Biden Replaces The Hammer With The Needle


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The traitor is running out of patience:


That is why Scummy Joe is replacing the hammer:
with the needle:

If you think Biden’s support for Communism is an exaggeration on my part take a look at the TRILLIONS OF TAX DOLLARS he gave to the Parasite Class, and the forced vaccination authority he gave to the New World Order crowd via the United Nation. It is a tossup between which one Scummy Joe loves more —— money or the U.N.
If you think Biden’s support for Communism is an exaggeration on my part take a look at the TRILLIONS OF TAX DOLLARS he gave to the Parasite Class, and the forced vaccination authority he gave to the New World Order crowd via the United Nation.

Scummy Joe ain’t forgetting the little guys —— his friends in Big Pharma:

Pfizer CEO says US to return to normal within a year but only if everybody takes COVID-19 vaccines
By Arsenio Toledo

Even if everybody takes the vaccines, Big Pharma will never stop sucking up tax dollars for flu-crises they will invent every year. You have to be a complete idiot to believe that corporate parasites will walk away from hundred of billions of dollars EVERY YEAR. The precedent is set.

Never forget that COVID-19 vaccinations are not free as media liars will have you believe. The federal government pays Big Pharma for those vials and every penny of the cost of administering those vaccinations. Doctors and hospitals probably get more money from the scan than Big Pharma.

Incidentally, look for the scum in Connecticut’s government to endorse Pfizer:

Kelo v. City of New London

Pfizer, whose employees were supposed to be the clientele of the Fort Trumbull redevelopment project, completed its merger with Wyeth, resulting in a consolidation of research facilities of the two companies. Pfizer chose to retain the Groton campus on the east side of the Thames River, closing its New London facility in late 2010 with a loss of over 1,000 jobs. That coincided with the expiration of tax breaks on the New London site that would have increased Pfizer's property tax bill by almost 400 percent.

After the Pfizer announcement, the San Francisco Chronicle, in November 2009, in its lead editorial called the Kelo decision infamous:

The well-laid plans of redevelopers, however, did not pan out. The land where Susette Kelo's little pink house once stood remains undeveloped. The proposed hotel-retail-condo "urban village" has not been built. And earlier this month, Pfizer Inc. announced that it is closing the $350 million research center in New London that was the anchor for the New London redevelopment plan, and will be relocating some 1,500 jobs.

The Chronicle editorial quoted from The New York Times:

"They stole our home for economic development," ousted homeowner Michael Cristofaro told the New York Times. "It was all for Pfizer, and now they get up and walk away."
Pfizer CEO says US to return to normal within a year but only if everybody takes COVID-19 vaccines​

Killing human guinea pigs means nothing to parasites:

Thanks to a Whistleblower that came forth to Attorney Thomas Renz, the public is now seeing, for the first time ever, hard data from the largest database available in the U.S. to study the COVID-19 impact including deaths & injuries; The CMS Medicare Tracking System. The Total number of American Citizens that died within 14 days of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine is 48,465 according to hard data revealed in the Medicare Tracking System. {Direct Rumble Link}

Attorney Renz is also in possession of Remdesivir death data from the Medicare Tracking System that has been withheld by the government from our citizens. The Remdesivir data reveals of the 7,960 beneficiaries prescribed Remdesivir for Covid-19, 2,058 died. That is 25.9%.

46% of people died within 14 days of the Remdesivir Treatment. The Remdesivir Treatment was established in U.S. Hospitals at the direction of Dr. Anthony Fauci. Serious adverse events were reported in 131 of the 532 patients who received Remdesivir. That is 24.6%. Attorney Renz says, ”This begs the question… why is this the protocol in American Hospitals? Does this appear “Safe and Effective” to you?”


LifeSiteNews has more details on the presentation specifically as it pertains to the risks within the Pfizer vaccine. {SEE HERE} “So, when they weren’t injected, their infection rate was 1.3%, and when they got injected, it was 4.34%. It went up by over 300%,” Kingston stated. “They had less infection when they had no protection. So, that’s a problem.”

Posted in Big Government, Big Stupid Government, CDC, Coronavirus, Dem Hypocrisy, Fabian Socialists - Modern Progressives, Infectious Disease, media bias, Professional Idiots, propaganda, Uncategorized, USA

Attorney Thomas Renz Releases Medicare and Pfizer Whistleblower Data – Vaccine Related Injuries and Deaths Far More Widespread Than Reported
October 1, 2021

Everyone with a death wish believes this vulture:


Scummy Joe ain’t forgetting the little guys —— his friends in Big Pharma:

Nothing is more profitable than having a public trough Democrat living in the White House:

"Basically, our organization is run on COVID money now."

Hidden camera: Pfizer scientists admit natural immunity better than vaccines
By Art Moore
Published October 5, 2021 at 1:20pm
I suspect that the United Nations is funneling American tax dollars to every country that uses the same payoff:

Never forget that COVID-19 vaccinations are not free as media liars will have you believe. The federal government pays Big Pharma for those vials and every penny of the cost of administering those vaccinations. Doctors and hospitals probably get more money from the scan than Big Pharma.

More than half a dozen staff members of New South Wales, Australia Premier Gladys Berejiklian have resigned in shame over their involvement in a massive Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) bribery scheme.

Berejiklian and her comrades reportedly took tens of millions of dollars from Big Pharma in exchange for pushing lockdowns and now “vaccines,” destroying countless lives and businesses in the process.

According to a former Australian member of parliament (MP), Pfizer and AstraZeneca both paid lobbyists to push vaccine mandates on the people, ensuring a steady stream of ill-gotten profits.

Just prior to ousting herself, Berejiklian was seen on a jumbo screen at Qudos Bank Arena in Sydney telling children who were being herded in as part of a mass vaccination drive that getting jabbed for the Chinese Virus is necessary to stay “safe” and “healthy.”

Clive Palmer, head of the United Australia Party, says that Berejiklian was promised that she would not be charged in a corruption probe if she imposed a vaccine mandate. She allegedly accepted that offer, and has since resigned from her position.

Chances are this is only the tip of the iceberg, and more indictments and resignations are soon on the way – both in Australia and abroad. Perhaps an end to the jab mandates will soon come based on all these revelations.

The entire covid cabal needs to be taken down with haste


Sometimes political disarray and chaos is needed to root out the snakes, and one can only hope that the same thing happens in the United States. Right now, Americans are having to contend with an illegitimate regime that was not lawfully elected, but that is trying to force the country into the same tyranny that was imposed on NSW.

With this wave of resignations down under, the hope is that it will spread all around the world to every place where Fauci Flu tyranny is sweeping the land.

We the People must push for every last covid criminal to either resign or be removed – no exceptions.

Big Pharma payola scandal erupts in Australia, takes down six corrupt officials and Australian Premier Berejiklian
By Ethan Huff

No surprise here when trillions of medical industry tax dollars are threatened:

Doctors are not taking kindly to the suggestion that patients should have access to medication that can prevent serious illness.

October 7, 2021
Doctors are getting angry at their patients
By Pandra Selivanov
