Biden’s Billion Dollar Hydrogen Program Makes No ‘Economic Or Common Sense,


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Biden cares nothing about the cost to the consumer he only cares what far left Democrats think. Thie will cost the poor and middle class way too much

The Biden administration announced plans Wednesday to invest up to $1 billion in “clean hydrogen,” an expensive fuel source that requires significant infrastructure to support it that would be unlikely to get significant private investment if not for government intervention in the energy sector, industry experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The Department of Energy (DOE) announcement stated the administration’s intent to invest the funds into Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs for the widespread deployment of the technology, with a particular focus on providing “demand-side support” to encourage buyers to come forward and support hydrogen projects, according to the agency’s press release. These demand-side incentives are necessary in part because “clean” or “green” hydrogen must be manufactured using renewable energy sources, a much more expensive process than using fossil fuels, Dan Kish, a senior research fellow at the Institute for Energy Research told the DCNF.Even if the Biden administration is able to push the cost of green hydrogen down via subsidies, investors and buyers have expressed concern that there might not be enough supply of green hydrogen to make the transition away from fossil fuels worth it, E&E News reported. The process of manufacturing green hydrogen — known as electrolysis — converts water into hydrogen using renewable power, and the hydrogen it generates is nearly 14 times as expensive as natural gas to generate the same amount of power, Isaac Orr, a policy fellow at the Center of the American Experiment told the DCNF.
Japanese researchers find a simple and affordable way to store hydrogen

Researchers at the RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS) in Japan have found a simple and affordable way to store ammonia, an important chemical in a range of industries. The discovery could also help in establishing a hydrogen-based economy.

Ammonia, chemically written as NH3, is widely used across industries ranging from textiles to pharmaceuticals and is an important component in the manufacture of fertilizers. For its current use, ammonia is stored in pressure-resistant containers after liquefying it at temperatures of -27 Fahrenheit (-33 degrees Celsius).

Alternate methods of storing ammonia in porous compounds have been explored. The storage and retrieval process can be achieved at room temperature, but the storage capacity of these compounds is limited.

Japanese researchers find a simple and affordable way to store hydrogen
It does not involve pressurized containers and can be retrieved at relatively low temperatures.

Researchers at the RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS) in Japan have found a simple and affordable way to store ammonia, an important chemical in a range of industries. The discovery could also help in establishing a hydrogen-based economy.

Ammonia, chemically written as NH3, is widely used across industries ranging from textiles to pharmaceuticals and is an important component in the manufacture of fertilizers. For its current use, ammonia is stored in pressure-resistant containers after liquefying it at temperatures of -27 Fahrenheit (-33 degrees Celsius).

Alternate methods of storing ammonia in porous compounds have been explored. The storage and retrieval process can be achieved at room temperature, but the storage capacity of these compounds is limited.

This new silicon-based powder could make transporting hydrogen fuel safe and viable
Scientists successfully turned thin air into green hydrogen for 12 days
A research team led by Masuki Kawamoto at RIKEN CEMS has now found that perovskites, crystalline structures associated with improving energy conversion efficiencies of solar panels, can also serve as an excellent medium for the storage and retrieval of ammonia.

Perovskite as an ammonia carrier
Kawamoto's team found that the perovskite ethyl ammonium lead iodide (EAPbI3) reacts with ammonia at room temperature and pressure to make lead iodide hydroxide, or Pb(OH)I. Ethyl ammonium lead iodide has a one-dimensional columnar structure but, after reacting with ammonia, forms a two-dimensional layered structure.

Ammonia is a highly corrosive gas, but the chemical reaction with the perovskite allows for its safe storage that does not need any special equipment to store it either. The retrieval process is also very straightforward. Under vacuum, ethyl ammonium lead iodide can be heated to 122 Fahrenheit (50 degrees Celsius) to release ammonia gas.

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Biden cares nothing about the cost to the consumer he only cares what far left Democrats think. Thie will cost the poor and middle class way too much

Yet MORE money wasted.

Hydrogen must be manufactured. It is NOT 'green' since the process consumes MORE electricity than just charging EVs.
Isaac Orr has basically got it right, but is failing to note that even MORE power stations will have to built to supply all the hydrogen than that required for EVs.
Hydrogen provides for poor range as well, and is difficult to handle as a fuel (the fuel nozzle actually freezes to the filler opening! It can take up to 30 minutes to thaw enough to remove it!).
It is simply not possible to put enough hydrogen in the car to equal the range of gasoline in a typical car even if pressures as high as 3000psi is used.

Natural gas is renewable. So is oil and gasoline. Far better choices as fuel for efficiency.