Bill Banning Lead From Toys


Well-known member
Hey LadyT, remember when you went crazy over this bill a week or two ago? Look at that, it was signed. You worked yourself into a Michael Savage, Keith Olbermann lather for nothing.

Bush signs bill banning lead from children's toys

President Bush on Thursday signed consumer-safety legislation that bans lead from children's toys, imposing the toughest standard in the world.

The new law prohibits lead, beyond minute levels, in products for children 12 or younger. Lead paint was a major factor in the recall of 45 million toys and children's items last year, many from China.

Both houses of Congress approved the bill by overwhelming margins two weeks ago.
Uhmmm... lead was allowed in children's toys?

It's thing like this that really make me stratch my head. Did you guys know it wasn't a crime to bribe a judge in Mississippi until about 3 months ago? The legislatures tend to forget about rather big things.
Whats even sadder than the fact that, apprently, lead was allowed in children's toys, is the reason the US is about the only place this is an issue any more.

Lead in paint makes it much shinier. And if there is one thing americans love, its shiney colorful stuff.
Hey LadyT, remember when you went crazy over this bill a week or two ago? Look at that, it was signed. You worked yourself into a Michael Savage, Keith Olbermann lather for nothing.

Bush signs bill banning lead from children's toys

President Bush on Thursday signed consumer-safety legislation that bans lead from children's toys, imposing the toughest standard in the world.

The new law prohibits lead, beyond minute levels, in products for children 12 or younger. Lead paint was a major factor in the recall of 45 million toys and children's items last year, many from China.

Both houses of Congress approved the bill by overwhelming margins two weeks ago.

Hey he was considering NOT signing it. Its g-damn no brainer as far as I'm concerned. And the fckwits that didn't want to approve it should have a special place in hell reserved for them.
The bill would double the agency's budget, to $136 million by 2014, and give it new authority to oversee testing procedures and to penalize violators.

money well spent!

The Senate, stymied by partisan differences over the energy crisis, put aside those differences momentarily to vote 89-3 for the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act. The House passed the bill Wednesday by 424-1


Thanks for the update cawacko.
We've got to keep the government small, and in its correct roles, and focused on its priorities. How is distorting the free market by banning a perfect legitimate product like lead paint in childrens toys concistent with that philosophy? The next thing you know, America will be a communist dictatorship... with paper money too!
We've got to keep the government small, and in its correct roles, and focused on its priorities. How is distorting the free market by banning a perfect legitimate product like lead paint in childrens toys concistent with that philosophy? The next thing you know, America will be a communist dictatorship... with paper money too!

speaking of idiocracy....Ron Paul voted against this measure.
We've got to keep the government small, and in its correct roles, and focused on its priorities. How is distorting the free market by banning a perfect legitimate product like lead paint in childrens toys concistent with that philosophy? The next thing you know, America will be a communist dictatorship... with paper money too!

No WM, you mean a fascist regime with fiat currency.

BTW, does anyone know what happen to Fiats? Remember those little cars?