Bill Clinton: Debt is Republicans' legacy


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Bill Clinton bashed Republicans as hypocrites on Wednesday, saying their policies created the huge budget deficits that the GOP is now using to demand economically harmful spending cuts.

"Why aren’t we talking more about the economy and less about this?" Clinton said during a speech to liberal youth activists in Washington. "Partly because the Republicans who control the House and have a lot of pull in the Senate have now decided, having quadrupled the debt in 12 years before I took office and doubled it after I left, that it's all of a sudden the biggest problem in the world."

Speaking at Campus Progress’s seventh annual conference, Clinton blamed GOP leaders for creating the deficit through tax cuts and military spending. He also warned President Barack Obama and congressional leaders to avoid lumping immediate spending cuts into any debt limit deal because the economy still hasn't fully recovered.

"In the current budget debate, there's all this discussion about how much will come from spending cuts, how much will come from tax increases, and almost nobody is talking about one of the central points, that everyone who's analyzed the situation makes, including the bipartisan Simpson-Bowles commission, which said you shouldn't do any of this until the economy is clearly recovering," Clinton said.

"Because if you do things that dampen economic growth, and the U.K. is finding this out now, they adopted this big austerity budget, and there's a good chance that economic activity will go down so much that tax revenues will be reduced even more than spending is cut, and their deficit will increase," he added.

Clinton last month told Bloomberg Television’s Al Hunt that it was “crazy” for Obama and Congress to consider spending cuts now. He urged them to wait two years before venturing into the types of reductions envisioned by the Simpson-Bowles commission.

Obama is scheduled to meet Thursday at the White House with House and Senate leaders from both parties as they search for an agreement before an Aug. 2 deadline to raise the nation’s borrowing limit from its current cap of $14.3 trillion.


The GOP voted to raise the debt ceiling with few qualms until now.
They blasted the debt this high on purpose, so they could have an excuse to cut social services. Liars, crooks and assholes.
I doubt they are capable of that level of planning and cooperation.

They are just using the debt to bash Obama now that the Birther plot failed.
I doubt they are capable of that level of planning and cooperation.

They are just using the debt to bash Obama now that the Birther plot failed.

Read "The Wrecking Crew" The plan (GOP) is to spend like drunken sailors whenever they hold the checkbook, then the Libs only choice is to balance the budget to keep the country solvent.
They've developed mass amnesia about the fact that they turned a budget surplus into a world- record deficit.

The funniest thing is that they think everybody else doesn't remember that happening, so they actually believe they can blame it on Obama.
dune, you're an idiot and make no sense. as usual, your ramblings are nothing but partisan hogwash. BOTH parties play this game, but at least, the repubs find fiscal religion once in a while as opposed to your beloved dems who have never found fiscal religion and never found a tax they didn't love. you hate that other people make more money than you, so you love it when the government takes their money and gives it to you.