975



Kabul 2021

Nevermind- Biden pledges ' Iron clad ' support for Japan and the Phillipines.

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If I were a Ukrainian enjoying America's ' Iron clad ' support I'd be loading up my horse-drawn cart and heading for pastures new.
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Why can't Western governments keep their dicks in their pants ? The age of colonialism and foreign asset-stripping is done. Overseas, scorpions are more trustworthy than Americans . America's god is a tyrant, a purveyor of deceit and hypocrisy who offers a corporate heaven built upon environmental destruction and nuclear weapons. How did America's soul ever come to be ' iron-clad' pledged to a disgusting pseudo- theocracy which butchers children tens of thousands at a time and makes no secret of the fact that it wants to be defended ad-infinitum by the blood of Americans ?

What happened to America ?

Iron-clad support for genocidal Jews.
Iron-clad support for Ukrainian neo-Nazis
Iron clad support for Japan
Iron clad support for the Phillipines
What ridiculous arrogance !


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Why can't Western governments keep their dicks in their pants ? The age of colonialism and foreign asset-stripping is done. Overseas, scorpions are more trustworthy than Americans . America's god is a tyrant, a purveyor of deceit and hypocrisy who offers a corporate heaven built upon environmental destruction and nuclear weapons. How did America's soul ever come to be ' iron-clad' pledged to a disgusting pseudo- theocracy which butchers children tens of thousands at a time and makes no secret of the fact that it wants to be defended ad-infinitum by the blood of Americans ?

What happened to America ?

Iron-clad support for genocidal Jews.
Iron-clad support for Ukrainian neo-Nazis
Iron clad support for Japan
Iron clad support for the Phillipines



The Ukrainians have attacked a nuclear power plant five days in a row and these fucks say wonder the world increasingly does not like America.