Biden Embezzling Funds

Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect
Biden routes campaign cash to family, their firms
Discloses $2 million in business arrangements
Jim McElhatton (Contact)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Democratic vice-presidential candidate Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. has paid more than $2 million in campaign cash to his family members, their businesses and employers over the years, a practice that watchdogs criticize as rife with potential conflicts of interest.

Getty Images FAMILY: Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr.'s son, Hunter Biden, was at a campaign stop with his father in December. The candidate's sister, Valerie Biden Owens, is his longtime campaign manager.

The money largely flowed from the coffers of Mr. Biden's failed presidential campaign during the past two years to a company that employs his sister and longtime campaign manager, Valerie Biden Owens, according to campaign disclosure filings.

The senator from Delaware also directed campaign legal work to a Washington lobbying and law firm founded by his son R. Hunter Biden, the disclosures show.
first thought is how much did Clinton, gore, bush, Cheney, Kerry.. etc pay to there friends and family during campaigns.

Dont really have an idea if thats high or normal. no benchmark.
I figure this is BAU in politics. But do not really know. It IS normal for red state KY politics I know.
If they performed a job for the campaign then big deal.

More bullshit slime right before an election.
Putting family members and their companies on the political payroll is legal if the work is legitimate and charged at market rates, according to the Federal Election Commission. Still, public watchdog groups have long criticized such arrangements.

The last paragraph of the piece
lol Desh if this were Palin's family you would be flipping your shit.

You have got to be the biggest hack on the Internet.