Biden Got The Raspberry


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If Biden had to eat a real raspberry every time he gets a contemptuous raspberry it would take a farm this big to keep him supplied:


Biden’s WE, and OUR, means the Parasite Class:

Biden Boasts, ‘In 8 Days We’re Going To Take Our Democracy Back.’

Neil Farage got the attaboy:

Nigel Farage Fires Back: ‘And Then Sell It To China?’
By Hank Berrien
Oct 27, 2020

The vast majority of Americans in every generation since this country was founded despised democracy as did Colonial Americans and the Founding Fathers. So I would like Biden to elaborate on three or four constitutional governing policies he intends to mandate in his democracy.

I will not ask China Joe to tell me many Americans will suffer in his democracy, but I will ask him to tell me how many AMERICANS will benefit under his democracy. No morality double-talk please. I had enough of that for eight years from you and the Chicago sewer rat.
It's telling that Republicans always have to photoshop their memes, whereas we on the left simply need to capture what was shown and said without any fanciful edits.
we on the left simply need to capture what was shown and said

To Michael_Panetta: Capture this:

According to former president Barack Obama, the 2020 election is the most important of our lifetimes, a sentiment he also felt was true in 2018, 2016, 2012, and 2008.

He did not make those remarks about 2010 or 2014, when Republicans made huge gains in the midterms of his presidency.

For Obama, Every Election Is the Most Important of Our Lifetimes
David Rutz - October 28, 2020 1:05 PM

To Michael_Panetta: Capture this:

According to former president Barack Obama, the 2020 election is the most important of our lifetimes, a sentiment he also felt was true in 2018, 2016, 2012, and 2008.

He did not make those remarks about 2010 or 2014, when Republicans made huge gains in the midterms of his presidency.

For Obama, Every Election Is the Most Important of Our Lifetimes
David Rutz - October 28, 2020 1:05 PM

Wow. Talk about picking hairs.
Neil Farage got the attaboy:

Nigel Farage Fires Back: ‘And Then Sell It To China?’
By Hank Berrien
Oct 27, 2020

Another attaboy for Nice Neil:

"I think that polling is often used by the establishment as a way of disincentivizing the other side to go out and vote," Farage said on "Just the News AM" television show.

Brexit architect Nigel Farage: Mainstream media using polls to suppress Trump turnout
By Carrie Sheffield
Updated: October 29, 2020 - 10:47pm