Black Is Big. White Is Small.


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It sounds like newspeak for penis sizes:

The Seattle Times has issued a new style guideline instructing staff to capitalize the word “Black” when referring to a culture, ethnicity or group of people, the newspaper announced Thursday evening.

The word “white,” however, will remain lowercase when referring to people with “light-colored skin, especially those of European descent,” the newspaper said.

The publication explained that capitalizing the term “Black” is necessary because it is a reflection of shared cultures and experiences, like foods, languages and music.” The word “white” however will remain lowercase because it merely refers to the physical description of people “whose backgrounds may spring from many different cultures,” the guideline states, adding that “capitalized ‘white’ is often used by the white nationalist/white supremacist movement.”

Seattle Times updates style guide to capitalize 'Black'; keeps 'white' lowercase
By Jessica Chasmar
Friday, December 20, 2019

If the Seattle Times’s motive is serious journalism I have two more for their consideration:

Use an uppercase C & S whenever you write Communism, Socialism, Communist, Socialist for the same reason every religion and their disciples are capitalized. Islam/Muslims, Christianity/Christians, Buddhism/Buddhist and so on.

And this one:

NOTE: I use the uppercase ‘I’ because International is a noun 99 times out of 100 times you read it, or hear it on TV. It is always a noun when used in conjunction with the United Nations and its agencies. Also, labor unions are usually titled the International Brotherhood of this, that, and whatever. The remaining one percent of the time international is an adjective. A few folks know the difference case when they read it, but no one makes the conversion to the uppercase when they hear it spoken.

international (adjective)
Abbr. int., intl.

1. Of, relating to, or involving two or more nations: an international commission; international affairs.

2. Extending across or transcending national boundaries: international fame.

International (noun)

Any of several socialist organizations of international scope formed during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
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So, we all agree that white people and Blacks are not equal.

An animal is still an animal, even if you capitalize the species' name. But, props to the paper for trying.
It sounds like newspeak for penis sizes:

The Seattle Times has issued a new style guideline instructing staff to capitalize the word “Black” when referring to a culture, ethnicity or group of people, the newspaper announced Thursday evening.

The word “white,” however, will remain lowercase when referring to people with “light-colored skin, especially those of European descent,” the newspaper said.

The publication explained that capitalizing the term “Black” is necessary because it is a reflection of shared cultures and experiences, like foods, languages and music.” The word “white” however will remain lowercase because it merely refers to the physical description of people “whose backgrounds may spring from many different cultures,” the guideline states, adding that “capitalized ‘white’ is often used by the white nationalist/white supremacist movement.”

Seattle Times updates style guide to capitalize 'Black'; keeps 'white' lowercase
By Jessica Chasmar
Friday, December 20, 2019

If the Seattle Times’s motive is serious journalism I have two more for their consideration:

Use an uppercase C & S whenever you write Communism, Socialism, Communist, Socialist for the same reason every religion and their disciples are capitalized. Islam/Muslims, Christianity/Christians, Buddhism/Buddhist and so on.

And this one:

NOTE: I use the uppercase ‘I’ because International is a noun 99 times out of 100 times you read it, or hear it on TV. It is always a noun when used in conjunction with the United Nations and its agencies. Also, labor unions are usually titled the International Brotherhood of this, that, and whatever. The remaining one percent of the time international is an adjective. A few folks know the difference case when they read it, but no one makes the conversion to the uppercase when they hear it spoken.

international (adjective)
Abbr. int., intl.

1. Of, relating to, or involving two or more nations: an international commission; international affairs.

2. Extending across or transcending national boundaries: international fame.

International (noun)

Any of several socialist organizations of international scope formed during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Yep, you RARELY hear someone say, "Well, he's hung like a WHITE man". And except for rare cases like John Holmes, it's probably most likely true about white men.
I'm not sure if I'm supposed to care.:thinking:

To anonymoose: I am not sure what you are supposed to care about in relation to my premise.

Speaking about politics and skin color: Albert Einstein identified black holes. I do not need Big Al's help to identify black Assholes with an uppercase A.


Yep, you RARELY hear someone say, "Well, he's hung like a WHITE man". And except for rare cases like John Holmes, it's probably most likely true about white men.

To Steven VanderMolen: Try this one if you want a great read on the topic.

My memory is not what it used to be. If I have the novel right Kitten says “Them white boys got lightening in their pants.”