Bin Laden's Driver Convicted.

They're really getting the big-whigs aren't they? I know I feel safer now that Bin Laden has to walk to work.
Of Driving Bin Laden. Wow stunning, they were actually able to convict him of the ONE THING he admitted to doing.

I feel much safer now that some moron who drove an SUV around afghanistan is now behind bars. Nicely done Bush!

What a kangaroo court! Is Bush intentionally trying to make us the laughing stock of the world? This kangaroo court is such a joke even the wingnut British tories are shocked.
I feel much safer now that some moron who drove an SUV around afghanistan is now behind bars. Nicely done Bush!

What a kangaroo court! Is Bush intentionally trying to make us the laughing stock of the world? This kangaroo court is such a joke even the wingnut British tories are shocked.

where are the goobersmoochers? Where is Dixie to tell us what a great victory this was for the Military Tribunals? All of this to get a fucking driver. Finally 7 years of the "war on terra" have brought forth the fruit of justice. Well done. Republicans should be proud of the system their party's leader has created.
I've decided: conservatives are scared people. They're terrified of terrorism, criminals, and everything else under the sun and expect government to do what it can to protect them from these things - even if it means sacrificing their civil liberties, ala slave labor in prisons and the PATRIOT act.
I've decided: conservatives are scared people. They're terrified of terrorism, criminals, and everything else under the sun and expect government to do what it can to protect them from these things - even if it means sacrificing their civil liberties, ala slave labor in prisons and the PATRIOT act.
They want us to know that the only thing we have to fear, is everyfuckingthing.
Good news indeed.

It was touch and go for a while there but, finally, after much hand-wringing and deliberation the government lackeys jury turned to the other government lackey prosecution and declared the monster guilty of something. It doesn't really matter what as long as the administration secured a guilty verdict from a jury of 6 military officers - men who, i think you'll agree, aren't the sort of people to take orders from anyone.

Although one does tend to wonder if all this government action was really worth it.

He was found guilty and will be locked up in Guantanamo Bay. If he had been found innocent he would have been locked up in Guantanamo Bay. If the charges had been dropped he would have been locked up in Guantanamo Bay. Due process in action there.
Justice has been served, folks. The terrorists are quaking in their boots. They've probably all given up by now and will turn themselves in (rather than easily disappearing into the countryside like normal).
I've decided: conservatives are scared people. They're terrified of terrorism, criminals, and everything else under the sun and expect government to do what it can to protect them from these things - even if it means sacrificing their civil liberties, ala slave labor in prisons and the PATRIOT act.
Jesus has informed us to fear sin, as it leads to bad realities. That may be useless info to liberals, though...
Jesus has informed us to fear sin, as it leads to bad realities. That may be useless info to liberals, though...
YOu are joking right? I give two flying fucks about what JESUS may or may not have said 2000 years ago. I don't live by religious instruction, I live in the US and as far as I know Jesus has never been elected to any position in my government. If you want to live in fear of sin, good on you, that is your right according to the first amendment. But the republican party wants us to fear EVERYTHING so that they can justify their version of the nanny state.
Good news indeed.

It was touch and go for a while there but, finally, after much hand-wringing and deliberation the government lackeys jury turned to the other government lackey prosecution and declared the monster guilty of something. It doesn't really matter what as long as the administration secured a guilty verdict from a jury of 6 military officers - men who, i think you'll agree, aren't the sort of people to take orders from anyone.

Although one does tend to wonder if all this government action was really worth it.

He was found guilty and will be locked up in Guantanamo Bay. If he had been found innocent he would have been locked up in Guantanamo Bay. If the charges had been dropped he would have been locked up in Guantanamo Bay. Due process in action there.

I just heard that this terrifying SUV driver was sentenced to five years by the military tribunal, but even after he serves his sentence, the president can still hold him as an enemy combatant.

What a justice system! This rocks.