Billions To Stimulate Criminality


New member

By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY * Posted Thursday, July 23, 2009 4:20 PM PT

Corruption: A nonprofit group committing a crime conjures up images of terrorist fundraising. But $8.5 billion in taxpayer money may go to specialists in political terror: the tax-exempt scam artists of Acorn.

Did Democrats come to their present dominance of both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington thanks in large part to a "syndicate of tax-exempt organizations" that "has coordinated and implemented a nationwide strategy of tax fraud, racketeering, money-laundering and manipulating the American electorate"?

The reams of evidence provided by House Oversight and Government Reform Committee ranking Republican Darrell Issa of California and his GOP colleagues on the panel strongly suggest so.

Their more-than-80-page report charges that the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (Acorn) uses "a complex structure designed to conceal illegal activities" — 361 different entities in 120 cities, 43 states and the District of Columbia, amounting to a "shell game" that "diverts taxpayer and tax-exempt monies into partisan political activities."

The group has over the last 15 years received in excess of $53 million in federal funds. Moreover, as the report warns, "under the Obama administration, Acorn stands to receive a whopping $8.5 billion in available stimulus funds."

Acorn's improprieties, of course, are not news. As Issa's report notes, a third of the 1.3 million voter registration cards the organization solicited and presented in 2008 ended up being null and void; the group has been investigated for voter registration fraud in places such as Connecticut, Missouri, Nevada, North Carolina and Ohio.

read the whole article here..

By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY * Posted Thursday, July 23, 2009 4:20 PM PT

Corruption: A nonprofit group committing a crime conjures up images of terrorist fundraising. But $8.5 billion in taxpayer money may go to specialists in political terror: the tax-exempt scam artists of Acorn.

Did Democrats come to their present dominance of both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington thanks in large part to a "syndicate of tax-exempt organizations" that "has coordinated and implemented a nationwide strategy of tax fraud, racketeering, money-laundering and manipulating the American electorate"?

The reams of evidence provided by House Oversight and Government Reform Committee ranking Republican Darrell Issa of California and his GOP colleagues on the panel strongly suggest so.

Their more-than-80-page report charges that the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (Acorn) uses "a complex structure designed to conceal illegal activities" — 361 different entities in 120 cities, 43 states and the District of Columbia, amounting to a "shell game" that "diverts taxpayer and tax-exempt monies into partisan political activities."

The group has over the last 15 years received in excess of $53 million in federal funds. Moreover, as the report warns, "under the Obama administration, Acorn stands to receive a whopping $8.5 billion in available stimulus funds."

Acorn's improprieties, of course, are not news. As Issa's report notes, a third of the 1.3 million voter registration cards the organization solicited and presented in 2008 ended up being null and void; the group has been investigated for voter registration fraud in places such as Connecticut, Missouri, Nevada, North Carolina and Ohio.

read the whole article here..

MadameX, you must get over this! Seriously, who is the acorn or should I say nut case here? You are too, to, tutu funny! And you give yourself away with every new post! Idiot!
MadameX, you must get over this! Seriously, who is the acorn or should I say nut case here? You are too, to, tutu funny! And you give yourself away with every new post! Idiot!

Frog, you are SO STUPID that stupid himself doesn't claim he's realted to you. Meme is not Tu Tu. Though you trolled as Meme and made an xtra large ass of yourself it is difficult to believe, even though I know how stupid you are, that you STILL think she is Tu Tu...ask Damo, dip shit, he'll tell you.
Frog, you are SO STUPID that stupid himself doesn't claim he's realted to you. Meme is not Tu Tu. Though you trolled as Meme and made an xtra large ass of yourself it is difficult to believe, even though I know how stupid you are, that you STILL think she is Tu Tu...ask Damo, dip shit, he'll tell you.

She has to keep this up to save face. She's as dense as they come.
Thread should be moved to conspiracy theories forum.

which part do you believe is a conspiracy?.....the part where ACORN has been involved in illegal activities?......the part where it has received federal funds?.....or the part where it is still eligible, despite said previous illegal activities, to receive federal funds.....

also, I have noticed a trend on this board.....whenever a liberal is faced with a question that makes them nervous, they immediately try to shift the focus of the thread from the question to issues like 1) "you aren't who you say you are, you're (x) posting under another name", or 2) "I really whupped you in an argument (x) months ago".....

from this I note that questions about ACORN make liberals nervous......I think we should talk about ACORN more frequently.....
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from this I note that questions about ACORN make liberals nervous......I think we should talk about ACORN more frequently.....

If you want the fucking Democrats to be in power forever then yeah, you should talk more about ACORN. Toss in some Ayers too, that worked pretty well during the campaign. Palin 2012