Big Holder Scandal -NY Times


Here is a really good example of why we are where we are in this country. The "liberal media" sets the agenda more with what they don't report on, than what they do.

Let's look at this NY Times piece from today. Front page, big news, ohhh, look at this, Holder was more deeply involved in the Rich pardon than his supporters want to say! OMG! Are you kidding me! I'm outraged!

Or, I don't give a flying fuck.

Look at this first paragraph - one notable blemish! Let's first, get real here on one level: Who gives a crap about Marc Rich or his pardon? How is it that when the maniac took office, he actually appointed! criminals, convicted criminals! from Iran-Contra, who were then pardoned by his own father! and the media didn't care. They lined up to kiss his ass and get their nickname. "oh bush calls me shitface, haha ha, what does he call you?" "oh he calls me needledick, LOL, what a guy!" I mean, talk about being submissive and enjoying humiliation -that was the "liberal media" during the bush years. NOW, I'm supposed to start crying and screaming over Holder because of this Rich pardon which was always a bunch of right wing and media generated horseshit to me.

Secondly, and far more importantly - "one notable blemish"? If we really had a liberal media, don't you think they might mention, you know, IN PASSING EVEN, the things this guy is on record stating about our drug policies? We live in a nation where the prison-industrial complex is the shame of our time. And they coudln't do it without these drug laws. I strongly feel that it's a moral outrage, and a form of slavery.

That's what I'd like to see Holder questioned about. That's the debate I'd like to have. Instead we get our "liberal media" creating false controversies. Nothing but corporate whores and anyone who still believes that they're liberals, is really, really, dumb, or, really, really, dishonest. But you're one of those two things.

Pardon Is Back in Focus for the Justice Nominee
WASHINGTON — In the much praised career of Eric H. Holder Jr., President-elect Barack Obama’s choice to be attorney general, there is one notable blemish: Mr. Holder’s complicated role in the 2001 pardon of Marc Rich, a billionaire financier who had fled the country rather than face federal tax evasion charges.

How dare anyone question the choice of the messiah. Holder is the worst choice for AG, he sold out for power when approving the pardon of Rich.
Here is a really good example of why we are where we are in this country. The "liberal media" sets the agenda more with what they don't report on, than what they do.

Let's look at this NY Times piece from today. Front page, big news, ohhh, look at this, Holder was more deeply involved in the Rich pardon than his supporters want to say! OMG! Are you kidding me! I'm outraged!

Or, I don't give a flying fuck.

Look at this first paragraph - one notable blemish! Let's first, get real here on one level: Who gives a crap about Marc Rich or his pardon? How is it that when the maniac took office, he actually appointed! criminals, convicted criminals! from Iran-Contra, who were then pardoned by his own father! and the media didn't care. They lined up to kiss his ass and get their nickname. "oh bush calls me shitface, haha ha, what does he call you?" "oh he calls me needledick, LOL, what a guy!" I mean, talk about being submissive and enjoying humiliation -that was the "liberal media" during the bush years. NOW, I'm supposed to start crying and screaming over Holder because of this Rich pardon which was always a bunch of right wing and media generated horseshit to me.

Secondly, and far more importantly - "one notable blemish"? If we really had a liberal media, don't you think they might mention, you know, IN PASSING EVEN, the things this guy is on record stating about our drug policies? We live in a nation where the prison-industrial complex is the shame of our time. And they coudln't do it without these drug laws. I strongly feel that it's a moral outrage, and a form of slavery.

That's what I'd like to see Holder questioned about. That's the debate I'd like to have. Instead we get our "liberal media" creating false controversies. Nothing but corporate whores and anyone who still believes that they're liberals, is really, really, dumb, or, really, really, dishonest. But you're one of those two things.

Pardon Is Back in Focus for the Justice Nominee
WASHINGTON — In the much praised career of Eric H. Holder Jr., President-elect Barack Obama’s choice to be attorney general, there is one notable blemish: Mr. Holder’s complicated role in the 2001 pardon of Marc Rich, a billionaire financier who had fled the country rather than face federal tax evasion charges.

I could care less about Holders 'involvement' in the marc rich bullshit pardon. That was done by Clinton thanks to the bribes he and Hillary received from the Rich's.

But as for Rich, that was hardly a non issue. When someone ducks out on about $50 million in taxes, that person should be in jail. Rich is a friggin billionaire and couldn't come up with the money for taxes? I hope someone puts a bullet in that crook.
I could care less about Holders 'involvement' in the marc rich bullshit pardon. That was done by Clinton thanks to the bribes he and Hillary received from the Rich's.

But as for Rich, that was hardly a non issue. When someone ducks out on about $50 million in taxes, that person should be in jail. Rich is a friggin billionaire and couldn't come up with the money for taxes? I hope someone puts a bullet in that crook.

Oh, a billionaire cheating on their taxes? OMG! Well, when you put it that way...I still don't give a crap, it's barely relevant.

And it would be nice if we could talk about something we could actually debate as a country, and ask; is this policy right? And if we can come to the humane conclusion that it is not, how fast can we change it?

Our prison complex has ramifications to society, far greater than any pissant stupid shit Marc Rich did. You support an ideology that allows, no, encourages, American companies to open PO boxes in the Caymans so they can pay zero taxes. As if Marc Rich is any different.
Whatever derails Holder as a pick is fine with me.

I encourage further speculation into everything from his personal finances to his bedroom antics.
Oh, a billionaire cheating on their taxes? OMG! Well, when you put it that way...I still don't give a crap, it's barely relevant.

And it would be nice if we could talk about something we could actually debate as a country, and ask; is this policy right? And if we can come to the humane conclusion that it is not, how fast can we change it?

Our prison complex has ramifications to society, far greater than any pissant stupid shit Marc Rich did. You support an ideology that allows, no, encourages, American companies to open PO boxes in the Caymans so they can pay zero taxes. As if Marc Rich is any different.

That is because I understand and comprehend the FACT that a corporation is nothing but a stack of paper. The people who own the company are going to pay taxes on their gains. If the idiots on the left would realize that taxing those "evil" corporations is a large part of what drives those companies overseas, then perhaps they would see the light.

On a relative basis, I agree completely that the prison system problems far outweigh the Rich issue. That was not my point. My point was that is is quite silly to pretend Rich is a non-issue.

That said, I seem to recall a tad bit of outrage from the left when Ken Lay, Bernie Ebbers etc... conned or cheated the American populace. If Bush pardons those idiots (well not Lay since he is dead) then you will see equal outrage from me.
Whatever derails Holder as a pick is fine with me.

I encourage further speculation into everything from his personal finances to his bedroom antics.

He won't be derailed by the Rich bullshit.

We should as a country, have the damned debate about our drug laws, sentencing disparity, and their cost to children, people, and our society. That's what will change things. Not derailing any particular person, even if it could be done, and I'm afraid that's not in the cards here.
Oh, a billionaire cheating on their taxes? OMG! Well, when you put it that way...I still don't give a crap, it's barely relevant.

And it would be nice if we could talk about something we could actually debate as a country, and ask; is this policy right? And if we can come to the humane conclusion that it is not, how fast can we change it?

Our prison complex has ramifications to society, far greater than any pissant stupid shit Marc Rich did. You support an ideology that allows, no, encourages, American companies to open PO boxes in the Caymans so they can pay zero taxes. As if Marc Rich is any different.

an "ideology" that encourages America to be competitive on a global scale is responsible for people breaking the law?
That is because I understand and comprehend the FACT that a corporation is nothing but a stack of paper. The people who own the company are going to pay taxes on their gains. If the idiots on the left would realize that taxing those "evil" corporations is a large part of what drives those companies overseas, then perhaps they would see the light.

On a relative basis, I agree completely that the prison system problems far outweigh the Rich issue. That was not my point. My point was that is is quite silly to pretend Rich is a non-issue.

That said, I seem to recall a tad bit of outrage from the left when Ken Lay, Bernie Ebbers etc... conned or cheated the American populace. If Bush pardons those idiots (well not Lay since he is dead) then you will see equal outrage from me.

Why are you always changing the subject? Do you have Tourettes or something? It would be just like you to have such a boring type of Tourettes. At least if you yelled out, apropos of nothing "I love it in the butt" we could find you amusing.

This has nothing to do with Enron, which was in no way comparable to anyone cheating on their taxes, which still has nothing to do with the actual topic.
Why are you always changing the subject? Do you have Tourettes or something? It would be just like you to have such a boring type of Tourettes. At least if you yelled out, apropos of nothing "I love it in the butt" we could find you amusing.

This has nothing to do with Enron, which was in no way comparable to anyone cheating on their taxes, which still has nothing to do with the actual topic.

LMAO... so the topic of your article had nothing to do with Marc Rich?
Well, SF and Cawacko are perfect examples of why we can never have a real discussion of real, meaningful issues in this country. I have no idea of what one of them is talking about (but i Know it has nothing to do with this) and the other one keeps trying to change the subject to "Bill Clinton bad, Me Good".
LMAO... so the topic of your article had nothing to do with Marc Rich?

The topic of my post is about how fucking stupid the Ny Times is for obsessing over that bs while not even mentioning his stance on sentencing. You know, something that is a real problem. Not one from ten years ago that doesn't matter.
Holder is a douche, he is an uncle tom x10. Obama needs to put a foot up his butt and get him on the deciminalization train.
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Holder is a douche, he is an uncle tom x10. Obama needs to put a fut up his butt and get him on the deciminalization train.

I don't know how a fut up his butt will help, but then, I don't know what a fut is, perhaps the new version of those little balls which I didn't find out about until I finally asked, wtf are you talking about? and which I have never used, much as I feel certain I will never use a fut, whatever it might be.

however, you do get points for giving me yet another hysterical post to link to from my business blog, for being on the right side even if you can't express it coherently, and for at least being on topic unlike some people I could mention.
I'm simply responding to your comment that its your "ideology" that encourages Mark Rich to do what he did.

That's not what I said though. I said that it's a pretty thing when someone whose ideology encourages companies to set up offshore po boxes to avoid taxes all together, whines about one tax cheat, no matter who he is.

You know, I am starting to think you need a fut up your butt Cawacko!
The topic of my post is about how fucking stupid the Ny Times is for obsessing over that bs while not even mentioning his stance on sentencing. You know, something that is a real problem. Not one from ten years ago that doesn't matter.

Obviously if this were a vetting process for a Bush appointee, then it would be an issue to you. This was a highly controversial pardon. A pardon of a fugitive. A pardon of someone that ripped off the American taxpayer. So yes, they are going to discuss it whether you think it is a primary issue or not. They are going to delve into it because it is a question of character.

As I stated, I agree with you that it is not as big of an issue as others you have brought up. But there is two months to go before Obama takes office. They are going to dissect his appointments. Especially if the areas where they think they can create readership due to controversy.

So get off your high fucking horse and actually pay attention to what others are saying. Then perhaps you can actually participate in the conversation.

The Times is a left wing paper. Pretending it is not will not change that fact.
Alright, I have laughed way too hard on this thread, my stomach was actually hurting. I have to go write some more.

God, what fools!