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In 1987 then Democrat Senator for Delaware, Joe Biden was campaigning as a candidate for the 1988 Presidential election.He was regarded as a strong competitor in the race until September of 1987 when he was exposed as having plagiarised a speech he delivered from an address that the British Leader of the Opposition and Leader of the British Labour Party, Neil Kinnock, had given in Wales earlier that year (Kinnock's speech is remembered as one the great addresses in modern-era, British, political history and is known as the Thousand Year Generation" speech.

When Biden was caught on video plagiarising Kinnock's speech, his political enemies began digging up his lengthy history of plagiarism which began in 1965 when he had been caught plagiarising five whole pages of a published law review article for inclusion in a paper he submitted as a first year student at the University of Syracuse Law School. Fearing a scandal that could permanently damage his reputation, Biden dropped out of the race for the 1988 Presidential election.

Around this same time Biden began to experience chronic, regular headaches and pain in the back of his neck. He was noted by collegeages as always carrying a large bottle of "Tylenol" tablets around. And Biden has personally admitted in book, that he was taking TEN "Tylenol" tablets each day in 1988 at this time.

Later in 1988, after giving a speech, Biden returned to his hotel room as suffered a "thunderclap" headache. This is a sudden headache that srtikes with an excruciating intensity of pain. Biden dropped to the floor an curved his body into the foetal position. He then passed out, and was unconscious for 5 hours. He deided to seek medical assistance as flew back to Delaware. On the flight he noticed numbness in his legs and one side of his face was flaccid.

At St Francis' hospital in Delaware, Biden was diagnosed with a ruptured cerebral aneurysm (burst brain artery) after blood was found in a sample of his cerebrospinal fluid. Biden was not expected to survive as a Catholic priest arrived to administer the "Last Rites." When the priest arrived in Biden's roon, Dr Jill, freaked out, screamed at him, telling him, basically, to F**K O**.

Biden was then transferred to the Walter Reid Medical Centre in Delaware where an MRI (and other) neuro -imaging scans detected the presence one two aneurysms at the base of Biden's brain. An aneurysm in a blood vessel is like a bubble you blow in bubble gum that you are chewing. If you imaging that the bubblegum you are chewing is like a blood vessel (artery), just before you blow a bubble in the gum, you poke your tongue into a part of it to make that part thinner, Then you blow into the thinned part and a bubble starts to form, as you keep blowing it gets bigger until finally it bursts. Same thing for an aneurysm, an artery - in this case one at the base of Biden's brain, develops a weak patch in a part of its wall. Eventually, whatever caused this part of the artery wall to become weak, makes it so weak that the pressure of the blood it is carrying forces the weak part of the blood vessel's wall to "blow out" like a bubble in bubble gum. And just like a bubble in bubble - gum can burst when it gets to big, so can an (aneurysm/bubble) in a blood vessel's wall. When an aneurysm bursts in the brain it is a life-threatening event - you might die, you might depends on a number of factors. The point is that a burst cerebral (brain) aneurysm is regarded as a very serious medical emergency.

Biden's neurosurgeon at Walther Reid (Dr Kassal) tells Biden that he would need to operate to place a small titanium metal clip on the ruptured aneurysm. This would involve a craniotomy (taking the top of Biden's skull off to expose his brain - like you take the top off a Cookie Jar) and then sliding a probe down to the base of his brain to clip the ruptured aneurysm. Kassal tells Biden his chances of surviving the operation are 50:50.

So Biden takes his chances and has the operation (he had no option, really) and survived. The ruptured artery was successfully clipped. A few months later, Biden's other (second) aneurysm that was assessed as being at risk for rupturing was also clipped in a second craniotomy microsurgery procedure at the Walter Reid Medical Centre in Delaware.



"Survivors of intracerebral and subarachnoid haemorrhage at an 80% higher risk for developing long-term dementia (even after accounting for other dementia risk factors."

To put this in everyday language, if you suffer a rupture aneurysm of the brain, then your risk for developing (vascular) dementia later in life is increased by 80%, i.e. your risk for developing late-onset dementia are PARTICULARLY HIGH.


In 2020, THIRTY EIGHT YEARS after Biden suffered a burst aneurysm (and surgery to clip it and another unruptured aneurysm) in 1988 in 2020 he was showing clear signs of classic dementia symptoms on the campaign trail as Democratic nominee for that year's November 8th, Presidential election. His campaign team accordingly sharply decreased Biden's exposure to the public and, in particular, the press/MSM . The Democrat campaign did indeed manage to keep Biden largely hidden out of sight, such that critics suggested Biden was campaigning from "a basement".

Is is not correct BTW, to say that Biden has age-related senility, senility refers a natural process that occurs with age. Dementia, on the other hand, is not a natural process, it is an ABNORMAL neurocognitive/neurodegenerative disorder. Medical science has now confirmed that symptoms such as memory loss, disorientation (not knowing where one is in time and/or space) and confusion, ARE NOT NORMAL/NATURAL parts of ageing, rather they are symptoms of neurocognitive MEDICAL DISORDERS such as Dementia.

If Biden suffered his ruptured aneurysm 38 years before 2020 and a ruptured aneurysm carries an 80% risk for later-onset dementia, then in 2020 on the campaign trail when Biden was displaying: memory loss (couldn't remember the most famous verse in the "Declaration of Independence), disorientation ( forgot where/who his wife and her sister were, while they were standing on a stage next to him), a pattern of extremely inappropriate social gaffes during (verbal) addresses to the public and difficulties with inarticulate speech in general, it was almost CERTAIN that he was suffering from Dementia


We now know that Biden has dementia in 2020, because Dementia is a neurocognitive/neurodegenerative medical disorder (or syndrome). This mean that it is a brain disorder that becomes progressively worse over time and progressively diminishes the sufferer's cognitive abilities.


Biden's dementia was already severe enough in 2020 for him to have been (in theory) removed by the 25th Amendment the very day he was inaugurated on 20th January 2021. But the 25th Amendment was not invoked (I'll explain why below). Now, four years later, Biden's Dementia symptoms are so pronounced, they can no longer be effectively covered up by the Democrat MSM or Biden's minders at the White House. EVERYONE IN AMERICA HAS WITNESSED THE FOLLOWING CARDINAL /CLASSIC DEMENTIA SYMPTOMS IN JOE BIDEN....

* MEMORY LOSS. In his interviews with Biden during the "Mishandling of Classified Documents" probe, Special Council Hur (and his staff) found that Biden's memory was so impaired that although he was found to be guilty of wilfully mishandling classified government documents, Biden would not be capale of defending himself in court, because (legally speaking) he was so cognitively impaired (with dementia) as to be deemed "non compos mentis." "Non compos mentis" is a term in legal latin that means INSANE. In other words, Special Counsel Hur had officially judged Biden's memory failure and general state of mental acuity to be so poor that he was "NON COMPOS MENTIS" and could no face trail for a crime he had been found guilty of.

* In 2024, Biden's PROBLEMS with COMMUNICATING have worsened to an alarming degree This includes difficulties in articulation (mumbling, slurring, whispering etc), the presence of long, vacuous silences in public addresses; speaking in an extremely soft tone that is largely inaudible for his interlocqutors; sliding off-focus and speaking nonsense in fictional rambles about his past heroics/adventures; threatening physical violence to members of the public who have asked him difficult questions in assemblies like "Town Halls."

* DISORIENTATION, Biden has great difficulty visually orienting himself in space. Thus he tends to get lost himself lost very easily, which is why Dr Jill is always close by to make sure he is walking in the right direction towards the right place. There is funny (kind of) video footage of Biden that shows him lost in a large fish and chip restaurant in England, he is walking around in circles looking like a stunned mullet among the diners (who are watching him and whispering to each other) on a rear deck when suddenly Dr Jill runs in to save the day, and quickly leads Biden off.
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In 1987 then Democrat Senator for Delaware, Joe Biden was campaigning as a candidate for the 1988 Presidential election.He was regarded as a strong competitor in the race until September of 1987 when he was exposed as having plagiarised a speech he delivered from an address that the British Leader of the Opposition and Leader of the British Labour Party, Neil Kinnock, had given in Wales earlier that year (Kinnock's speech is remembered as one the great addresses in modern-era, British, political history and is known as the Thousand Year Generation" speech.

When Biden was caught on video plagiarising Kinnock's speech, his political enemies began digging up his lengthy history of plagiarism which began in 1965 when he had been caught plagiarising five whole pages of a published law review article for inclusion in a paper he submitted as a first year student at the University of Syracuse Law School. Fearing a scandal that could permanently damage his reputation, Biden dropped out of the race for the 1988 Presidential election.

Around this same time Biden began to experience chronic, regular headaches and pain in the back of his neck. He was noted by collegeages as always carrying a large bottle of "Tylenol" tablets around. And Biden has personally admitted in book, that he was taking TEN "Tylenol" tablets each day in 1988 at this time.

Later in 1988, after giving a speech, Biden returned to his hotel room as suffered a "thunderclap" headache. This is a sudden headache that srtikes with an excruciating intensity of pain. Biden dropped to the floor an curved his body into the foetal position. He then passed out, and was unconscious for 5 hours. He deided to seek medical assistance as flew back to Delaware. On the flight he noticed numbness in his legs and one side of his face was flaccid.

At St Francis' hospital in Delaware, Biden was diagnosed with a ruptured cerebral aneurysm (burst brain artery) after blood was found in a sample of his cerebrospinal fluid. Biden was not expected to survive as a Catholic priest arrived to administer the "Last Rites." When the priest arrived in Biden's roon, Dr Jill, freaked out, screamed at him, telling him, basically, to F**K O**.

Biden was then transferred to the Walter Reid Medical Centre in Delaware where an MRI (and other) neuro -imaging scans detected the presence one two aneurysms at the base of Biden's brain. An aneurysm in a blood vessel is like a bubble you blow in bubble gum that you are chewing. If you imaging that the bubblegum you are chewing is like a blood vessel (artery), just before you blow a bubble in the gum, you poke your tongue into a part of it to make that part thinner, Then you blow into the thinned part and a bubble starts to form, as you keep blowing it gets bigger until finally it bursts. Same thing for an aneurysm, an artery - in this case one at the base of Biden's brain, develops a weak patch in a part of its wall. Eventually, whatever caused this part of the artery wall to become weak, makes it so weak that the pressure of the blood it is carrying forces the weak part of the blood vessel's wall to "blow out" like a bubble in bubble gum. And just like a bubble in bubble - gum can burst when it gets to big, so can an (aneurysm/bubble) in a blood vessel's wall. When an aneurysm bursts in the brain it is a life-threatening event - you might die, you might depends on a number of factors. The point is that a burst cerebral (brain) aneurysm is regarded as a very serious medical emergency.

Biden's neurosurgeon at Walther Reid (Dr Kassal) tells Biden that he would need to operate to place a small titanium metal clip on the ruptured aneurysm. This would involve a craniotomy (taking the top of Biden's skull off to expose his brain - like you take the top off a Cookie Jar) and then sliding a probe down to the base of his brain to clip the ruptured aneurysm. Kassal tells Biden his chances of surviving the operation are 50:50.

So Biden takes his chances and has the operation (he had no option, really) and survived. The ruptured artery was successfully clipped. A few months later, Biden's other (second) aneurysm that was assessed as being at risk for rupturing was also clipped in a second craniotomy microsurgery procedure at the Walter Reid Medical Centre in Delaware.



"Survivors of intracerebral and subarachnoid haemorrhage at an 80% higher risk for developing long-term dementia (even after accounting for other dementia risk factors."

To put this in everyday language, if you suffer a rupture aneurysm of the brain, then your risk for developing (vascular) dementia later in life is increased by 80%, i.e. your risk for developing late-onset dementia are PARTICULARLY HIGH.


In 2020, THIRTY EIGHT YEARS after Biden suffered a burst aneurysm (and surgery to clip it and another unruptured aneurysm) in 1988 in 2020 he was showing clear signs of classic dementia symptoms on the campaign trail as Democratic nominee for that year's November 8th, Presidential election. His campaign team accordingly sharply decreased Biden's exposure to the public and, in particular, the press/MSM . The Democrat campaign did indeed manage to keep Biden largely hidden out of sight, such that critics suggested Biden was campaigning from "a basement".

Is is not correct BTW, to say that Biden has age-related senility, senility refers a natural process that occurs with age. Dementia, on the other hand, is not a natural process, it is an ABNORMAL neurocognitive/neurodegenerative disorder. Medical science has now confirmed that symptoms such as memory loss, disorientation (not knowing where one is in time and/or space) and confusion, ARE NOT NORMAL/NATURAL parts of ageing, rather they are symptoms of neurocognitive MEDICAL DISORDERS such as Dementia.

If Biden suffered his ruptured aneurysm 38 years before 2020 and a ruptured aneurysm carries an 80% risk for later-onset dementia, then in 2020 on the campaign trail when Biden was displaying: memory loss (couldn't remember the most famous verse in the "Declaration of Independence), disorientation ( forgot where/who his wife and her sister were, while they were standing on a stage next to him), a pattern of extremely inappropriate social gaffes during (verbal) addresses to the public and difficulties with inarticulate speech in general, it was almost CERTAIN that he was suffering from Dementia


We now know that Biden has dementia in 2020, because Dementia is a neurocognitive/neurodegenerative medical disorder (or syndrome). This mean that it is a brain disorder that becomes progressively worse over time and progressively diminishes the sufferer's cognitive abilities.


Biden's dementia was already severe enough in 2020 for him to have been (in theory) removed by the 25th Amendment the very day he was inaugurated on 20th January 2021. But the 25th Amendment was not invoked (I'll explain why below). Now, four years later, Biden's Dementia symptoms are so pronounced, they can no longer be effectively covered up by the Democrat MSM or Biden's minders at the White House. EVERYONE IN AMERICA HAS WITNESSED THE FOLLOWING CARDINAL /CLASSIC DEMENTIA SYMPTOMS IN JOE BIDEN....

* MEMORY LOSS. In his interviews with Biden during the "Mishandling of Classified Documents" probe, Special Council Hur (and his staff) found that Biden's memory was so impaired that although he was found to be guilty of wilfully mishandling classified government documents, Biden would not be capale of defending himself in court, because (legally speaking) he was so cognitively impaired (with dementia) as to be deemed "non compos mentis." "Non compos mentis" is a term in legal latin that means INSANE. In other words, Special Counsel Hur had officially judged Biden's memory failure and general state of mental acuity to be so poor that he was "NON COMPOS MENTIS" and could no face trail for a crime he had been found guilty of.

* In 2024, Biden's PROBLEMS with COMMUNICATING have worsened to an alarming degree This includes difficulties in articulation (mumbling, slurring, whispering etc), the presence of long, vacuous silences in public addresses; speaking in an extremely soft tone that is largely inaudible for his interlocqutors; sliding off-focus and speaking nonsense in fictional rambles about his past heroics/adventures; threatening physical violence to members of the public who have asked him difficult questions in assemblies like "Town Halls."

* DISORIENTATION, Biden has great difficulty visually orienting himself in space. Thus he tends to get lost himself lost very easily, which is why Dr Jill is always close by to make sure he is walking in the right direction towards the right place. There is funny (kind of) video footage of Biden that shows him lost in a large fish and chip restaurant in England, he is walking around in circles looking like a stunned mullet among the diners (who are watching him and whispering to each other) on a rear deck when suddenly Dr Jill runs in to save the day, and quickly leads Biden off.
Even if Joe Biden had dementia he would still be a better choice than Trump in November. Trump is simply the wrong person for the bad a choice as was Hitler back in 1930's Germany.
He can't speak without cards are a teleprompter... And even then he can't get it right... His mind wanders away from what he's supposed to be reading far too often these days... Quote... End of quote....pause...

He should have been committed to a nursing home years ago but his non-caring wife likes the free meals cooked in the White House and maids making her bed and removing Joe's soiled diapers.

He should have been committed to a nursing home years ago but his non-caring wife likes the free meals cooked in the White House and maids making her bed and removing Joe's soiled diapers.
If she cared about him at all she would definitely tell him to step aside... And stop lying about how full of life and energy he is... It's obvious that neither one of them care about this country...