Biden's disastrous Trump debate showdown sends Democrats into 'aggressive' panic


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A 'disorientated' Joe Biden put in a disastrous performance during a 90-minute head-to-head with Donald Trump last night - sending the Democratic party into total panic and raising the spectre that he could be replaced as candidate for the 2024 general election.

The two oldest presidential candidates ever went into battle but Mr Biden quickly lost his way, mumbling and stumbling over his words in a dismal performance on CNN last night.

Mr Trump was seen pulling faces of shock as his rival lost his train of thought and again appeared to freeze - and at one point he told the millions watching across America: 'I really don't know what he just said'.

At times, Mr Biden looked blankly into the camera or down at his notes while Trump was speaking. He was also hoarse from the moment the debate started and it went down hill from there.

Trump's team has already sought to capitalise on the TV disaster and has released a video compiling all Biden's mumbling and bumbling in a video entitled: 'Needless to say, the drugs didn't work'.

Experts have described the debate disaster as a 'DEFCON 1 moment' for the Democrats. Behind the scenes there are calls to replace the 81-year-old president on the ticket after his dismal showing - even with five months to go.

Afterwards Mr Biden and his acolytes including California Governor Gavin Newsom said that he had won the debate. Biden went to a Waffle House with his wife Jill where he said: 'I think it went well'. But Biden's gamble that the debate with Donald Trump would boost his stuttering re-election campaign has failed.

And former senior advisor to President Barack Obama, David Axelrod, conceded that Biden's first performance was damaging - right from the beginning - and the 90-minutes has shaken liberal America.

'I think there was a sense of shock actually how he came out at the beginning of the debate, how his voice sounded, he seemed a little disoriented,' he said on CNN, noting there would be 'discussions' in the party after the debate about whether Biden should continue his run for reelection.

Commentator and former Clinton administration official Jamie Metzl tweeted afterwards: 'Joe Biden is my former boss. I love him and respect him deeply. He has made a tremendous contribution to our country. His greatest act of patriotism must now be to pass the torch to a new generation'.

Even though the Brit maggot specializes in posting other people's opinions I'm happy to agree with his content on this occasion. Biden was a total flop with regard to the job in hand- presenting himself as a fit leader. He's not. I know he's not. You know he's not. Everybody knows he's not. Maybe today even Genocide Joe knows he's not.
If the Dems can produce somebody to take over then they should do it immediately. No more debates for Biden. If they don't then they will be saddling the country with that lying, prosemitic, self-serving rat Desperate Don.

Poor America. Sad. It's the same in France and in the UK. The rats are swamping the feeble.
Even though the Brit maggot specializes in posting other people's opinions I'm happy to agree with his content on this occasion. Biden was a total flop with regard to the job in hand- presenting himself as a fit leader. He's not. I know he's not. You know he's not. Everybody knows he's not. Maybe today even Genocide Joe knows he's not.
If the Dems can produce somebody to take over then they should do it immediately. No more debates for Biden. If they don't then they will be saddling the country with that lying, prosemitic, self-serving rat Desperate Don.

Poor America. Sad. It's the same in France and in the UK. The rats are swamping the feeble.
Almost no country in the West has leadership that is both competent and has not betrayed the people.

The whole fucking thing is collapsing.
Almost no country in the West has leadership that is both competent and has not betrayed the people.

The whole fucking thing is collapsing.
Democracy no longer functions to the benefit of the people. We have been robbed . The robbers own the media .

Remarkable monologue from David Sacks:"The Democratic party is a collection of interests who want to remain in power. The Democratic Party is the party of government. Its goal is to allocate money and power from the government to the collection of interests who back the Democratic Party. In other words, it's basically a collection of interests who want to loot the Republic.Well obviously, no one's going to vote for that. So they have to make it about something else. They choose a figurehead, they talk about how this is about saving democracy. They basically invent, hoax after hoax, lie after lie to basically maintain their power.And I think what's happened is, the mask has come off, the whole shell game has been revealed. It's obvious that Biden was always a puppet for these interests who were hiding behind him. And now, it's all being exposed."