Biden's border 'crackdown' is a CON JOB!


Verified User
Not only is Biden's executive order a con, but it also exposes how the Biden administration and the complicit progressive Democrat
media have been gaslighting Americans for the last three-plus years.

Biden nullified America's immigration laws, an unconstitutional and tyrannical act. It's no surprise that, on his watch, illegal immigration soared.

The chart below tells the tale:

Hey libs, check out the chart to see where illegal immigration was when Trump left office to where it is today under the Biden administration.

Wow, well look here, not one leftist willing to comment on Biden's obvious con job executive actions on immigration
some 3 1/2 years later just 5 months before the election. I must say, looking at that chart to see where illegal immigration
was when Trump left office to where it is today under the Biden administration is surely the reason why you liberals
ran as far away from this OP as possible.