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CONFUSION. Biden looks confused whenever he in in the public eye, though this has worsened dramatically over the years that he has suffered from clearly visible dementia symptoms. Very often when the media film Biden at home or abroad meeting foreign leaders or attending international conferences Biden has an expression on his face that brings to mind that of a glassy-eyed, large, frozen cod fish that has been put on ice behind the display window of a London fishmonger's shop. On a personal note, whenever I see Biden's "startled" /confused-looking face, I tend to imagine that he has the appearance of the human version of of a "stewed prune."

IMPAIRED EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONING. Executive Functioning refers to the most sophisticated cognitive functions in the human brain/mind; the most important forms of Executive Functioning are: problem-solving; reasoning (rational/logical thinking); Planning and Organising and performing complex tasks.

A competent President will have sharp Executive Functioning; In Biden's case dementia has destroyed his capacity/ability for Executing Functioning a long ago. his Executive Function was certainly wiped out by the time he was campaigning for President in 2020. This explains why he had no input into policy-making, Executive Order drafting, the creation of new Federal regulations. These tasks were all carried out by a (Shadow) Executive of extreme/revolutionary leftist/Progressive globalists - a coterie of radical, rat-bags that were/are still "running" America with the intention of totally destroying it.


If Joe Biden has dementia that is pronounced enough to render him "mentally unfit" to discharge the responsibilities of President of the United States, and I claim this was the case AT LEAST as early as the beginning of 2020 (see PART (1) of this post), then he ought tohave been removed from office directly after he was inaugurated as the 46th US President on the 20th of January, 2021.

The 25th Amendment establishes the procedures for the removal of a "mentally unfit" President from office. The relevant sections of the 25th Amendment here are Sections (3) and (4).


Section (3) provides for the Vice President (Kamala Harris) to take over as "Acting President" if the President on his own sends a "written declaration" to the Senate and the House that "he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of the office." The Vice President then remains the "acting President" until the President sends notice to the Senate and the House that he can once again assume his role as President.

Even though it is crystal clear there is a serious mental issue with Biden, and there has been since the day he assumed office - namely, pronounced Dementia). It is equally obvious that Biden has not- and never did have - any intention whatsoever of ceding control to Vice President, Kamala Harris.


Section (4) is the provision of the 25th Amendment that applies to a President who is suffering from a mental disability but is unwilling or unable to give up control of the Executive Branch. It provides that when the "Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the Executive Department (i.e. members of the Cabinet) or other such body as Congress may by law provide" they may send written notice to the Senate and the House that the President is "unable" to do his job, and the Vice President becomes acting President.

The President can reclaim the duties of his office if he sends written notice that he is capable of being President, unless the group that had removed him then disagrees within 4 days.

If that conflict arises, Congress must assemble within 48 hours, and has 21 days to decide who is right. It takes a two thirds vote of BOTH Houses of Congress to override the President's assertion that he can resume office.

Although Biden has been, IMO, conspicuously "mentally unfit" (in the meaning the phrase has in the 25th Amendment) to carry out the duties and responsibilities of President since the day he was inaugurated, THE 25th AMENDMENT OUGHT HAVE BEEN INVOKED. BUT IT ALWAYS WAS, AND STILL IS - EXTREMELY UNLIKELY - for a host of POLITICAL reasons that KAMALA HARRIS and a MAJORITY OF BIDEN'S CABINET WOULD SEND CONGRESS THAT NOTIFICATION.


(1): The 25th Amendment assumes that the Vice President, the members of the Cabinet and each of the members of the two Houses of Congress are qualified, experienced and expert medical practitioners who are capable of accurately diagnosing the presence or absence of a disabling medical disorder/s. In particular, a mental disorder that may well have rendered an American President unfit to carry out his duties. They are not.; (with the exception of (literally) one or two members who were physicians before they entered politics).

(2): Even now, when Biden's dementia has progressed to the point where reputable, mainstream polls indicate that 80+% of the American electorate believe Biden is mentally unsound, there would be no point invoking the 25th Amendment because SECTION (4) of the later would naturally prevent Biden's removal due to partisan political considerations sabotaging the process set down for his removal from office.

We are living in dangerous times, America and the free world need an American President who has the strength (physical and mental) and the ability to competently and effectively protect the United States (and thereby the free West) and handle the duties and responsibilities of what is arguably the most difficult and important job in the world.

The Biden administration has not only been an utter disaster for America/ns, it has weakened the perception of American power and resolve across the globe and fomented alarming instability around the world. A deeply flawed 25th Amendment has played a large role in this lamentable state of affairs. Consequently, major sections of the provision in the current 25th Amendment need to be expunged and re-written from scratch in order to prevent a repeat of the Biden Presidency in the future.

In my next post, I will sketch out for you what I think a new radically revised 25th Amendment would look like

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