Bill Clinton: Purdum a "Sleazy" "Slimy" "Scumbag"


The Force is With Me
Update: President Clinton's spokesman Jay Carson issued a statement in response to this article: "President Clinton was understandably upset about an outrageously unfair article, but the language today was inappropriate and he wishes he had not used it."

MILBANK, S.D. -- Former President Bill Clinton today unleashed a salty stream of epithets to describe former New York Times reporter and current Vanity Fair writer Todd Purdum, calling him "sleazy," "dishonest," "slimy" and a "scumbag."

The former president made the comment at a local campaign event after I asked him if Purdum's much-commented upon Vanity Fair story was weighing on his mind.

Tightly gripping this reporter's hand and refusing to let go, Clinton heatedly denounced the writer, who is currently married to former Clinton White House Press Secretary, Dee Dee Myers.

"[He's] sleazy," he said referring to Purdum. "He's a really dishonest reporter. And one of our guys talked to him . . . And I haven't read [the article]. But he told me there's five or six just blatant lies in there. But he's a real slimy guy," the former president said.

-- more at link

If you haven't read the article ...
But this guy (purdum) was on the Today show and he admitted there was no evidence for any of this stuff, that he just wrote it so the Clintons would know what Washington insiders were “talking about”. In other words – it’s gossip.

I think Clinton’s problem is that he does have an anger management problem at this point. And so when he has legitimate call to be angry, he turns people off from listening because he goes over the edge. Case in point – this had nothing to do with Obama, nor should he have even mentioned his name. But his first point is correct, this was a sleazy gossip piece, and it’s exactly this kind of “journalism” that will take Democrats down, one by one, if it’s given any credence.
But this guy (purdum) was on the Today show and he admitted there was no evidence for any of this stuff, that he just wrote it so the Clintons would know what Washington insiders were “talking about”. In other words – it’s gossip.

I think Clinton’s problem is that he does have an anger management problem at this point. And so when he has legitimate call to be angry, he turns people off from listening because he goes over the edge. Case in point – this had nothing to do with Obama, nor should he have even mentioned his name. But his first point is correct, this was a sleazy gossip piece, and it’s exactly this kind of “journalism” that will take Democrats down, one by one, if it’s given any credence.

The problem is that Purdum is a serious journalist and although he doesn't mention names, it raises serious questions, particularly with Bill Clinton's business dealings since he left the White House. I'm not interested in the "women around him" sleaze stuff, but if Hillary is to be the VP, then the Clinton's will have to release the names of the donors to his foundation.

Purdum is married to Dee Dee Myers and I don't believe he wrote this to take the democrats down. The truth is the Clintons have not been fully vetted as claimed. Going from $500,000.00 to over 100 million-plus in 8 years with an additional fortune in his foundation does indeed require vetting.

Could any of this be why many of those who know the Clinton's best aren't supporting them?

The good news is the nomination process is over, so this matters a lot less. Had VF released this earlier, it could have been a bigger problem.
I agree he's got some problems with his business dealings, and it's one of the big reasons I don't want Hillary as vp, but...I'm not worried because it's not going to be her.
I agree he's got some problems with his business dealings, and it's one of the big reasons I don't want Hillary as vp, but...I'm not worried because it's not going to be her.

I agree with you.

I thought this interesting because Bill called the guy a slime and scumbag .. basically validating his anger management problem .. which is why he apologized.