Biden Warns Iran That His Support for Israel Is 'Ironclad'


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Biden Warns Iran That His Support for Israel Is 'Ironclad'

Biden mumbled those meaningless words one day after demanding that Israel give Iran's Hamas proxies a unilateral ceasefire. "What I'm calling for is for the Israelis to just call for a ceasefire, allow for the next six, eight weeks total access to all food and medicine going into the country," without even a "pretty please release a hostage or two" for Hamas.

Was He Joking? Biden Warns Iran That His Support for Israel Is 'Ironclad' PJ Media

All the corrupt pervert wants is for Hamas to have an opportunity to recruit, regroup, reorganize, and attack Israel again. Biden is desperate to have the anti-Semitic vote. The fact that Hamas doesn't have enough living hostages to return forty doesn't bother him at all. Dead hostages can still vote Democrat even if they aren't U.S. citizens.

I'm sorry for the Arabs in Gaza and Rafah but perhaps they should reconsider voting for Hamas so they can continue being human shields. Perhaps Democrats in the U.S., especially Jewish Democrats, need to reconsider.

I stand with Israel and hope to see Hamas totally destroyed.
On being told of Biden's "ironclad" warning, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi wet himself with laughter, and then, after changing his underwear, ordered up another Revolutionary Guards missile drill.

I joke because I have to, but this is not a laughing matter.

Later on Wednesday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken echoed Biden's words during a phone call with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. According to the State Department, Blinken "made clear that the United States will stand with Israel against any threats by Iran."

Blinken's hollow assurances to Gallant came on the very same day that he was caught parroting Palestinian propaganda, mentioning the "plight" of Palestinians enjoying self-rule under the PA and Hamas "alongside Muslims suffering in some of the world’s worst conflicts," according to the Times of Israel.

In his statement marking the end of Ramadan (called Eid Al-Fitr), Blinken said, "Our thoughts turn to the plight of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, civilians in Syria, women suffering under the Taliban in Afghanistan, Uyghurs in the People’s Republic of China, Rohingya in Burma and Bangladesh and far too many others."

Raisi had his people out buying more underwear and enriching more uranium on the news.

Not really, but what really happened isn't much better:

An attack by Iran or its proxies against military and government targets in Israel are imminent, Bloomberg News reported citing intelligence sources, with one source saying it is more a matter of when, not if.

Tensions in the Middle East today flared after an Iranian news agency published a report on X saying all airspace over Tehran had been closed for military drills, before quickly removing the post and denying it had ever issued the news.

Iran is gearing up for war. Biden is gearing up to become Hamas' catering service.

Taken together or even separately, Biden and Blinken's statements ought to convince Hamas that never is a super-duper time for a ceasefire and that the White House thinks it's just fine if Hamas lives to murder-rape another day. Muslims can chant "Death to America!" in Dearborn, Mich., without Biden lifting a finger, and Iran's murderous Mullahs are supposed to take his "ironclad" guarantee seriously?


The way to prevent a wider war — and I agree with whomever is in charge of the Biden administration that avoiding a wider war is imperative — is to show zero daylight between Washington and Jerusalem at this crucial moment.

Instead, the Biden administration has bullied Israel into postponing the final push into Rafah, while making sure the world knows that our ally's lives and safety are strictly tertiary concerns, ranking far below doing whatever it takes to keep Hamas fed and Tehran appeased.
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Biden is throwing Israel under the bus to get the Muslim vote in Michigan.

It won’t work.