Big Bad Bernie Plagiarized The Sewer Rat


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The dirty old Commie looking to keep his campaign alive scratched the bottom of the parasite barrel:

Sen. Bernie Sanders, pursuing once again the Democratic Party’s nomination for president, is insisting Americans have “rights” that aren’t mentioned in the U.S. Constitution.

He says that Americans are “entitled” to “a decent job that pays a living wage, the right to quality health care, the right to a complete education, the right to affordable housing, the right to a clean environment, the right to a secure retirement.”

Some Twitter users exposed the flaw in his argument.

“Awesome. Since we’re rewriting the Constitution can we put in there that we also have a right to a lifetime supply of dark chocolate, ice cream every Friday, not to be yelled at if we’re late for ‘work,’ 20 hour work weeks, $100 hr minimum wage, and we get to take our pets,” wrote Kash Jackson.

Another appeared frustrated.

“Leave us alone, stop trying to control everything, stop overtaxing, stop importing foreigners that we have to take care of … STOP STOP STOP,” wrote Twitter user Steph. “Go get a job, Bernie. You’ve never had one and it will help you understand.”

The Bill of Rights in the Constitution, lists specific prohibitions on governmental power.

For example, Congress is prohibited from making laws establishing religion or abridging freedom of speech. Citizens are protected from unreasonable government intrusion in their homes. The Constitution also specifies that any power not specifically given to Congress is reserved to the people and the states.

Besides the First Amendment’s protections for speech, the press, assembly and religion, the Second Amendment protects the rights of an armed citizenry. Another prevents soldiers from being stationed in peoples’ homes, and another guarantees jury trials and prevents excessive fines.

Twitter news aggregator Twitchy note Sanders “isn’t just promising people free stuff, he’s saying it’s their RIGHT to have free stuff.”

“He left off, ‘Americans should have a right to a free unicorn.’ Bernie. Literally (yes, literally) none of those things are rights.”

Bernie Sanders: Add new ‘rights’ to U.S. Constitution
By WND Staff
Published August 12, 2019 at 12:13pm

Turning free stuff into a Right is hardly original. A dirty younger Commie got there first:

Judge Napolitano destroyed Obama’s Commie bullshit more than two years ago


It is an entitlement not a Right when someone else is forced to pay for it. Note that not one Right in America’s original Bill of Rights had to be paid for by someone else. Those Rights are negative Rights according to Obama and Sanders. Their positive Rights must be paid for with tax dollars.

Here are two of Communism’s big lies that need to be abolished:

1. The Clean Air Act. That one tells Americans what they must do. Repeal the Clean Air Act and the EPA goes down the toilet along with along 95 percent the “Rights” that must be paid for by somebody else.

2. The Affordable Care Act. Repealing that one will go a long way toward seeing the end of parasite Rights until a future generation of parasites comes up with a new angle.

The NY Times listed 18 lies Obama told about healthcare:

The New York Times has published a story with an accompanying chart suggesting that while President Trump has told 103 falsehoods during his first 10 months in office, President Barack Obama told just 18 throughout his entire presidency. It was a chart clearly designed to be spread widely on social media, given that it confirms all the priors of the publication's readership. But it was also absurdly charitable to Obama. In fact, an additional analysis of Obama's public statements, detailed below, finds that in fact, Obama had told at least 18 falsehoods in selling Obamacare in 2009 alone.

The first lie was the Prime Mover. Once the first lie went unchallenged the other 17 lies became superfluous. In fact, the Chicago sewer rat’s political strategy was based on a perverted interpretation of Thomas Aquinas’ Prime Mover theory; hence, the first lie was the only lie that had to be spoken.

1) “If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan.”

New York Times claims Obama only told 18 falsehoods during his whole presidency. Here are 18 he told in selling Obamacare in 2009 alone
by Philip Klein | Dec 15, 2017, 4:29 PM

The Chicago sewer rat lied about everything. Everything he did were bigger lies than the lies that came out of his foul mouth. Lying came as naturally as breathing came to the lying sack of shit. His family, his mentor, his crippled emotions taught him how to lie. (I doubt if he knows which one is responsible for his ego’s prime mover.)

Obama was never the brightest bulb on the tree, but he is arrogant enough to believe “prime mover” was an original thought. In truth, Aquinas’ prime mover was made to fit his political strategy. It was set in cement in his mind on the day Obama learned about a religion that justified lying; i.e. Taqiyya & Kitman.

Obama’s views on the Constitution were well-known before he ran for public office; Negative Rights, etc., but it was only after he was in the White House that his anti-America views became known. His Apology Tour was the first real sign of what he is up to.

Parenthetically, Obama’s definition is ass-backwards. The “Right” to not starve is a negative Right —— not a positive Right. In the sewer rat’s warped mind the Right to work for one’s self in order to avoid starvation becomes a negative Right, while feeding at the public trough becomes a positive Right in Socialist doublespeak.

Try it this way: The Rights in our Bill of Rights used to be available to every American —— none had to be paid for by anyone; whereas, the Rights (ENTITLEMENTS) guarantied by the welfare state rather than the Constitution must be paid for by the productive members of society at the expense of everyone’s individual liberties.

Unquestionably, Obama prefers his positive Rights over the Constitution’s negative Rights. The problem is that Obama’s positive Rights cannot coexist with the negative Rights that were foolishly designed by idiots well over two centuries ago. Make no mistake about it. Today’s moneygrubbers in Washington think are much smarter than the Founding Fathers.

The crap Communists/Socialists spout is directly connected to the education/media/entertainment complex’s ideology. The words are extremely important because they clearly expose a parasite’s thought process. Whatever they say is always an attempt to justify Socialists/Communists absorbing a nation’s wealth —— then taking credit for creating the wealth. Saul Alinsky taught American Communists to go further. They took credit for the original Bill of Rights while they were doing their best to eliminate individual liberties.

Incidentally, Obama once said there are a lot hard working people in this country. That is true, except that none of them go into government. The sewer rat deliberately refers to private sector workers and lazy government bums as one entity. He uses the same technique with the shrinking private sector middle class and the ever-expanding government middle class living on tax dollars. The media in the education/media/entertainment complex lets him get away with it. Were he to separate them in his rhetoric the public might start asking the right question. Why do lazy bums and parasites go into government?

Finally, countries have armies to to protect their territory. Defeating an army, or destroying a nation’s capital city, was historically the best way to conquer a country.

In addition to an army of parasites, and control of the nation’s capital, Democrats erect barriers designed to prevent direct assaults on the parasite class. Global warming, EPA regulations, endangered species, coerced charity, open borders, imposing moral significance to Emma Lazarus’ filthy garbage in the Statue of Liberty’s pedestal, free healthcare, free education, economic refugees, political asylum, and Positive Rights are nothing more than barriers built on quicksand.

Constructing more barriers is essential in order to prevent direct attacks against the parasite class. Basically, the American people have to be kept busy attacking barriers so ruling parasites can remain safely hidden in the shadows.

Bottom line: The income tax created and supports an ever-increasing parasite class. Repealing the XVI Amendment is the only way to topple every parasite barrier at one fell swoop.

Bernie is Russian dirty

he Hired Tad Devine to run his 2016 campaign

Tad Devine worked for Manifort in the Ukraine for years

he is compromised by Russia

they had their hands all up in his campaign

he is completely worthless to the American people now