Big Frank Gets One Right


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"The Devil is taking advantage of the crisis . . .”.

Pope, on Palm Sunday, says devil taking advantage of pandemic
Philip Pullella
March 28, 2021, 8:03 AM



this guy is surely the Devil:

because the coronavirus scam is enriching his disciples to the tune of trillions of tax dollars.
A few American presidents were as dumb as dishwater. China Joe Biden is the 46[SUP]th[/SUP] president and the dumbest one by far.

Big Frank is the 266[SUP]th[/SUP] pope:

I do not know much about the first 265, but Frankie is surely the dumbest.

Pope hangs image of nude Jesus caressing Judas behind his desk
By Joe Kovacs
Published April 25, 2021 at 5:59pm

Hanging that painting is not the only thing that defines Frank’s lack of intelligence. The things he has been saying prove he is an imbecile tainted by fanaticism.

In short: Nobody is dumber —— or more dangerous —— than a true believer
In short: Nobody is dumber —— or more dangerous —— than a true believer.

Two true believers are teaming up:

With little to no fanfare, the Vatican is giving Dr. Anthony Fauci its keynote speaking spot at an event touted as “Exploring the Mind, Body & Soul.”

Behold The Vatican’s New Messiah And All Bow Down At His Clay Feet
By Judi McLeod
April 29, 2021

QUESTION: Is the Mask King giving Big Frank a piece of the action?

I know Fauci made a small fortune using the power of government to force tens of millions of Americans to wear masks. Getting a buck for every mask manufactured and sold is big money.
Big Frank pissed on the:

691: Pope Francis Excommunicates Women Priests and Deacons (and bishops that attempt to ordain them) [Podcast]
by Daniel K

"The Devil is taking advantage of the crisis . . .”.

Pope, on Palm Sunday, says devil taking advantage of pandemic
Philip Pullella
March 28, 2021, 8:03 AM

Some might say that the bouncer got another one right because he surely does not want to see women doing to the R.C.Ch. the same thing Democrat women are doing to this country:

Posting mean, angry, faces best shows what they did to the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment. In practice, they destroyed decent women across the board when the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment gave the country the type of women who eventually acquire a lot more political power and influence than decent women can acquire in a Socialist press.

NOTE: Democrat scum always say “women” as though they speak for every woman in the world. In fact, feminazi freaks speak for a small percentage of women, while they take credit for the contributions made by decent women. Also note that Republican women like Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski will never vote against the feminazi agenda.

Parenthetically, the success of demonstrations engineered and glorified by the press go back as far as the suffragettes who demonstrated for a single cause: VOTES FOR WOMEN.

It took the press more than a century to turn sign-carriers into the Parasite Class that put fear in the hearts of the innocent. Today, they govern by demonstration and media reporting. Should demonstration organizers not get everything they want by legal means they order obedient sign-carriers to engage in acts of violence à la Communists the world over.