Black Helicopters Over Nashville


'Never mind Sarah Palin and the tricornered hats. The tea-party movement is dominated by conspiracist kooks.'

By Jonathan Kay

"I consider myself a conservative and arrived at this conference as a paid-up, rank-and-file attendee, not one of the bemused New York Times types with a media pass."

"It's a charming act, which makes the tea-party movement seem no more unnerving than the people who spend their weekends reenacting the Civil War. But the 18th-century getups mask something disturbing. After I spent the weekend at the Tea Party National Convention in Nashville, Tenn., it has become clear to me that the movement is dominated by people whose vision of the government is conspiratorial and dangerously detached from reality. It's more John Birch than John Adams."
'Never mind Sarah Palin and the tricornered hats. The tea-party movement is dominated by conspiracist kooks.'

By Jonathan Kay

"I consider myself a conservative and arrived at this conference as a paid-up, rank-and-file attendee, not one of the bemused New York Times types with a media pass."

"It's a charming act, which makes the tea-party movement seem no more unnerving than the people who spend their weekends reenacting the Civil War. But the 18th-century getups mask something disturbing. After I spent the weekend at the Tea Party National Convention in Nashville, Tenn., it has become clear to me that the movement is dominated by people whose vision of the government is conspiratorial and dangerously detached from reality. It's more John Birch than John Adams."

Keeping with the theme of the title

[ame=""]YouTube- Apocalypse Now..Ride Of The Valkyries[/ame]
'Never mind Sarah Palin and the tricornered hats. The tea-party movement is dominated by conspiracist kooks.'

By Jonathan Kay

"I consider myself a conservative and arrived at this conference as a paid-up, rank-and-file attendee, not one of the bemused New York Times types with a media pass."

"It's a charming act, which makes the tea-party movement seem no more unnerving than the people who spend their weekends reenacting the Civil War. But the 18th-century getups mask something disturbing. After I spent the weekend at the Tea Party National Convention in Nashville, Tenn., it has become clear to me that the movement is dominated by people whose vision of the government is conspiratorial and dangerously detached from reality. It's more John Birch than John Adams."

Yeah. Sure...Bullshit...

I would expect nothing less from Newsweek and those tools that work for them......think Eleanor Clift, left wing shill working for newsweek and bashing Republicans and Conservatives for decades....and everything she ever reported on proved it.
Newsweek is another name for bias in news....
Yeah. Sure...Bullshit...

I would expect nothing less from Newsweek and those tools that work for them......think Eleanor Clift, left wing shill working for newsweek and bashing Republicans and Conservatives for decades....and everything she ever reported on proved it.
Newsweek is another name for bias in news....

I also will never read newsweek again, but it is not because you claim they have a liberal is because of the hatchet job they did on ADM Boorda which led to his suicide.
Yeah. Sure...Bullshit...

I would expect nothing less from Newsweek and those tools that work for them......think Eleanor Clift, left wing shill working for newsweek and bashing Republicans and Conservatives for decades....and everything she ever reported on proved it.
Newsweek is another name for bias in news....

Jonathan Kay, the author if the piece, is a conservative columnist.
Jonathan Kay, the author if the piece, is a conservative columnist.

He's also Canadian. That disqualifies him right there. Dude was born in Monteral. My brother-in-law is from Montreal. They are all messed up. Hit in the head too many times as kids with hockey pucks. A Canadian also came up with the kids show Caillou, quite possibly the worse cartoon ever created. I have to watch it with my two year old niece. So Jonathan Kay, my brother-in-law and the creator of Caillou all suck.
Jonathan Kay, the author if the piece, is a conservative columnist.

You're about as gullible as they come....

Syndicated columnist Jonathan Kay wrote an exclusive piece for about the TEA party convention in Nashville – not to report on the speeches or the goals of the movement, but to smear attendants as kooky, paranoid fringers who believe 9/11 truther theories.

Conveneniently, Kay just happens to have a book scheduled for release next year that chronicles the spread of trutherism in America. How fortunate he found so many believers.

Kay began his piece with the all-too-cute headline "Black Helicopters Over Nashville." It was just the beginning of an endless rant about unhinged conservatives, culminating in an explicit effort to place trutherism at the TEA party convention.

Simply put....hes an asshole trying to sell a book to pinheads like you.
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