Biden’s border ‘crackdown’ is all spin

Truth Detector

Well-known member
Biden voters must enjoy being lied to and gaslighted. It is hypocritical for anyone supporting Biden to whine about Trump lies, even though most were not lies but OPINIONS.

Biden’s border ‘crackdown’ is all spin

“Doing nothing is not an option,” President Biden declared of the border crisis Tuesday — after three-plus years when he did far worse than nothing — as he offered up a scheme that still won’t do much.

His new executive order is simply a deceitful press stunt he hopes will shore up his rock-bottom ratings from voters on the crisis.

The order will “allow” the prez to shut down the border when crossings between points of entry top 17,500 over seven consecutive days — a level that permits nearly 1 million illegal entrants a year.

And that’s on top of close to another million or so entering via the countless “legal” pathways he has created without congressional approval, such as his CPBOne scheduling program.

So his new “limits” still mean historic highs of continued border-jumping — double the highest figure under Donald Trump.

Let's recount all the lies in this dullards speech:

“Doing nothing is not an option,”

Yet that is exactly what he, Kamala and Mayorkas have done for almost four years.

He’s repeatedly insisting the border is “secure,” A lie.

He's claimed he has no authority to take any action unless Congress acts: “I’ve done all I can,” Another lie.

Mayorkas delusionally claimed that Trump gutted our immigration system. An incredibly delusional lie.

Thanks for confirming that Trump's plan is nothing but spin.
Maybe the GOP congress should have passed the border bill if they actually wanted something done instead bowing down to -
Trump who happens to be a Rapist!!
Trump isn't President you low IQ dotard. :palm:

Even you own fake chart shows Trump allowed more then 1,000,000 entries per year.

That is even after your chart changes what it is using to create the numbers.
In the Biden years, the chart uses all the encounters while in the Trump years it restricts it to just enforcement actions. But you wouldn't know that because you are just here to spin.
Thanks for confirming that Trump's plan is nothing but spin.
Maybe the GOP congress should have passed the border bill if they actually wanted something done instead bowing down to -
Trump who happens to be a Rapist!!
The congress did pass H. R. 2 which was a much stronger bill.

Biden reversed all of Trump's EO's that protected our border, like remain in Mexico. Ignoring that means you have no morality.

Trump was never convicted of rape. Tara Reid was sexually molested by Biden. She had to flee the country to escape Biden.
The congress did pass H. R. 2 which was a much stronger bill.

Biden reversed all of Trump's EO's that protected our border, like remain in Mexico. Ignoring that means you have no morality.

Trump was never convicted of rape. Tara Reid was sexually molested by Biden. She had to flee the country to escape Biden.
I never said Trump was convicted of rape.

A court found Trump liable for the act of rape as it is commonly understood which makes the following statement true.
Trump is a Rapist!!

Are you saying it is perfectly fine for a man to shove a woman up against the wall, pull down her clothing and insert fingers into her private parts without her consent? Is that rape in your world or not? Do you wish you could act in that fashion?

How was HR 2 a stronger bill? Because it required building a wall but provided no money? Because it required 22,000 new agents but provided no money? HR 2 was hardly a stronger bill. It was a fantasy passed by the GOP that contained almost nothing that was actually workable.
How does a bill passed by the US force every country in the western hemisphere to give US border patrol access to that country's criminal database?
Brandon's new "Crackdown" EXCLUDES,
1. It does not stop the 1500 illegals per day that show it with an appointment on their cellphone app.
2. It does not include the 30,000 migrants per month that are flying directly into the United States per month via a mass parole program the Brandon administration has put in place from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaguara, and Venezuela. Over 450,000 have invaded this country so far through this amnesty program.
3.. Unaccompanied minors and children are not counted in Brandon's phony 2500 illegals per day bullshit promise to the American public.
Even you own fake chart shows Trump allowed more then 1,000,000 entries per year.

Trump didn't "allow" those entries you dishonest leftist hack. But he did try to do something to stop them which the America hating Demnocrats did everything in their power to prevent.

Low IQ leftist hacks should be asking themselves this question; why are the Democrats so determined to allow criminal aliens complete access to our country? But first, you would need character, honesty and morals to be that honest.

That is even after your chart changes what it is using to create the numbers.
In the Biden years, the chart uses all the encounters while in the Trump years it restricts it to just enforcement actions. But you wouldn't know that because you are just here to spin.

All your flailing aside, how long have you been mentally retarded? :palm:
I never said Trump was convicted of rape.

A court found Trump liable for the act of rape as it is commonly understood which makes the following statement true.
Trump is a Rapist!!

There you go again, lying your dumb low IQ head off again. I don't think you can post without lying and looking like triggered mental case.

Trump didn't "allow" those entries you dishonest leftist hack. But he did try to do something to stop them which the America hating Demnocrats did everything in their power to prevent.

Low IQ leftist hacks should be asking themselves this question; why are the Democrats so determined to allow criminal aliens complete access to our country? But first, you would need character, honesty and morals to be that honest.

All your flailing aside, how long have you been mentally retarded? :palm:
Love your logic. The President doesn't allow entry into the US unless you decide the President does allow entry into the US.

Poopiehead once again tries to prove he is one of the stupidest people here.
There you go again, lying your dumb low IQ head off again. I don't think you can post without lying and looking like triggered mental case.

I must be lying because I can actually link to the court ruling that confirms -

Trump is a Rapist!!

The finding that Ms.
Carroll failed to prove that she was “raped” within the meaning of the New York Penal Law does
not mean that she failed to prove that Mr. Trump “raped” her as many people commonly understand
the word “rape.” Indeed, as the evidence at trial recounted below makes clear, the jury found that
Mr. Trump in fact did exactly that.

Everyone can say it because the jury found it to be true and the judge confirmed it.
Trump is a Rapist!!

Your denial of facts shows that it is you with the low IQ lying your head off again, Poopiehead. (Your round head not lying on the ground but must still be up the butt of that cow in your avatar.)
Biden voters must enjoy being lied to and gaslighted. It is hypocritical for anyone supporting Biden to whine about Trump lies, even though most were not lies but OPINIONS.

Biden’s border ‘crackdown’ is all spin

“Doing nothing is not an option,” President Biden declared of the border crisis Tuesday — after three-plus years when he did far worse than nothing — as he offered up a scheme that still won’t do much.

His new executive order is simply a deceitful press stunt he hopes will shore up his rock-bottom ratings from voters on the crisis.

The order will “allow” the prez to shut down the border when crossings between points of entry top 17,500 over seven consecutive days — a level that permits nearly 1 million illegal entrants a year.

And that’s on top of close to another million or so entering via the countless “legal” pathways he has created without congressional approval, such as his CPBOne scheduling program.

So his new “limits” still mean historic highs of continued border-jumping — double the highest figure under Donald Trump.

It only took the idiot biden 3+ years to FINALLY do something, anything about the border. I thought the kamal was supposed to fix the problem? Maybe she did "fix" it by leftist standards.
Haven't seen a link. Haven't seen one to your brain either.
Your denial is so cute. If you close your eyes, do you think no one can see you?
I must be lying because I can actually link to the court ruling that confirms -

Trump is a Rapist!!

The finding that Ms.
Carroll failed to prove that she was “raped” within the meaning of the New York Penal Law does
not mean that she failed to prove that Mr. Trump “raped” her as many people commonly understand
the word “rape.” Indeed, as the evidence at trial recounted below makes clear, the jury found that
Mr. Trump in fact did exactly that.

Everyone can say it because the jury found it to be true and the judge confirmed it.
Trump is a Rapist!!

Your denial of facts shows that it is you with the low IQ lying your head off again, Poopiehead. (Your round head not lying on the ground but must still be up the butt of that cow in your avatar.)
It seems you can't see the link everyone else can see.

Let me do it a few more times to see if you can see it now.

This is the link that shows that it has been factually decided in a court based on evidence that
Trump is a Rapist!!
It only took the idiot biden 3+ years to FINALLY do something, anything about the border. I thought the kamal was supposed to fix the problem? Maybe she did "fix" it by leftist standards.

Yet, he didn't do anything. His EO is feckless and does NOTHING to slow the massive illegal and destructive invasion we are witnessing on the Southern border.