Biden’s Gaza pier is an abject failure

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Let’s be very clear on this $200 million in U.S. taxpayer funds boondoggle, it was a vote getting effort, nothing more, and Democrats don’t care what the cost to American taxpayers is. It’s all about the optics with these incompetent buffoons on the left.

Biden’s Gaza pier is an abject failure

Choose your label to describe what’s become of President Joe Biden’s Gaza pier: Dumpster fire. Boondoggle. White elephant. Whatever you call it, the project is a bona fide failure. It seems destined to be a textbook example of what happens when the political imperative to “do something” overwhelms serious planning.

The latest news is that the pier may be terminated ahead of schedule. Erected in mid-May by the U.S. military to deliver seaborne assistance, the pier’s operations repeatedly have been interrupted by rough waters.

A storm broke the pier apart only days after going into service. After millions of dollars of repairs, it was thrown back into action. Days later, forecasts of choppy waters led the military to tow the pier to safe harbor. It’s just returned to service a third time, though it’s hard not to believe that the project’s days are numbered.

Mother Nature may end up being the proximate cause of the pier’s demise, but it hasn’t been the only problem foiling the effort. Security has also been a major problem. In the brief time the facility actually functioned, the relatively small amounts of assistance making it to shore were being widely looted by desperate mobs.

All of these challenges were forecast well in advance. This was hardly a case in which officials struggled to make sense of what former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld famously described as the “known unknowns” and the “unknown unknowns.” On the contrary, the obstacles posed by Gaza’s heavy seas and lack of security were obvious to anyone tracking events.

They don't care. It's all about the optics with these corrupt Democrats and this senile serial lying, corrupt, unaccomplished douchebag.
Only a Satan-worshipping MAGAt would think trying to feed children is wrong.
