Black Monday as biggest FTSE crash since 9/11 wipes off nearly £60bn in shares

unless your retiring now, no big deal.
As most of the novices have pointed out. One shouldn't be to heavey in stocks at retirement.
The foreign markets are usually jittery when US markets are closed, under the circumstances I would say this is not unusual. My guess is tomorrow will open way down, hopefully buying will happen later in the day. Then again, it really could be the end of everything.
many will be burned on their 401K's...I am fine and can retire anytime, just working now because it is easy and the money is good. I trioed retiring and they begged me into coming back. and bribed with very good money too :D

I'm a pauper again. Good job i put the rest of my savings in that pyramid selling scheme or i'd be in real trouble.
The foreign markets are usually jittery when US markets are closed, under the circumstances I would say this is not unusual. My guess is tomorrow will open way down, hopefully buying will happen later in the day. Then again, it really could be the end of everything.

They are not normally jittery. They most certainly do not tend to sell of to the tune of 5% +.

It will be interesting to see how our markets react tomorrow.
The foreign markets are usually jittery when US markets are closed, under the circumstances I would say this is not unusual. My guess is tomorrow will open way down, hopefully buying will happen later in the day. Then again, it really could be the end of everything.

hmm my experience is thats not the case. this is very nerve racking that the global economy as a whole (we learned during tech boob and crash is closely attached to the us economy) is starting to correct.
US imports are much higher now than in 2000. Thus the wold economy is much more dependent on the US economy than it was then.
Plus other finiancial sources around the world invested in our credit mess and lost big bucks. and will lose much more.
hmm my experience is thats not the case. this is very nerve racking that the global economy as a whole (we learned during tech boob and crash is closely attached to the us economy) is starting to correct.

This reminds me of the saying, "When the US sneezes, the world catches a cold." During the depression it was more along the lines of, "When the US catches a cold, the world catches pneumonia."

Lots here and elsewhere are concerned about how much of our debt China and others hold, imagine being them.
We will come back, not soon, but we will. It took 8 years to get us into this mess. It will take at least 2 for Senator Clinton or Obama to get us out.

In the mean time, I love my Gold, municipal bonds and utilities.
what most of you novices don't know is for 5 years we've been overpaying for stocks like we have been for gasoline. Now we can buy them for reasonable prices, hopefully a couple thousand points lower soon.
We will come back, not soon, but we will. It took 8 years to get us into this mess. It will take at least 2 for Senator Clinton or Obama to get us out.

In the mean time, I love my Gold, municipal bonds and utilities.

remember the saying buy low (realestate) sell high (gold)
We will come back, not soon, but we will. It took 8 years to get us into this mess. It will take at least 2 for Senator Clinton or Obama to get us out.

In the mean time, I love my Gold, municipal bonds and utilities.

you did not read my cherry picking doomer post about the Muni bond backing companies being in trouble ?
what most of you novices don't know is for 5 years we've been overpaying for stocks like we have been for gasoline. Now we can buy them for reasonable prices, hopefully a couple thousand points lower soon.

LOL, all the while you called people stupid trailer trash for not playing the market....sheesh...
I pretty much got out before it slumped.. bought a lot of gold last year, etc. I have already made about 30% on my gold :clink:
remember the saying buy low (realestate) sell high (gold)

I sold realestate low, but not at the lowest and I bought gold after it started its way up, but clearly not at its highest. I am up 9% on my Gold, and I sold a lot when I was up at 12%.

Now I plan on buying realestate, sometime close to the inaguration of a new president, and I plan on selling another third of my gold in a while. Ill buy some more mainstreem stocks in a few months when we have found a bottom.

I did not sell at the top, nor did I sell at the bottom. I did not buy at the bottom, nor did I buy at the top. I am making money, not as much as if I were perfect, but enough to make me comfortable with my current retirement plans.
I'm down $100,000 in a couple months, I'm not selling a share. Prob still have 3x what scardy pants usmoron has.