Biting the hand that fed them?

..."Many of the fresh-faced tea party candidates jockeying for a spot in Congress on a platform of “fiscal responsibility” and “small government” are quite content to allow themselves—and their constituents—to keep feeding at the “big government” trough.

Take Stephen Fincher of Tennessee, the tea party candidate for the U.S. Senate, who has received a stamp of approval from the national tea party network. He paints himself as a simple cotton farmer who wants to “stop runaway spending in Washington that is bankrupting America’s children and grandchildren” and to return the country to its free-market principles.

But Fincher fails to mention that he has been on the receiving end of the exact policies he is supposedly campaigning against. According to federal records, the Fincher family has collected more than $6 million in federal farm subsidies since 1995, while Fincher and his wife alone took in $3.2 million. The reason? Because without the cash, his farm would fail, he told The Washington Post.

The subsidies are not just keeping Fincher’s farm afloat, they are also helping fund his political campaign. A tea party activist in Tennessee crunched the numbers and found out that 90 percent of contributions to Fincher’s campaign have come from wealthy farming families that have been the beneficiaries of roughly $80 million in farm subsidies..."
[ame=""]Troll (1986) - IMDb@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]
Lol!!! Can't defend your party so you attack the messenger. Typical of close minded neocons. This stuff is real whether you want to believe it or not.

Of course you don't believe it because Faux News won't cover it. LOL
Lol!!! Can't defend your party so you attack the messenger. Typical of close minded neocons. This stuff is real whether you want to believe it or not.

Of course you don't believe it because Faux News won't cover it. LOL

That's what Yurt does...ignore the evidence to attack the messenger.