Biden moving to finalize ban on menthol cigarettes

T. A. Gardner

Thread Killer
Joke Bribem must have a political suicide wish...

The Joke administration is moving to finalize a ban on menthol cigarettes, a type favored heavily among Blacks. The pushback from a variety of often Democrat and Leftist supporting groups has been heavily against such a ban, but it looks like it's going through anyway. As if Bribem hasn't already lost enough support among Blacks, he appears set to lose more with this move.

Opposition from prominent Black and civil rights groups is threatening to permanently derail Biden administration efforts to ban menthol cigarettes.
The ban has also pitted organizations that are often allies, like the NAACP and the Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network (NAN), against each other.

Biden closes in on BANNING menthol cigarettes despite furious opposition from civil rights groups claiming it will punish African-American and Hispanic communities and small businesses

Nothing like big dictatorial, authoritarian government to crush "democracy..."