Big Corporations DONT pay taxes...


New member
Like I've always said, the big corporations dont pay taxes... While others on here like Topspin and Chapdog think that Big Corporations are overtaxed....I love a bunch of no nothing idiots!

Study: Most companies avoid income taxes
GAO report says both U.S. owned and foreign corporations

WASHINGTON - Unlike the rest of us, most U.S. corporations and foreign companies doing business in the United States pay no federal income tax, according to a new report from Congress.

The study by the Government Accountability Office, expected to be released Tuesday, said two-thirds of U.S. corporations paid no federal income taxes between 1998 and 2005, and about 68 percent of foreign companies doing business in the U.S. avoided corporate taxes over the same period.
Collectively, the companies reported trillions of dollars in sales, according to GAO’s estimate.

“It’s shameful that so many corporations make big profits and pay nothing to support our country,” said Sen. Byron Dorgan, D-N.D., who asked for the GAO study with Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich.

An outside tax expert, Chris Edwards of the libertarian Cato Institute in Washington, said increasing numbers of limited liability corporations and so-called “S” corporations pay taxes under individual tax codes.

“Half of all business income in the United States now ends up going through the individual tax code,” Edwards said.

The GAO study did not investigate why corporations weren’t paying federal income taxes or corporate taxes and it did not identify any corporations by name. It said companies may escape paying such taxes due to operating losses or because of tax credits.

More than 38,000 foreign corporations had no tax liability in 2005 and 1.2 million U.S. companies paid no income tax, the GAO said. Combined, the companies had $2.5 trillion in sales. About 25 percent of the U.S. corporations not paying corporate taxes were considered large corporations, meaning they had at least $250 million in assets or $50 million in receipts.

The GAO said it analyzed data from the Internal Revenue Service, examining samples of corporate returns for the years 1998 through 2005. For 2005, for example, it reviewed 110,003 tax returns from among more than 1.2 million corporations doing business in the U.S.

Dorgan and Levin have complained about companies abusing transfer prices — amounts charged on transactions between companies in a group, such as a parent and subsidiary. In some cases, multinational companies can manipulate transfer prices to shift income from higher to lower tax jurisdictions, cutting their tax liabilities. The GAO did not suggest which companies might be doing this.

“It’s time for the big corporations to pay their fair share,” Dorgan said.

Big corporations dont pay their share of taxes just like millionaires dont pay their fair share of taxes....

Thats why its always the middle class that gets screwed by the Republican Presidency....

You really are a dumbshit CK.

Tell us genius... what does the amount of their sales have to do with whether they pay taxes or not? You pay taxes on INCOME, not on revenue. Meaning you offset INCOME with EXPENSES. If those companies had $2.5 trillion in SALES and $3 trillion in EXPENSES.... then they LOST money.

That is the problem with the morons at the GAO... they pull statistics out of their ass and they don't seem to have a clue how a business works. Then they pump out these moronic "reports" and get gullible lemmings to start shouting from the roof tops about some great injustice.
You really are a dumb$hit CK.

Tell us genius... what does the amount of their sales have to do with whether they pay taxes or not? You pay taxes on INCOME, not on revenue. Meaning you offset INCOME with EXPENSES. If those companies had $2.5 trillion in SALES and $3 trillion in EXPENSES.... then they LOST money.

I just felt that the first line needed repeating.
In addition to the info posted by SuperFreak, there is another part of the equation to consider.

When a company is taxed, do you, CK, think that they eat that and just ignore it?

Or would you think....wait for it.....They consider that part of the cost of doing business and that cost, like all other costs, is passed on to the consumer??

No business pays taxes out of its pocket. Consumers pay the corporate taxes.