Biden left Taliban $7B in weapons, fingerprint scanners used to hunt US allies: damning report


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WASHINGTON – Much of the $7.1 billion in military equipment and technology President Biden left behind in Afghanistan after his botched withdrawal was still operable despite Pentagon claims to the contrary – including fingerprint devices the Taliban later used to track down down American’s abandoned Afghan allies, according to a comprehensive report by the House Foreign Affairs Committee on the fiasco.

Kamala says she was the last to leave the room after the decision to leave Afghanistan was made.

Trump should ask her about this tonight
You can't have it both ways.

If it was bad to have casualties - retrieving this outdated equipment would have surely meant more of 'em. This stuff wasn't on pallets in safe zones, just waiting to be airlifted.

It would have been a fight - and more casualties. And you guys would have criticized that.

Bottom line is that Biden ended a war that Republicans started, and Republicans never got us out of. Kamala can bring that up if Trump - who wasn't able to end the war - mentions it.
WASHINGTON – Much of the $7.1 billion in military equipment and technology President Biden left behind in Afghanistan after his botched withdrawal was still operable despite Pentagon claims to the contrary – including fingerprint devices the Taliban later used to track down down American’s abandoned Afghan allies, according to a comprehensive report by the House Foreign Affairs Committee on the fiasco.

Kamala says she was the last to leave the room after the decision to leave Afghanistan was made.

Trump should ask her about this tonight

What Murdoch forgot to tell you is what was left behind was either in disrepair or there were no extra parts to replace broken overused equipment

Shit source, shit post
WASHINGTON – Much of the $7.1 billion in military equipment and technology President Biden left behind in Afghanistan after his botched withdrawal was still operable despite Pentagon claims to the contrary – including fingerprint devices the Taliban later used to track down down American’s abandoned Afghan allies, according to a comprehensive report by the House Foreign Affairs Committee on the fiasco.

Kamala says she was the last to leave the room after the decision to leave Afghanistan was made.

Trump should ask her about this tonight
Good. Now they can defend themselves from a foreign invasion.
WASHINGTON – Much of the $7.1 billion in military equipment and technology President Biden left behind in Afghanistan after his botched withdrawal was still operable despite Pentagon claims to the contrary – including fingerprint devices the Taliban later used to track down down American’s abandoned Afghan allies, according to a comprehensive report by the House Foreign Affairs Committee on the fiasco.

Kamala says she was the last to leave the room after the decision to leave Afghanistan was made.

Trump should ask her about this tonight
Biden was simply following the instructions left by the TRUMP administration.
Biden and Harris abandoned our Afghani Muslim allies. Left them behind to be captured and tortured.

Most of the equipment was state of the art and perfectly functional helicopters, humvees, weapons and more. Not ragged old ww2 surplus like the lying white lib boomers claim.

Biden, the 50 year political veteran, followed his own fucked up plan, not DJT's, which would have removed the troops last.
Biden and Harris abandoned our Afghani Muslim allies. Left them behind to be captured and tortured.

Most of the equipment was state of the art and perfectly functional helicopters, humvees, weapons and more. Not ragged old ww2 surplus like the lying white lib boomers claim.

Biden, the 50 year political veteran, followed his own fucked up plan, not DJT's, which would have removed the troops last.
Twenty years of US occupation of Afghanistan. It accomplished nothing.
Biden and Harris abandoned our Afghani Muslim allies. Left them behind to be captured and tortured.

Most of the equipment was state of the art and perfectly functional helicopters, humvees, weapons and more. Not ragged old ww2 surplus like the lying white lib boomers claim.

Biden, the 50 year political veteran, followed his own fucked up plan, not DJT's, which would have removed the troops last.


Who was the one secretly meeting with the Taliban regarding the withdrawal of US troops while not inviting nor updating the actual Afghan Government?
I have been told that very high value super high tech gear just barely got out this operation was so botched.

Who was the one secretly meeting with the Taliban regarding the withdrawal of US troops while not inviting nor updating the actual Afghan Government?
Trump signed an agreement with the Taliban that said the Taliban was supposed to make SURE ALL our troops got out completely SAFE.
Now how stupid can you be to sign an agreement with a TERRORIST group you have been fighting and killing for 20 years and actually believe they are going to make sure the troop that have been injuring and killing them for that 20 years is going to make sure EVERY one of your troops got out completely safe?
Most MAGA and right wingers on here have NEVER bothered to read the agreement Trump signed with them.
Heck it even says in it that we do NOT recognize the Taliban as a state, or even a valid entity.
YES Trump is so stupid he trusted a TERRORIST organization with the safety of our troops.
Trump is a REAL MORON
Have a nice day

Who was the one secretly meeting with the Taliban regarding the withdrawal of US troops while not inviting nor updating the actual Afghan Government?

Post your relevant quote here and provide a link to your source. :dunno:
And GW Bush invaded. Total failure.
Yep. Obama's good war.

The Taliban offered to put Bin Laden on trial. I would have liked to have seen that globally televised, instead of invading.
Yep. Obama's good war.

The Taliban offered to put Bin Laden on trial. I would have liked to have seen that globally televised, instead of invading.
Yes, Bush lied about wanting to get bin Laden. He always wanted an invasion and occupation.