Bill C-63 Means Liberals & NDP Are Terrified Of Being Held Genuinely Accountable

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
Bill C-63 Means Liberals & NDP Are Terrified Of Being Held Genuinely Accountable

Everywhere you go on social media platforms Canadians are stating that Liberals and even NDP belong behind bars for what they are doing to Canadians (just read the comments following many Canadian political videos on YouTube for thousands of examples) so what do these sick and filthy low life scum bag tyrants and traitors do? They create Bill C-63 to attempt evading being held genuinely accountable for their tyrannical and treasonous behavior as they prepare teams of sick and filthy woke headcases in the wake of such a disgraceful mockery of a bill passing to throw any allegations against them in the trash bin while flooding Canada with complaints against citizens being slandered as being haters for exposing Liberal/NDP/WEF sick and filthy lies and deceptions which is woke and their carbon disgusting filth of lies for the most part!

They seem to think conspiring with the WEF against Canadians and stealing from Canadians while also thrusting us into slavery under the guise of it is for our own good should warrant them with being rewarded when quite clearly they deserve the utmost of Canadian punishment! Our forefathers made execution as punishment for tyranny to prevent this from happening but since capital punishment was abolished it cancelled out the punishment for tyranny which was never replaced! We were set up by this WEF who belong behind bars as well for conspiring on international levels which extends well beyond just Canada being targeted, try all Western civilizations as factual evidence of such! They should be imprisoned and their wealth / assets given back to the countries they have been using officials of those countries to steal from those countries for decades!

Their so called opinions will never change the facts on the foundations of primary issues no matter how much they pretend to ignore those facts to continue to stab Canadians in the back and no matter how many definitions of words they remove and replace with their lies and deceptions to try and fool people into thinking they have a leg to stand upon!

These are low life scum bags who know they belong behind bars for betraying Canadians under many guises yet they pay consultants billions of Canadian tax dollars to come up with such disgusting filth as Bill C-63 so they can try and continue to get away with their sick behavior unchallenged!

Hey MP Pierre Poilievre, how would you like to spend your life in prison for labelling Trudeau for what he proves to be which in your own words is "wacko"?!! I can think of a few other choice words myself.

And what is with this MP Damien Kurek launching a video whining about making policies over activism when the conservatives have been supporting such disgusting filth as the lgbt for years now! You are to blame!

This activist has been sharing facts exposing lies and deceptions on the foundations of especially primary issues for 24 years now and I know for a fact that if our MP's weren't cowards to such things as our main stream media being used to threaten them with being slandered with such lies as hater, bigot, homophobe, transphobe, xenophobe etc. and stuck with the facts I have been sharing exposing their factually proven foundations of lies for years now policies formed by this activists work (I rule but I only seek to guide) Canada would be a great and prosperous country as opposed to this crime ridden, economy stagnated, oil and gas resource extracting self sustaining / exporting deprived, farming nightmare of forced oppression due to a globally conspiring entity known as the World Economic Forum. Hey MP Damien Kurek prove that 3% of the planets surface area occupied by humans raises the atmospheric temperature of the Earth even just 0.000001 degree? Oh what's this you have nothing yet you conservatives support this factually exposed lie called a carbon crisis while you make a video whining about activism. That sounds allot like Jagmeet. Yeah Jagmeet who's renown is all about co tyranting the liberal-WEF agenda and while he supports it with his votes, whines about what they are doing (what Jagmeet clearly and fully supports with his votes) while pretending that he is fooling anyone with such a pathetic display!

Hey Trudeau I'd rather spend my life in prison than ever join the WEF, the illuminati, you or any of their / your woke or non woke factions! Unlike you I'm not one to stoop to stabbing Canadians in the back let alone for a pile of greed selfishness and ignorance as the WEF compulsive obsessives liars and deceivers represents! Oh and I'll never apologies for the work I do, I'll double down you sick little air headed back stabbing tart!

BTW, still updating officials from countries around the world and finding that the WEF is terrified of my video release as on social media platforms they have their sock puppets have my video that I made myself removed while pathetically citing me sharing it as spam to have it removed while even also having me banned as well threatened to be banned from sites for exposing their misinformation/disinformation because they make up a claim which is proven to be a lie because they can't even back it up with even so much as a shred of validity so just like with their every issue, they try and hide me from exposing their mockery to the public and in this instance everything from their tyrannical support of illegal invasion while slandering concerned citizens as xenophobe, hater, bigot, racist etc. to the climate conspiracy hoax which is used to steal from us and our future while we are in the attempted process of being forced into oppression and slavery with sick little representations of rainbows while Trudeau guises such as for our own good the wack job he proves to be time and time again!

MP's of two parties under Trudeau's soy boy fist all supporting tyranny / lies and deceptions used to steal from Canadians while also blocking investigations into their criminal behavior! Imagine if all a murderer had to do to evade being held accountable by a judge were to have his so called friends vote for no trial?!! Of which his so called friends are all under threat of being murdered to vote to keep him out of being held accountable because this is precisely what the Liberals and NDP are doing to try and keep getting away with stealing from while lying to Canadians! Lobbyist / WEF dictatorship is not a democracy!

[TD]Canada The Land Of Federal Tyrants

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Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Burlington Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good, be strong!