Biden leaves behind a loser’s legacy

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Biden will be remembered as a loser who chased a presidential dream for decades and then drove his party, and the country, into the ground when he reached it.

Biden leaves behind a loser’s legacy

President Joe Biden has announced that he will not run for reelection, cementing his half-a-century-long legacy of losing.

Biden’s abysmal presidency is going to end with a whimper whether or not Democrats win in November, as Biden was thrown out by his party after a debate performance that exposed he simply is not physically or mentally fit to serve as president. His approval ratings tanked in 2021 after his fabricated image of competence and empathy came crashing down as he botched the withdrawal from Afghanistan and disrespected Gold Star families. Those numbers haven’t recovered since then, and now his party is telling him point-blank he must step aside because he will lose.

It is a perfect ending to the career of a mediocre politician such as Biden, who crashed out of his first presidential campaign in 1987 after a plagiarism scandal. He was an afterthought in the 2008 presidential campaign but was plucked from the Senate by Barack Obama to be his running mate, failing upward after a Senate career where he had been “wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades” according to Robert Gates, who served as the secretary of defense in Obama’s administration.

Were it not for a pandemic, Biden would not be president right now. Were it not for the Iowa Democratic Party botching its caucus and denying Pete Buttigieg momentum in the 2020 primary, leading Democrats to scramble to find an alternative to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Biden would likely not even have been the nominee. He blundered into the presidency after a career of blunders in the Senate and then blundered his way through the presidency. His reelection campaign flamed out after he blundered through a debate and nearly the entire Democratic Party told him he would lose the election.

Biden’s legacy is a failed presidency

Leaving aside whether or not the country needed saving from Trump, Biden has not “done an excellent job as president,” as claimed by the sweetly generous New York Times. If he is “one of the most consequential presidents in our nation’s history,” as the dulcet-tongued Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said when he asked Biden to step aside, those consequences have been overwhelmingly negative.

Biden could have been remembered as a president who united the country and passed the baton to a new generation of leadership. To do this, he needed to govern as a commonsense centrist and then stick to his word and pass the baton. The economy was already adding 1.4 million jobs a month before Biden was sworn into office. If he had simply speeded the reopening of the economy after the COVID shutdowns, he would have presided over strong, equitable economic growth.

Instead, he allowed fawning historians to convince him he could be the second coming of Franklin Roosevelt. Manipulated by the Left, he pushed for massive and unneeded spending on a purely partisan basis, sending inflation through the roof and thus punishing vulnerable workers. As a direct result of Biden’s partisan overspending, consumers have accumulated $12.8 trillion in housing debt, $1.62 trillion in car debt, and $1.1 trillion in credit card debt, all record highs. According to the latest Federal Reserve Economic Well-Being survey, inflation has worsened the finances of 65% of people, including 19% who said it was “much worse.” Almost one-fifth of adults, 17%, said they could not pay all their bills in the month before the survey was taken.

Biden was also handed a secure border where fewer than 2,500 immigrants were being encountered daily. A month after he dismantled Trump’s successful “Remain in Mexico” program, Biden’s catch-and-release border policies sent border apprehensions up to over 3,500. Biden claimed this was just a “seasonal” fluctuation that “happens every single solitary year.” But then the numbers hit 5,775 a day in March and steadily rose to an all-time high of 9,741 encounters a day last December.

As a direct result of the border crisis Biden created, local governments across the country are having to cut services for native-born Americans and fire employees to help pay for the food, housing, healthcare, and education for Biden’s illegal immigrants. Young women have been raped and murdered by migrants Biden let into the country. Most of the 3.8 million illegal immigrants are not violent criminals, but if even 1% of them are, that’s 38,000 menaces to society roaming free today who would not have been in the country if Trump were still president.

Biden must go not because his legacy is splendid but because he has been an unmitigated calamity for America.
