
Verified User

You Yanks - well the Democrat ones, at least - make me laugh. You have a President who is: "mad as a cut snake" and totally off his f**king tit, but no one does anything - no one gives a toss. Y'all just let the Biden zombie keep rolling around and making a prick of himself while the whole world watches. No one knows exactly who is drafting Biden's Executive Orders or cooking his administrations major domestic and foreign policies (except for the fact they are Marxist/"progressive," Democrat cunts - like Obama).

I am deeply disappointed in every member of the Republican Party. You guys let Biden get away with "Blue Murder"! I mean it is appalling that Biden's handlers - for the second year in a row to prevent him showing up a the now customary Presidential interview on Super Bowl Sunday. Clearly, the shadowy Democrat "machine men" have decided that: even if Biden were to be interviewed by Democrat-friendly CBS on Super Bowl Sunday (who would only ever be lobbing him "softballs"); even with the tremendous opportunity to speak directly to 10s of millions of members of the American electorate; and even if Dr Jill "gloved up" and poked 20 Ritalin 10 mg tablets up Brandon's anaemic bug-hole, 25 minutes before the scheduled start of his interview with CBS on Super Bowl Sunday, allowing Biden to speak solo would still present an unacceptably high risk of disaster. He might drop an "atomic-gaffe" before countless millions of voters, he might (literally) start talking/slurring incomprehensible bulls**t and nonsense, or he might go totally mute mid-interview, i.e. totally "off the air" and mute -staring silently into the middle-distance with glazed-over eyes - like a "Stunned Mullet" (or a "Startled Prawn"). More broadly speaking, for the entirety of 2023 Biden did not conduct a solo news conference with reporters, and he has yet to do so in 2024. His last solo press conference was on 9th November, 2022, after the mid-term elections (and at this press conference, Biden "declined" speaking with any reporter who was not on a pre-approved White House list.

Americans who vote Conservative need to take a lesson from the Left. This id to express dissent to legitimate grievances by organising mass protest rallies and demonstration. Granted the Left typically do not organise their protest/rallies/demonstrations in response tolegitime, righteous political grievances, but this doesn't mean the American Right cannot. I think it would be perfectly legitimate for American Conservatives to stage mass protest and demonstration (non-violent) against issues like Biden going incommunicado - "hiding in his bunker" and refusing to engage solo and directly with the American people. It is disgraceful conduct, and the American people should let him know about it "loud and clear"

Given his responsibilities as America's Chief Executive, Biden should be able to meet questions with comprehensive, reasoned and considered answers on his own. Likewise, voters - especially in an election year - should expect the President of the US to be energetically engaged and conversing with the American people.

Ultimately, Biden is a public servant, with a paycheck signed by the American tax-payer. Any American President is derelict in his duty and lacking accountability to the American people if he refuses to "meet the press" - even on Super-Bowl Sunday.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM...Dachshund Lives Matter !!
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You Yanks - well the Democrat ones, at least - make me laugh. You have a President who is: "mad as a cut snake" and totally off his f**king tit, but no one does anything - no one gives a toss. Y'all just let the Biden zombie keep rolling around and making a prick of himself while the whole world watches. No one knows exactly who is drafting Biden's Executive Orders or cooking his administrations major domestic and foreign policies (except for the fact they are Marxist/"progressive," Democrat cunts - like Obama).

I am deeply disappointed in every member of the Republican Party. You guys let Biden get away with "Blue Murder"! I mean it is appalling that Biden's handlers - for the second year in a row to prevent him showing up a the now customary Presidential interview on Super Bowl Sunday. Clearly, the shadowy Democrat "machine men" have decided that: even if Biden were to be interviewed by Democrat-friendly CBS on Super Bowl Sunday (who would only ever be lobbing him "softballs"); even with the tremendous opportunity to speak directly to 10s of millions of members of the American electorate; and even if Dr Jill "gloved up" and poked 20 Ritalin 10 mg tablets up Brandon's anaemic bug-hole, 25 minutes before the scheduled start of his interview with CBS on Super Bowl Sunday, allowing Biden to speak solo would still present an unacceptably high risk of disaster. He might drop an "atomic-gaffe" before countless millions of voters, he might (literally) start talking/slurring incomprehensible bulls**t and nonsense, or he might go totally mute mid-interview, i.e. totally "off the air" and mute -staring silently into the middle-distance with glazed-over eyes - like a "Stunned Mullet" (or a "Startled Prawn"). More broadly speaking, for the entirety of 2023 Biden did not conduct a solo news conference with reporters, and he has yet to do so in 2024. His last solo press conference was on 9th November, 2022, after the mid-term elections (and at this press conference, Biden "declined" speaking with any reporter who was not on a pre-approved White House list.

Americans who vote Conservative need to take a lesson from the Left. This id to express dissent to legitimate grievances by organising mass protest rallies and demonstration. Granted the Left typically do not organise their protest/rallies/demonstrations in response tolegitime, righteous political grievances, but this doesn't mean the American Right cannot. I think it would be perfectly legitimate for American Conservatives to stage mass protest and demonstration (non-violent) against issues like Biden going incommunicado - "hiding in his bunker" and refusing to engage solo and directly with the American people. It is disgraceful conduct, and the American people should let him know about it "loud and clear"

Given his responsibilities as America's Chief Executive, Biden should be able to meet questions with comprehensive, reasoned and considered answers on his own. Likewise, voters - especially in an election year - should expect the President of the US to be energetically engaged and conversing with the American people.

Ultimately, Biden is a public servant, with a paycheck signed by the American tax-payer. Any American President is derelict in his duty and lacking accountability to the American people if he refuses to "meet the press" - even on Super-Bowl Sunday.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM...Dachshund Lives Matter !!

[FONT=&quot]“President Joe Biden will not grant the traditional presidential interview ahead of Sunday's Super Bowl so that sports fans can enjoy a politics-free day, his communications advisers told NBC News.[FONT=&quot]2 days ago[/FONT]

S540PxrrxhT2NcBEYCEkpNS2jcGcTkAoawqAyIKOR5OFBR0Ckc8hBQK2BTK1vpU0EzvJ8eTcsV2K6x2B0A5GwULqIDoAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC › biden-w...

[h=3]President Biden won't do a Super Bowl interview. His advisers expect sports fans to be grateful - Deseret News“[/h]

Good move on Biden’s part, why would he sit for an interview with a network that doesn’t even hide their hatred of him
Did you see how the Fox reporters acted in yesterdays presser

Screaming at the tops of their lungs all at the same time

They looked like rabid idiots

[FONT="]“President Joe Biden will not grant the traditional presidential interview ahead of Sunday's Super Bowl so that sports fans can enjoy a politics-free day, his communications advisers told NBC News.[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#5E5E5E][FONT="]2 days ago
Piwr69RTk8jHyApJSZqZ2jb29vm5uaAfX7Ozc41MjNZVleWlJWQjo9cWVphXl 5t7jU1NR2dHQ/PDw4NDVEQUKqqKng39/09PTLysoTu1rTAAAArklEQVR4Aa3SRQKDQBAEwMYWOh7c f8r4zK41nVlFBvTdMO0FPrYDp92 wO6HB3 nNB2vlC4amhySMlF09mTXA3zaKdrk29A8NlB3LDY5aLwFbCTiQ/Fbld8hV4nCxOp/bWHhxeXvaL JsiJ7NgrwMOB/S540PxrrxhT2NcBEYCEkpNS2jcGcTkAoawqAyIKOR5OFBR0Ckc8hBQK2BTK1vpU0EzvJ8eTcsV2K6x2B0A5GwULqIDoAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC › biden-w...

[h=3]President Biden won't do a Super Bowl interview. His advisers expect sports fans to be grateful - Deseret News“[/h]

.Yeah, right, Super - P; that's a very "plausible" ( :palm: ) argument, I must say !

(And I hope you know that if you keep "playing with it", it will fall off. :|:|:| )

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
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Did you see how the Fox reporters acted in yesterdays presser

Screaming at the tops of their lungs all at the same time

They looked like rabid idiots

Evince, why don't you do something meaningful with your life? Instead of writing poxy, lame, little pro-Dummycrat posts on JPP, I know what you could do instead ! You could go to Walmart, buy a big carrot and then stick it right up your bung-hole. Now that would put a great, big smile on your face, right (?) and you wouldn't feel the need to be constantly posting nasty, little, anti-Trump posts on this forum.

Dachshund -the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
Evince, why don't you do something meaningful with your life? Instead of writing poxy, lame, little pro-Dummycrat posts on JPP, I know what you could do instead ! You could go to Walmart, buy a big carrot and then stick it right up your bung-hole. Now that would put a great, big smile on your face, right (?) and you wouldn't feel the need to be constantly posting nasty, little, anti-Trump posts on this forum.

Dachshund -the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!

Oh the irony!!! An Aussie cracka who has zero to do with America, telling Americas to get a life :laugh:
Evince, why don't you do something meaningful with your life? Instead of writing poxy, lame, little pro-Dummycrat posts on JPP, I know what you could do instead ! You could go to Walmart, buy a big carrot and then stick it right up your bung-hole. Now that would put a great, big smile on your face, right (?) and you wouldn't feel the need to be constantly posting nasty, little, anti-Trump posts on this forum.

Dachshund -the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!

The asylum doesn't let evince have any pointy things... Carrots are pointy on one end... :awesome:
Biden will debate Trump, who is busy avoiding debating Haley. The first thing is to demand a drug test and a physical exam including a cognitive test for both candidates at the stage. Trump has hidden his physicals for 6 years.
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Trump skipped the Super Bowl interview in 2018. That was OK. If Biden does it, it is bad. I paid no attention to any presidential interviews before the Super Bowls. I had no idea how monumental they are.
What is very, very likely is Trump will make up excuses to not debate. When has Trump debated? He skipped all of the Reub debates this year and hides under the covers to avoid Haley. He avoided them 4 years ago. Trump only speaks to complete and utter Trumpys at rallies who do not care what gaffes and craziness he says. Trump avoided anyone neutral to talk to. Trump stopped the presidential pressers. He ended the press dinners when he was in office. Trump has been hiding his stupidity from the people. He has failed in that.
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Trump skipped the Super Bowl interview in 2018. That was OK. If Biden does it, it is bad. I paid no attention to any presidential interviews before the Super Bowls. I had no idea how monumental they are.
Trump's handlers knew in 2018 his mind was already too far gone to allow that.
The aussie is crazy, He claims Biden has handlers who make the decisions. And even that he knows what they are thinking. He is beyond embarrassing. He is as daffy as Daffy Donald.