Birds Of A Feather

View attachment 209

He is in good company.

Actually, he is indeed in good company:

The U.N. General Assembly has condemned Sunday's coup in Honduras that expelled President Manuel Zelaya from the country and has called for his restoration to power.

In a vote by acclamation, the 192-member states of the United Nations agreed Tuesday not to recognize any other government in Honduras than President Zelaya's.

Strange that I only see four birds in the cartoon. It seems to be only about 188 short of accurate.
No surprise that the UN endorses dictatorships either. *shrug*

Didn't I read that President Zelaya had another 7 months to go before his term was up?

If that is the case, then any military takeover is indeed a coup, as Zelaya is still the democratically elected president of Honduras.
In a few months there's going to be an election anyway. Hopefully the military dictatorship recognizes it when the Liberal party wins again and doesn't try to install another figurehead.