Bill Kristol to Ron Paul: Get out of the GOP!

I submit that the Neocons should create their own party... I wonder what they'd call it?

To me the Ron Paul revolution has never been primarily about getting Paul elected. Certainly a worthy goal but not the main one. The goal is to divorce Libertarians and Librtarian minded people from the idea that one of the two parties cares about us. They don't, and we must see this for us as a nation to advance.
I have a better idea. How about if Kristol gets out of the Republican party. Then maybe it won't be viewed as the party of extremist and fanatics and rednecks.
GOP, the big tent party...


I guess Ron Paul couldn't pass the purity test...

RNC Members Propose Purity Test

The last time we saw a political party demand ideological purity was Berlin 1933
