Bill Nye: Debate Over Evolution In Texas Schools Is Jeopardizing Our Future


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Refineries can move. I'm not sure why Texas is so necessary and why oil has to come to it first.

New refineries aren’t even allowed to be built in America Goober! You can thank your friendly authoritarian EPA and your tree hugging brothers & sisters.

Why Do People Leave California?

Neither jobs nor rich people are fleeing California -- but the middle class and the poor are. The exodus slowed down during the recession, but now that home prices are rising again, more people will leave the state.

A constant debate in California politics is whether jobs and people are leaving the state. This week, in fact, Texas Governor Rick Perry is in California, trying to lure businesses to his state. He won’t have much luck because jobs rarely move: in a typical year, just 25,000 jobs move out of California, and 16,000 jobs move in, out of an economy of 18 million jobs. In contrast, hundreds of thousands of people move in and out of California each year. Who are they, and why do they move?

Who Moves In and Out?
Here are the basic facts. In 2011, 562,000 people left California, and 468,000 came, according to the Census’s American Community Survey. That means 120 people moved out of California for every 100 people who moved in. Out-migration reached its peak in 2005, when 160 people moved out of California for every 100 people who moved in. The California exodus rose with the housing bubble and subsided in the recession. Lower home values in 2008-2011 made California more affordable, encouraging in-migration and discouraging out-migration, as well as pushing some California borrowers underwater, further discouraging out-migration.
you see when you spout lies and believe them you are taking in BAD information.

Bad information means bad decisions out.

Lying to your self and lapping up right wing lies makes you stupid.

ITS WHY you are always wrong about things in the end.

do you want to STOP being wrong?

then you have to accept facts and NOT fucking lies from your party